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  • School Run driver runs into teacher
  • edlong
    Free Member

    Re. the “sat on the bonnet” thing, if you watch closely, the car does move (slowly) into the back of his legs – you’ll have all had someone kick the back of your knees out at some point in your lives and you know how that proceeds, simple physics at play. If you want to be overly critical of the teacher, at worst you might judge that when the car nudged his legs he might have been overly willing to let himself fall back onto the bonnet.

    Personally that’s not how it looks but I’ll concede the possibility he didn’t do his utmost to avoid falling backwards. Even if he did though, that’s not unreasonable imho as in that situation, a car pressing into the back of his legs (I repeat, you can see the car move into him on the video BEFORE he “sits” on the car) what do you do? Let yourself fall backwards onto the bonnet as he might have, or try not to and then what? The car’s still coming, if you’re not on top of it there’s a decent chance you’re going under it…

    Just for context and because I haven’t seen it mentioned yet, the driver wasn’t insured to drive the car and also it was sans MOT.

    For further context there was previous between the protagonists, on a previous occasion the guy had ignored the teacher’s instruction that he wasn’t allowed into the (staff) car park and had driven past him. This is perhaps relevant to why the teacher physically stood blocking the driver’s path.

    In my view the appropriate charge for deliberately driving into a pedestrian and then intentionally accelerating with them sprawled on your bonnet is attempted murder.

    Full Member

    stevextc – sounds to me like you own a black Golf with a dint on the bonnet.

    Free Member

    stevextc – Member

    and out of these people vilifying “car people” how many own cars and choose to drive to some trails???

    Well that’s a whole other issue – my nearest trail network is 25 miles away now. My point was that people become detached from themselves when you put them behind the wheel. All that matters is their journey and their car and quite often their sense of aggression or entitlement seems proportional to the size of their car/ inversely proportional to their own physical capabilities.

    Free Member

    You’re completely missing the point. There might not be a homogeneous group of “car people”, but there are sufficient numbers of people driving cars with a sense of entitlement (I’m tempted to suggest a majority of drivers) to make it worth dealing with them as a group. Those who aren’t an issue aren’t an issue and such things wouldn’t apply to them. In the context of wilburt’s comment the bloke in the video and the pensioner who rammed you are “car people” – he’s not referring to people who are into cars, but people who drive cars. Sure those who like cars are probably less of a problem (though possibly more likely to get aggressive at somebody sitting on their bonnet after they’ve nudged them), but there really is a pervasive general problem in our society regarding the attitudes to car use. It’s so ingrained you don’t even notice it and think things are normal.

    It’s nothing at all like the way cyclists are lumped together – that’s used as an excuse to endanger cyclists because you once saw somebody completely different jump a red light on a bike.

    edit: ah, seeing your latest post it looks like you agree with us. I don’t think most of us are in huge disagreement on this point, there’s just been a bit lost in translation.

    Free Member

    No it’s not attempted murder, there was pretty much no chance of killing the teacher and no indication that the driver was actually trying to do so. But given that the driver was already driving illegally, hardly any point just handing out the ban that some were suggesting.

    I find it interesting how often these ‘just a minor driving incident’ people actually have a string of offences to their name. Normal, generally law-abiding, people don’t do these things. Edit: even if they do sometimes exceed the speed limit when they think it’s safe to do so 🙂

    Full Member

    When I was my sons age I walked to school with my little brother… now that is forbidden and you’d find yourself in front of child protection before you could blink…

    Bollocks. I often let my eldest daughter (7) cycle to school by herself while I walk her little sister.

    Both parents working full time is a reality for most unless you live off handouts…

    We don’t.

    Quite honestly my employer would simply put you on a redundancy list of you even mentioned flexi-time…

    Then you’d live off the subsequent tribunal payments quite nicely.

    You are entitled to ask your employer for flexible working and they must deal with such requests in a reasonable manner:

    Last year we made a loss on OH actually working.

    So.. quitting the job and/or moving to a part-time position would have been better?

    Free Member

    and exactly what aracer is talking about here
    Tax, Insurance and licensing along with can’t I just run them over?

    Free Member

    +1. The teacher made that situation a whole lot worse with his behaviour

    By standing there and being hit by the car? Naughty teacher!

    Full Member

    Maybe just get rid of the school entirely and turn it into a car park?

    Free Member

    thecaptain – Member

    No it’s not attempted murder, there was pretty much no chance of killing the teacher and no indication that the driver was actually trying to do so.

    He flies off the bonnet, cracks his skull and dies/has life changing injuries. Very real chance of death or brain trauma when your head meets tarmac.

    edit: ah, seeing your latest post it looks like you agree with us. I don’t think most of us are in huge disagreement on this point, there’s just been a bit lost in translation.

    Pretty much, I just don’t see the label “car people” as being of any use when a huge number of people use cars and often act like dicks.

    Free Member

    He flies off the bonnet, cracks his skull and dies/has life changing injuries. Very real chance of death or brain trauma when your head meets tarmac.

    You need to read up on the legal requirements to bring a murder charge. If the teacher was killed it would be manslaughter.

    Free Member

    thecaptain – Member

    No it’s not attempted murder, there was pretty much no chance of killing the teacher and no indication that the driver was actually trying to do so.
    So driving with a human being sat on your bonnet then driving off rapidly and turning a corner was going to end well was it?
    Supposed the teacher was thrown off and smacked his head on a kerb (like that lady who walked in front of the cyclist in London was hit by the bike and hit her head before dying later) suffering massive head trauma? Its only luck that it didn’t happen.

    Stop trying to defend someone who clearly doesn’t deserve a licence if they have a tantrum when told they can’t do something.
    *edit* beaten by jondoh

    Free Member

    johndoh – Member

    You need to read up on the legal requirements to bring a murder charge. If the teacher was killed it would be manslaughter.

    I’m sure that would be of great comfort to his loved ones 😆

    Free Member

    Has anyone mentioned those two kids that almost had their faces ripped off as he whizzed past.


    Edit : D’ya know – I actually feel quite dirty having used a popular STW meme.

    Free Member

    There doesn’t have to be a “solution” to this as the roads are clearly hatched, marked, lined etc. Those are the traffic regulations, the fact they don’t suit entitled parents is neither here nor there. Even if they did allocate money for a turning/drop off point parents would just abuse it, based on current experiences looking out my classroom window at a secondary.I am not impartial though as I am speaking as somebody who’s 75yo (at the time)Dad got his hip broken by somebody who had parked in his drive,20m from a school. And anybody saying he jumped onto the bonnet needs to catch on to themselves, the car nudges him from behind.

    Free Member

    Supposed the teacher was thrown off and smacked his head on a kerb (like that lady who walked in front of the cyclist in London was hit by the bike and hit her head before dying later) suffering massive head trauma?

    Should’ve been wearing helmets shouldn’t they?*

    *Not really

    Free Member

    I’d go for a copper in plain clothes, or make it law that people can be summarily fined for eg stopping on the zigzgs on the basis of photo evidence.

    Great idea from jonv, I’d love to seen that.

    As with Johndoh I normally park up in a nearby car park and then walk in from there, then back to the car to drive to work (Park’nStride they call it). Lots of other parents could do it, but they prefer to park on the zig-zags….. 👿

    Currently not driving (broken collar bone) so its get up early and a 3/4 hour walk through the woods in their wellies to get to school, wouldn’t want to do it in the pouring rain though……….

    Free Member

    thecaptain is right though, it wouldn’t be attempted murder as for that I’m fairly sure there has to be an intention to kill. I’m not seeing anybody here actually attempting to defend the driver, simply being realistic about the possible charges – from what I read he was convicted of an assault charge, and all the other appropriate offences. He doesn’t appear to have committed any crimes he wasn’t convicted for.

    The comparison with Charlie Alliston is a good one – thanks for giving me the excuse to do the comparison! I agree that the different outcome in these two cases was purely down to luck. Yes, the teacher could have died in this case, I doubt his impact with the ground was any less severe than the pedestrian’s in the other case. Which does make me ponder the difference in sentencing given that really sentencing should be based upon actions not outcomes and I don’t see how this driving was in reality less of a crime than Charlie’s riding.

    Free Member

    Surprised that folk haven’t gone semi-vigilante and setup “You park like a ****” Facebook pages for each school yet

    Free Member

    I’m sure that would be of great comfort to his loved ones

    Of course not, but the court can’t take personal grief into account when setting a charge.

    Full Member

    Agree it’s not “Attempted Murder” but the teacher could have easily have been killed or seriously injured. Looked like he was pretty close to going under the front wheel of the car at one point.

    But we know it’s largely okay to use a vehicle as a weapon in this country (except a fixie) and the social media comments show that plenty of people thought the driver was entirely justified (and some of those people may serve on a jury).

    Free Member

    Teacher or pupil?

    Free Member

    They should be walking by themselves. No kids do though


    I cycled past a whole load of kids walking to school this morning.

    By themselves.

    Just saying.

    OTOH ours wouldn’t walk to school, too young, crap roadside walk with traffic. When they’re at “big school” they get bussed in from where we are.

    Free Member

    The sad thing is, as I’ve already said, there’s so much parking within 100/200 metres. But the driver didn’t want to know. All the parents are regularly told this, but some choose to ignore it.

    Full Member

    crap roadside walk with traffic. When they’re at “big school” they get bussed in from where we are.

    Same here.

    But good to hear there are kids are still getting to primary school by themselves. Presumably this was a less car-dominated environment?

    Free Member

    I do like to think that comments on social media usually show the views of a minority – even on drivers vs cyclists stories. However I’m not so sure in this case that there aren’t a lot of otherwise well adjusted people thinking the teacher deserved it for sitting on the bonnet – there appear to be a few on here (even if some of those are usual suspects). And you’re right, those are the people sitting on juries 😡

    Free Member

    In a spectacularly atypical fit of accidental joined up thinking, our primary school was built right next to a Supermarket and a pedestrian gate knocked through from the car park to the school.

    The school benefit massively from a massive car park which is usually empty at peak school times and the supermarket benefits from all the parents who just nip in and buy a few things whilst they’re already parked in the car park.

    Free Member

    legend – Member

    Go on, try and hide your need to be offended just a little bit

    🙄 I’m going to send a link to this thread to Rainer Schoeman’s twitter account

    Full Member

    I don’t see how this driving was in reality less of a crime than Charlie’s riding.

    Worse I’d say. This was a very deliberate action with intent to harm.

    From what I know of the Charlie Alliston case it was an unfortunate accident that was exacerbated by his illegal lack of brakes (and more so by being a cock).

    Free Member

    So whilst driving your vehicle,

    If you want to stop, but can’t, that’s really bad

    If you don’t want to stop but can, that’s not so bad?

    Free Member

    uselesshippy – Member

    The sad thing is, as I’ve already said, there’s so much parking within 100/200 metres. But the driver didn’t want to know. All the parents are regularly told this, but some choose to ignore it.

    My daughter’s last school was such a massive shit show the PSNI were called by the school on several occasions. Generally the aggression, speeding and dodgy or illegal parking mellowed out for a day or two but as soon as the cops went away the behavior ratcheted back up again. I walked my daughter to the school every single day rain hail or shine but to my amazement the neighbours accross the road used to drive, and their neighbours too. More often than not I would be home and sitting on the sofa to watch them arrive home in their cars. People’s behaviour sometimes defies logic.

    Free Member

    However I’m not so sure in this case that there aren’t a lot of otherwise well adjusted people thinking the teacher deserved it for sitting on the bonnet

    I don’t think they are otherwise well-adjusted at all. I think they are aggressive entitled ****. Like I said, a lot of people who do these sort of thing already have a string of offences to their name.

    Free Member

    But we know it’s largely okay to use a vehicle as a weapon in this country (except a fixie) and the social media comments show that plenty of people thought the driver was entirely justified (and some of those people may serve on a jury).

    More optimistically, in this case, a jury convicted the driver. I know that some of us, when discussing the Charlie Alliston case, complained about unequal treatment. Perhaps if we see more juries willing to convict drivers and some harsher penalties applied, then we will be able to revise that opinion.

    Free Member

    Presumably this was a less car-dominated environment?

    Yes and no.

    No in that the Schools are on a main road, lots of traffic, but with wide pavements and plenty pedestrian crossings and the odd lollipop lady/gentleman.

    Yes in that nearby pedestrian access to various housing estates is all low volume low speed traffic.

    The most dangerous bit is probably the school gate.

    Full Member

    It certainly seemed pretty dangerous in that CCTV footage!

    Free Member

    I know that some of us, when discussing the Charlie Alliston case, complained about unequal treatment.

    Seems odd to do so, he was riding like an entitled dick in a not dissimilar entitled manner to this driver driving like an entitled dick.

    Neither sentence seems unreasonable, which is nice.

    Full Member

    @mrmonkfinger – sounds mostly alright then. I think I would be happy with that. Our is a journey that includes a stretch of very narrow pavement next to a busy 40mph (so lots at 50mph) road. Even the school entrance is on a 40mph road.

    Free Member

    Sorry steve, I’ve ignored you before as I thought I needed to actually check the situation before commenting given you’re clearly a local. So I’ll attempt to answer lots of your points now. I’m not seeing huge amounts of wasted space at this school, where do you think there is some? Similarly the amount of parking looks just about sufficient for staff at a secondary school – there certainly isn’t anywhere near enough spare to enable parents to use it, and nor do you want typical entitled driving parents mixing it on school property with kids cycling. The trouble with a drop off area is that it will just immediately become full of people parking, so unless it’s big it won’t do much good. As I wrote, typical schools don’t have huge amounts of spare space, and if they do they don’t have much money and land is valuable…

    There does already appear to be parking on Inkerman way? What is the problem with that (apart from that the drivers presumably find it inconvenient to get to given it’s dead ended)? The crematorium is an interesting suggestion, but I’m sure it’s not all that simple to take land from there, and if it was land is valuable and councils don’t have much money… What’s wrong with the parking at the tennis courts?

    Well first the tennis court parking … you need to see it on the ground but its up a huge ramp…
    I’ve parked there when we have had weekend parties a the school (it’s a specialist sports school and has some commercial activities)

    Inkerman is now residents only I think (from memory being a dead end I don’t go down it) after the locals presumably complained about parents parking .. it doesn’t NEED to be a dead end… it’s just lack of joined up thinking…

    As I said none would allow a supermarket to be built without provision for parking…
    Our local big Sainsbury’s (other side of that school) for example has to provide parking.. it’s also on bus routes but the planners insist on provision of parking.
    The new school currently being built on the A320 to Guildford is being built WITHOUT but also on the premise that everyone lives in central woking and will be able to walk down the nice green space they are creating…

    The actual parking at our kids school just down the road is designated residents only from 8AM to 9AM … specifically preventing it being used… the local pub used to let parents park but then got all HSSE … but really they need a drop-off not parking… if you look in satellite view there is loads of space that is trees… regrettable to cut them down but better than a kid being killed.

    Though all this is a load of whataboutery. Generally the reason problems occur isn’t because it’s not possible for drivers to do the right thing, but because they can’t be bothered. We don’t have a bad parking problem at our local school, but where people are idiots it’s because they can’t be bothered walking another 200m from the designated parking at the local Chinese restaurant which always has space.

    As I said the kids school used to have an agreement with the local pub/premier inn…
    as lets face it not many people are going for a beer at 8AM…. but then they got a HSSE risk assessment and withdrew. (Basically if and when an accident happened they didn’t want it to be on THEIR land)

    Last year was a nightmare… OH was working as a supply teacher … and the most stressful part of our lives was constantly working out how Jnr got to/from school.. Neither of our families are from anywhere close… but we had a terrible week to week existance and it cost us more than OH earned.

    Anyway… the point is they don’t need parking they need a drop off zone… if they make it first 5 minutes free then charge by the minute after I’m sure it would encourage people to just drop off…
    There are doubtless some parents who saunter in in Range Rovers then drive back to let the cleaner in… but that wouldn’t be the typical profile for this school, rather most of the parents are dropping off the kids then have to drive to work.

    What’s more, the school in question is a secondary school. Kids don’t need escorting into the school (I no longer escort my Y6 son). Either they can make their own way so avoiding driving altogether (how far are people coming from – our local high schools have kids walking/cycling from several miles away, it’s 5 miles for us and there is a bus?), or there are plenty of places where parents can drop them off within easy walking distance, no need for a specific drop off spot.

    This is a specialist school for depending on your take the academically challenged or athletically gifted.
    Based on current athletic performance there is no reason Jnr couldn’t go except he won’t because its a non academic school… however the catchment is pretty large for kids who are gifted at sports but challenged academically… it is however in a bit of a nightmare location for anyone to get to.

    I’ve driven much further than you to go to Swinley (far enough it really was impractical to cycle). I also often enough drive places that are within cycling distance. However it’s not specifically the driving I have an issue with – it’s the being an arse with driving there and parking when you get somewhere. I’m sure you’re not going to be an arse so I don’t see what you think the problem is.

    I don’t have a problem paying my £2 or £4 at Swinley… but though we could cycle it is far from simple and we’d lose half a day’s cycling… but we are choosing to go to Swinley (or elsewhere) … We don’t *need* to… but imagine the chaos if Swinley had no parking? (It can be bad enough as it is but at least they planned it)

    As NickC said… (and this doesn’t need to be applied to the specific driver in the post) the combination makes for normally reasonable people acting unreasonably and like dicks…

    Its all about perspective… to me the idiots walking their dog along designated cycling trails are acting like dicks.. to them we are acting like dicks going round as fast as we can…why don’t we just ride round at a leisurely and safe pace? I had a terrifying near incident on the bottom of red 25 with a fluffy terrier thing attacking my bike… I bunny hopped the thing but realistically I should have actually just ploughed through it from my own safety perspective… the landing was not as bad as it could have been but it was also pretty close to serious injury… I was pretty shocked at the time and stopped only to be verily assaulted by the dogs owner calling me a “dick” (and plenty of other choice words)
    From yours or my perspectivce I can’t think of a more stupid place to let a dog that attacks bikes run free… the fact there has only been one death on red 25 is quite possibly more luck than anything… as its got a lot of potential for bad things to happen. You and I both know that my ability to change direction in mid-air is very limited… from the dog owners perspective why are we going so fast we leave the ground…??? if we must cycle then why can’t we do it at <5mph….

    I’m no expert on ground nesting birds but I really don’t think bikers sticking to trails will actually make much difference… presumably they just nest further from the actual trail… however I also think we are incredibly lucky Crown Estates even let us cycle, let alone let the pixies build trails…so I class those ignoring the closed trails as “dicks”… I tend to agree it won’t have a impact on ground nesting birds but regardless it could see us all banned.

    Was the dog owner being a “dick” ..?? IMHO yes… but outside this stressful (and self created IMHO) situation she might be a lovely person… she just doesn’t understand why we want to not only cycle fast but do it off roads… though I suspect on her DRIVE home the dog sits on the front seat and barks at the selfish cyclists on the roads…. 👿

    Full Member

    to my amazement the neighbours accross the road used to drive, and their neighbours too. More often than not I would be home and sitting on the sofa to watch them arrive home in their cars.

    Yup. We pass one of my daughter’s friends houses on our walk to school and regularly say hello as she is being bundled into the car, only to say hello again at the school as she is being bundled back out the car.

    Just checked on Google Maps, from her house to the school gate is a distance of 321 metres by foot!

    (and yes, they are able-bodied)

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    duckman » based on current experiences looking out my classroom window at a secondary.

    Teacher or pupil?

    Posted 33 minutes ago # Report-Post

    Chapeau…knob! 🙂

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