I lost out to a mate at our village primary when there had to be an election as they had too many wannabes, and MrsMC was a governor at son’s secondary school.
If you are genuinely interested in trying to do the best you can for the pupils and the school, I’d certainly say it was worth looking into. It does bring responsibility – the primary school got pulled up by Ofsted for “not having a current safeguarding policy” when the governors hadn’t got around to signing off the new version before the old one had expired. Imagine how that went down on social media!
You may be the youngest governor, but I’d say that was a good thing, if anything.
Secondary was more challenging, especially as MrsMC was a governor when MCJnr was chair of the student committee, so I literally got to hear both sides of the arguments!
Even if this isn’t the right time/role for you, suspect there’s a few other local groups who could use your time and experience.