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  • Say how much? Taylor Swift ticket content..
  • mattyfez
    Free Member

    Tiny Desk Concert

    She’s playing a Gibson there rather than a Taylor… I always thought it quite amusing that her name is Taylor, and Taylor is one of the top 4 guitar manufactures in the world….it’s not supprising she plays thier guitars a lot, it just kinda makes sense, and possibly says something about her integrity that shes not locked herself into an exclusive sponsership deal with Taylor guitars.

    Full Member

    Daughter and friend just got back from the last Edinburgh show. To say they had the best weekend is an understatement. They flew up from Bristol and loved the whole experience. The whole city was filled with swiftie stuff and sounds pretty cool to be honest.

    their tickets were £110 each ( admittedly up in the gods!)

    interesting note, they met some girls from Toronto who had flown to Scotland, had 4 days of holiday and the gig and spent the same money as it would have cost them to go to the Toronto date!

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