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  • Say how much? Taylor Swift ticket content..
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    Or listen to commercial radio, or Radio 1 for a bit

    We’ve had “Capitol Taylor “ as the default station for the last few days.  Non stop Swift. Daughter’s tickets aren’t until Aug!

    I’ve found the DJ function on Spotify has been great in throwing up new artists for me to enjoy as well as the bands I already play a lot of.

    Full Member

    My two teenage daughters went last night, they both had tickets they bought themselves with money they saved from their weekend jobs.

    They both are quite clear, yesterday was the best day of their lives.  They are buzzing. Worth every penny as far as they are concerned. My eldest is going back tonight as well for second show.

    Full Member

    At 3.5 hrs and 46 songs, you can’t complain she doesn’t put effort in to entertain as long as she can.

    Full Member

    At 3.5 hrs and 46 songs, you can’t complain she doesn’t put effort in to entertain as long as she can.

    Sounds like a Black Rebel Motorcycle Club gig, we had to leave while they were still on their nth encore

    Feel like a bad husband not getting my wife tickets, and like other big gigs in Edinburgh recently (Harry Styles perhaps?) it’s hard to argue with the general positive vibe surrounding it.

    Free Member

    At 3.5 hrs and 46 songs, you can’t complain she doesn’t put effort in to entertain as long as she can.

    Amateur effort. The Ramones could knock out 46 songs in an hour at a gig.

    Free Member

    £400 per hour, or £39 a song is that?

    Thing is, now people have been paying these ridiculous amounts, for the time of their lives!! woo!! it’ll continue. And there’s no way it’s anything like value for money for a few hours entertainment in anyone’s language. But its part of the culture now, so punters will continue to be ripped off.

    Full Member

    Maybe I need to make it my weekend mission to actually listen to some of her work. It would be pretty amazing of  her if she is did hit the spot with this old man who listens to lots of bagpipes and Celtic fusion AND is popular for the female teenage market. But she might just be that good and I don’t know!

    You should. I’m not generally a pop fan but I think she’s great. Totally different artist to the Love Story days and really developed as a song writer. Avoid the big hits and go for a deep cuts playlist. If you hate it at least you’ve tried.

    Ticket prices no different to big sporting events. Euro’s tickets to watch Scotland lose  their matches are £200+ each.

    Free Member

    The bands I go and see can normally be found near the bar. It’s more, ‘Excuse me, can I get to the bar please’ than meet and greet. 😀

    Claim-to-fame Alert!

    That’s how I met Skin from Skunk Anansie. My girlfriend at the time and I were at a pub, sitting at the bar. We got chatting to her, and had no idea who she was. After a while she said “Sorry, I have to go, my band is on” and off she went and they put in a great set.
    Only twigged who she and they were when I bought a copy of Paranoid & Sunburnt a year later.

    Full Member

    it’s never been easier to hear a wide range of music. Tidal, Spotify, Deezer etc all have versions of new music Friday playlists. It can. send you down some great musical rabbit holes.

    Free Member

    Please let us know who your favourite artist are, so we can all point at you and sneer at you for your execrable taste in music

    ooh bit touchy aren’t you! Just because I think her music is pretty awful doesn’t mean I’m sneering at it. It’s not my cup of tea but I can appreciate that many hundreds of thousands of people love it. My post was comment on the fact my partner had spent 1400 quid on two tickets to see her, which imo is frankly ridiculous. But it’s her cash so she can do what she wants!

    as you ask, my music tastes include oasis, stone roses, black crowes, basically nothing that’s been released recently. And no, I wouldn’t consider paying anywhere close to 700 quid to see them either!

    Free Member

    And in defense of ms swift, 46 songs and a 3.5 hr set certainly seems like an amazing show (if you like her music)

    Full Member

    Not sure where everyone is getting these crazy prices from. My daughter paid £120 and got this view


    Full Member

    My daughter paid £120 and this view

    The irony of a phone taking a photo of a phone taking a photo of the reason everyone was there! 🙂

    Coldplay (so I’m told – wasn’t there) did a song on their last tour where they pleaded for everyone to put their phones away and just be in the moment.

    Full Member

    I have to take the odd photo otherwise I’m never sure if I went or not. But that’s called being senile, not a young thing.

    Full Member

    The irony of a phone taking a photo of a phone taking a photo of the reason everyone was there!

    Jeesus, this place is depressing sometimes.

    Surely the people / kids who were actually there are better judges of value for money and user experience than a bunch of grumpy Internet commentators who should really be out on their bikes instead

    Full Member

    Anti – Hero is one of my favourite songs eva.

    Taylor is a talented lady who appeals to many generations. She comes across as a properly nice person. It’s a shame I can’t afford a ticket.

    As for Beyonce – I just don’t get it/her/the music/the adulation. But we all have different tastes.

    Best band I ever saw live was ‘Stereophonics.

    Best live singer – Tom Jones.

    Best live performer – Elton John (in the 70’s and early 80’s)

    Free Member

    Both my daughters have informed me they would happily forgo a 5k family holiday for the opportunity to take that photo!

    Full Member

    Jeesus, this place is depressing sometimes.

    Surely the people / kids who were actually there are better judges of value for money and user experience than a bunch of grumpy Internet commentators who should really be out on their bikes instead

    Sadly I shouldn’t be on a bike….I should be working!

    But my comment was not a reflection simply about young’uns or even swifties. I’m sure you’ve seen the photos of middle aged cycling fans that have dragged their sorry arses to nearly the top of a grand tour stage and stayed out overnight to see their heroes go past, only to watch it via a 5 inch phone screen.

    No, I feel pretty entitled to have my say thanks. As a species we have lost our way – slave to the phone and our rather sad need to be able to generate evidence that we were there for social media gratification and a dollop of dopamine. We’ve collectively turned ourselves into shallow fried turds.

    Free Member

    Both my daughters have informed me they would happily forgo a 5k family holiday for the opportunity to take that photo!

    Parents want to relax by going on holiday to sun bake themselves like pink salmon.

    Children, full of energy, want to have something exciting and to experience the world in order to upload visual senses to their memory bank.

    Nothing is cheap nowadays.

    As a kid to early teen, my parents always took me back to their hometown for holiday or to visit grandparents, while my main concern was only about exploring exciting things or to play with friends.  Put it this way, it was so so so boring at my grandparents home where holiday means a house surrounded by forest.  The only excitement was insects (giant dragon fly of about 6 inches), wild animals, wind blowing the trees, rain and fish.  Not even a sight of other children around to play with.  It was so so boring.   Now I wish I was there again to get out of the rat race. LOL!

    Full Member

    As a species we have lost our way – slave to the phone and our rather sad need to be able to generate evidence that we were there for social media gratification and a dollop of dopamine. We’ve collectively turned ourselves into shallow fried turds.

    Be honest, most of us were off our faces and have very little recall of the gigs we saw when we were younger. I don’t know if that’s better or worse than social media and permanently frozen memories on screens, but the kids are alright.

    Free Member

    “my music tastes include oasis, stone roses, black crowes,”

    Black Crowes released a new album a few weeks ago and have just played here. To compare them with TS, it’s about £70 for their cheapest ticket and that got you 17 songs and less than 2 hours on stage. I’ve seen them a few times, last time was about 11 years ago and that ticket was about £30. Gigs are expensive now, not all gigs but bigger name acts seem to be. We’re going to see Beth Gibbons this week at the Usher Hall, think tickets were about £35.

    Full Member

    When I was a young ‘un I saw Family, Third Ear Band, John Fayeh, Rolling Stones, Blind Faith, the Clash, and countless other bands FOR FREE! Can’t imagine that happening nowadays. NB just back from a ride.

    Free Member

    I really enjoyed it last night, I’m no swifty but my daughters are, we paid £100 per ticket which was a bargain for a 3.5 hr set. I admire her as she a good role model for my daughters and she (within reason) seems to be genuinely nice. The show was flawless and  the crowd was  amazing. Being mostly female and not drunk the atmosphere was overwhelmingly positive and friendly, which was great. The other thing was my ears not ringing afterwards which was surprising as I had 72000 fans all screaming around me!.  The news claim that she will boost the economy in Edinburgh by around £77million in just 3 days which is extraordinary and I can see why, even the Uber driver was looking forward to the increase in fares!!. As a bonus we saw the riders going north on the M6 on the way back which was a sight to behold.

    Free Member

    I was visiting a friend last night who lives two streets away from Murrayfield stadium, I couldn’t hear anything 🙁 🙁

    (I was poised and ready to buy tickets the second they released, but didn’t get through the online queue)

    Full Member

    I was considering going to UFC 304 in Manchester – tickets just gone on sale, from £530-odd quid. F*** that.

    Free Member

    500 quid a pop for euros tickets for Scotland Germany according to my mate. I guess those spending that kind of money on Taylor swift will at least enjoy a decent performance..

    Free Member

    Everything is expensive these days:

    Cycling, concerts, football tournaments, other football matches, most sporting events, holidays, cars, houses, food, even a night out can easily be £100 – how I long for the days when I was at uni and there was price war on vodka & coke which got down to 19p….. (actually no, can’t touch the stuff since then lol). But I don’t go on about it, just the usual that poor people, as usual, get left behind and miss out on almost everything really good in life. And arrogant people.

    Full Member

    I don’t know why people bother travelling all that way to see her live when you can sit in front of your computer & watch a virtual version which is just as good. Google ‘Taylor Zwift’. 😕


    Full Member

    Coldplay (so I’m told – wasn’t there) did a song on their last tour where they pleaded for everyone to put their phones away and just be in the moment.

    I went to a Skepta gig a few years ago where everyone had to hand their phones over as they went in and they were placed in little locking sleeves, which blocked  the phone signal. You got it unlocked when you left at the end of the night. It was ace! No annoying phones being held up in front of you

    Can’t see you being able to do that with the size of Taylor Swifts audience though. Can you imagine the queues to get your phone unlocked at the end of the night. Plus they’d have to order in a few hundred thousand of them, at least 😂

    Full Member

    When I was a young ‘un I saw Family, Third Ear Band, John Fayeh, Rolling Stones, Blind Faith, the Clash, and countless other bands FOR FREE! Can’t imagine that happening nowadays

    Back then those bands would have been making money selling albums. Nowadays if you’re a band and you have 6 million streams on Spotify you get about 27p

    Gigs are the only way bands can make money, hence the ticket prices. The rest of their recorded output is now essentially free, so swings and roundabouts and all that

    Full Member

    Gigs are the only way bands can make money, hence the ticket prices. The rest of their recorded output is now essentially free, so swings and roundabouts and all that

    Yeah, think Lewis Capaldi said the same, minute he hit fame he had a world tour and made a fortune through that, hence why he’s a bit burnt out now, most bands/singers have to strike while they’re hot, Swift is just a whole different class, i doubt money even comes into her head these days, she’s been building bigger and better tours every time, pushing her music writing and so on, she’s certainly not coasting along like most folk do, so you have to admire her, and she’s also hit the forbes billionaire list as well, but again, i honestly think when they’re at her level, do they even think money anymore, she’ll have someone worry about that stuff for her i’d bet.

    Full Member

    THat’s darn good doing 3 1/2 hours – you are lucky to get 90 to 120 minutes with most artists.  Not to my taste, but many tickets now are around £100

    Full Member

    Tiny Desk Concert

    Full Member

    *sigh* Those were the days…

    Full Member

    To be fair, 50p in Chippenham is pretty much £100 anywhere else in the UK 🤣

    Free Member

    Update..apparently it was the greatest night ever, and the best 1400 quid ever spent.

    And whilst id personally prefer some new carbon wheels, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people in Edinburgh all looking so happy (when I picked them up afterwards)

    sounds like it’s was an amazing weekend for all her fans.

    Full Member

    edinburgh folk happy??? there’ll be a backlash I fear, hope the women’s refuges don’t get overrun…

    (disclaimer, Embra born and bred…)

    Free Member

    Forget Swift . We have the Wurzels (Free Entry) at SevernFest 24.


    Free Member

    As a species we have lost our way – slave to the phone and our rather sad need to be able to generate evidence that we were there for social media gratification and a dollop of dopamine. We’ve collectively turned ourselves into shallow fried turds.

    I think you’ve wandered in from the Weekend Riding Pictures thread.

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