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  • Say how much? Taylor Swift ticket content..
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     £700 not so much unless VIP means meet and greet, catering etc

    The bands I go and see can normally be found near the bar. It’s more, ‘Excuse me, can I get to the bar please’ than meet and greet. 😀

    Free Member

    My daughter is going to one of the London concerts, we managed to secure 4 tickets for essentially £600, of which at least £120 was booking fees etc. It involved a rather fraught morning as my daughter was convinced her peers who didn’t really like Miss Swift would get tickets whilst her useless father would screw up. Her misgivings were not entirely without foundation, we were in a holiday let in the highlands of Scotland and I was using a borrowed Apple laptop – and I hadn’t used an Apple computer in 30 years. When our number in queue came up, my daughter’s sense of despondency got worse, but I was pretty confident and tickets were secured in spite of some slip ups due to lack of familiarity with Apple interface. She’s into the whole bracelet thing and apparently one’s outfit requires a lot of thought.

    I think there is a lot of admire about Miss Swift, she gives money to local causes where she holds concerts, she gave enough to a food bank in one city to fund 125,000 meals, it is good PR when people find out about it but she doesn’t need to do it. She stands up for her right to her intellectual property and she is generous with her fan base.

    There is a specific tax regime for Artists and Sportsmen, which I have never looked at in depth, but it will capture a fair bit of income – Usain Bolt never used to run in UK athletic events (other than major events which have to be exempted from the regime under the hosting agreement} because it would cost him money. It is not like the old days. Whilst it would be an exaggeration to say tax avoidance was responsible for the early global tours, it was a major motivation.

    Full Member

    I’ve turned up early before and ended up shifting a heavy flight case. I’m not paying £700 extra for that.

    Full Member

    Yeah right LOL!!! Every single person going would pay £700 if they would get to meet her personally.

    I’d rather meet number 37 but again probably not for £700

    Full Member

    Pearl Jam – £120 for shit tickets at the back!!!

    If other bands would’ve backed them when they took Ticketmaster to court prices may not have risen so much. The last time I saw them it was £40.


    Not ashamed to admit that I am a fan. Saw her in London in 2018 and it was a good show – really interesting contrast to the Mogwai show I saw the night before.

    She’s a gifted musician and songwriter and I’m happy to have her in the mix alongside all the “cool and alternative” gubbins I also listen to.

    No hate from me – just sad I couldn’t the Mrs a ticket as she’s a proper fan.

    Full Member

    the mother however, yes she gets reminded of this every day. Pay back for the many times she told me spending 400 quid on a ceramic speed bb/500 quid on a seatpost that goes and down a bit/ numerous tyres that cost more than the ones on her car etc etc etc were a complete waste of cash!!

    Served ice-cold, chapeau!

    Full Member

    At least Taylor Swift is relevant(as well as being an incredible talent). It looks like one hell of a show too.

    As a comparison you should check out the ticket prices for the tired old has-beens milking it on ‘comeback’ gigs

    The Eagles ticket prices at the arena started at £120 a pop (for the seats at the back like you’re watching it on telly) most tickets are multiple hundreds and the VIP jobs are thousands. Aren’t half of them dead? So you’re essentially watching a tribute act made up of random pensioners shuffling around a stage

    Full Member

    im dreading having to pick them up after the gig, getting in and out of Edinburgh will be an absolute disaster (thanks ScotRail for not putting on any additional trains past 10.30)

    Boring anecdote alert….

    For works purposes, I was reading some random article about Uber’s surge pricing algorithm, and the article cited what happened to Uber prices in New York when Swift played Madison Square Garden.

    The gig ended later than planned and lots of gig goers transport plans were thrown into chaos, which led to Uber ride quotes very quickly escalating by something approaching 1600% as demand shot up…you have been warned!

    Free Member

    Great, love that @binners! One for Scooter Braun’s dining room methinks

    Full Member

    Pay your money and all that, it’ll be £1400 well spent for them i’d say, they’ll have memories and stories and so on, can’t really dislike Taylor Swift, she is like this generations michael jackson and madonna in terms of singer songwriter pop, she is about as smart as anyone in the business, and built and planned this tour with the kind of ability of the apple and tesla sales teams!

    Can’t really hate on talent, there’s enough of the opposite of TayTay on onlyfans, celebrity wifeswap and all that stuff!

    Free Member

    I paid £60 to see St. Vincent at the Royal Albert Hall last week.

    it was a cracking gig. I was a bit disappointed that Taylor didn’t put in a guest appearance to sing “Cruel Summer”!

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    Full Member

    The Eagles ticket prices

    The legacy act ticket prices really grind my gears. They have enough money to keep every one of their descendants in a life of luxury until the end of time, so it really is a cash grab for them.

    Full Member

    The concert is on Disney plus!

    And it’s very well done.

    I think she’s damn good tbh and I really thought I didn’t like her music before I listened to midnights.

    Full Member

    I think she’s damn good tbh

    1989 is an absolute pop masterpiece

    Free Member

    £1400 for 2 tickets 😳

    I was a professional musician for 18 years. It was rare that I earned £1400 in a month 🙈

    Full Member

    Not a fan personally but can still applaud the talent. Not particularly keen on the way she milks her fans, and I’m excluding ticket prices. Kids are fans, seems that when an album is released there are then multiple ways to “possibly win” tickets to see Taylor but but this version of the same album you already bought.

    As an aside, family are going to Liverpool next Thursday to see her. We watch a lot of live music so not overly annoyed about the ticket prices.

    Full Member

    Now aside from the fact I can’t see the appeal of her awful music in the slightest, I’m reliably informed that Taylor treats her fans amazingly well, but I’d argue those prices are taking the pee pee a bit. I remember seeing U2 back in the day for about 25 quid.

    Please let us know who your favourite artist are, so we can all point at you and sneer at you for your execrable taste in music.

    You could, on the other hand, accept the fact that there are hundreds of artists out there, most of whom you won’t have heard of, and a very large percentage of those you have you won’t like.

    It’s certainly true in my case, but the only stuff I actually consider to be crap is the cookie-cutter producer led garbage on much of commercial radio these days.

    I actually quite like much of Taylor’s music, along with Lana Del Ray, they’re both good song writers and singers, and Taylor is very involved with her fanbase.

    If you all want to blame anyone for ticket prices, blame Ticketmaster and Live Nation – they hold a near monopoly on venues and ticket prices, also demanding a significant share of the merchandise price as well.

    It doesn’t help that some venues sell tickets as pairs, making it very difficult to find a single ticket. I had that problem when I tried to get a ticket for TOOL at The O2, finally found a single return in the block at the back, which cost me £125. Cheap compared to Peter Gabriel at The O2, which had a similar situation with tickets in pairs – I found a single ticket close to the front on the end of a row, which cost £350!
    When I saw Kate Bush at Hammersmith, I bought three tickets, with no idea at all where they were situated, turned out I got front row centre, at £149 each, which considering the quality of the performance, and it being the only time she’s ever going to play, was worth every penny.

    Tickets for Led Zeppelin at Earls Court on the Physical Graffiti Tour cost me £2.50 each…

    TOOL, on Monday – a good view, but having my monocular with me helped me see what they were up to…

    Free Member

    It’s interesting how much her songwriting has matured since the ‘Shake It Off’ days and certainly since the country and western stuff. There’s some really good tracks on the new album…especially on the 31 track Anthology version. She’ll never be everyone’s cup of tea but she can play piano and guitar, write her own songs, and puts the effort in to make sure a lot of people enjoy her shows so I can’t knock that.

    Free Member

    ” Kids are fans, seems that when an album is released there are then multiple ways to “possibly win” tickets to see Taylor but but this version of the same album you already bought.”

    We bought a vinyl version of “Midnights” and that provided a priority code which got us tickets, I don’t think that is too bad a way to get tickets to real fans. Yes, there are multiple different vinyl colours and the real obsessive will have to have every one, but that’s life.

    Full Member

    “My first gig – Iron Maiden, Beast on the Road tour – £2.75.”

    There was rampant inflation in the early 1980s too.   It was £3.50 when I saw them a year later on World Piece. That’s a 27% increase in 1 year. Eddie was right to do in Thatcher.

    Full Member

    If you all want to blame anyone for ticket prices, blame Ticketmaster and Live Nation

    isnt it more a case that streaming has cut revenue from music sales so touring is the money spinner?

    Back in the 70s/80s record sales & radio plays generated income, tours were lucky to break even and seem as promotion of the latest album to generate ££.

    Wife & daughter got tickets for c£170 at Wembley- don’t feel so bad knowing people forked out £700! They looked at hotels to stay (after the crush/ panic of missing last  train after Harry Styles last year) the premier inn at Wembley were £1700 for the Taylor nights

    Re tax- read an article this week re the difference for uk artists playing in USA vs US artists playing here. If a foreign artist comes to UK, plays their gigs in a certain amount of time or arriving & buggers offf there’s no cost. Whereas. Uk artists have to pay for visas every time they visit the US (previously visas lasted a year).

    Rather aptly I came in from Scouts tonight & they’re watching (again) Eras!

    Full Member

    I had the offer of a Foo Fighters ticket at Manc in Aug.. Legit, cost price as paid by someone I know who now can’t make it.    It’s just too much.

    I squirmed at the £105 for Joe Bonamassa at the Albert Hall earlier this year (pleb tickets at that) though to be fair he was excellent and I’ll do the same again.

    Iron Maiden last year at at Brum were about £73 each after booking gouge etc. That almost seems cheap compared to many.

    Want value ?  Florence Black + 2x support bands at KK’s Steel Mill a couple of months back. Fecken brilliant gig, good sound quality, proper upcoming talented lads from The Valleys. Hope they become HUGE. all for £14.   Fourteen quid !  And about £3.in a local municipal car park, not the typical venue gouging like the NEC

    FOURTEEN QUID.   + beer was sensibly priced, cup of tea £2, burger or hot dong maybe £3 or something like that.

    Full Member

    If we’re gonna play boring old men shouting at clouds here’s my contribution. Evening was warm, beer was cold, cheap and brought to you where you were sat/stood.

    I’d genuinely love to go and see Taylor Swift.


    Free Member

    If you were a real Taylor Swift fan, you’d look at the price and shake it off. 😉

    Full Member

    I hated Cruel Summer, one of the worst earworms! It literally woke me up one night with the chorus running round in my head on repeat. Anti Hero is okay for a pop song, was listening to the lyrics on the radio at work and thought it sounded a bit deep for sodding Heart FM.

    Free Member

    I squirmed at the £105 for Joe Bonamassa at the Albert Hall earlier this year (pleb tickets at that) though to be fair he was excellent and I’ll do the same again.

    Get a day ticket for Black Deer next Friday and you can see him again for £95. They’ll even throw in The Shires, Jade Bird and Courtney Barnett, along with a few others.

    Free Member

    This whole thread is basically old men shouting at clouds, you do realise that?

    Meanwhile there are a lot of young people who are going to have the time of their lives (at least up till now anyway!), have been talking and thinking about it for months and will be talking and thinking about it for months afterwards, no matter how many grumpy old people tell them they won’t!

    This exactly. Exactly

    I’ve seen a few decent concerts in my time but nothing recently, particularly with the higher prices. I choose (or actually it’s my bank account) not to go, fair enough, but I bet they are great gigs to be there and see it live. There are a few on YouTube with mostly acceptable quality and it looks great. You just can’t get to that level without having talent and the ability to put on such a show.

    And I’m surprised nobody’s mentioned it yet, but she is fit.

    Free Member

    This whole thread is basically old men shouting at clouds, you do realise that?

    Meanwhile there are a lot of young people who are going to have the time of their lives (at least up till now anyway!), have been talking and thinking about it for months and will be talking and thinking about it for months afterwards, no matter how many grumpy old people tell them they won’t!

    ‘the price of everything and the value of nothing’. I suspect they’ll have a brilliant time so good luck to them.

    Full Member

    hot dong maybe £3 or something like that.

    Should have had two at that price.

    Full Member

    This is not some sort of I’m too cool to listen to Ms Swift post….honest.

    But I genuinely don’t know how I would have, and it (slightly) troubles me. I listen to 95%+ of my musical input through Spotify. It’s a bit of an echo chamber isn’t it – I listen to what I know and it suggests stuff I might like based on that. She is never going to appear on any of those playlists. The remaining few percent of my listening is R6 – would she ever appear on R6? I don’t work in an environment where there is a radio on in the background. I spend <10mins a month in a shop with Musak on in the background. I genuinely don’t know how I’d have heard her work. I guess it could have been used in the soundtrack of a film/TV series I’ve watched maybe…..

    I’m not too fussed about her music. Maybe I’d care more if I knew what it sounded like. But it does concern me that my consumption of music is coming from a smaller and smaller pool. Maybe that’s a 50 yr old + thing.  It’s just slightly odd that I have access to such a vast vast resource like Spotify yet it does not seem to open me up to new material in the way that it could/should.

    Free Member

    I’m not too fussed about her music. Maybe I’d care more if I knew what it sounded like. But it does concern me that my consumption of music is coming from a smaller and smaller pool. Maybe that’s a 50 yr old + thing.  It’s just slightly odd that I have access to such a vast vast resource like Spotify yet it does not seem to open me up to new material in the way that it could/should.

    im not a Spotify officianado – but would it not be easy to type Taylor Swift into its search bar, removing the curiosity on what you are missing and potentially broadening the basis the algorithm uses for recommending new stuff?  Or is that your fear – that contaminating your Spotify profile will mean you actually leave your echo chamber?

    Full Member

    im not a Spotify officianado – but would it not be easy to type Taylor Swift into its search bar, removing the curiosity on what you are missing and potentially broadening the basis the algorithm uses for recommending new stuff? Or is that your fear – that contaminating your Spotify profile will mean you actually leave your echo chamber

    I could. If I cared. But as I say, I don’t care that much.

    But you missed the point – there is a whole strat of popular but less well known artists than a mega stars like Swift whose name you somehow know through osmosis who I might like but don’t even know the name of to type into a search bar.

    Maybe I need to make it my weekend mission to actually listen to some of her work. It would be pretty amazing of  her if she is did hit the spot with this old man who listens to lots of bagpipes and Celtic fusion AND is popular for the female teenage market. But she might just be that good and I don’t know!

    Full Member

    I’m not too fussed about her music. Maybe I’d care more if I knew what it sounded like. But it does concern me that my consumption of music is coming from a smaller and smaller pool.

    Or listen to commercial radio, or Radio 1 for a bit. You might hate it (OK, we all hate the adverts on commercial radio) but at least you’ll know.

    Or have some teenagers, or increasingly tweenagers. They broaden your taste (although I’m slowly winning with my daughter or at least meeting her in the middle somewhere….she’s a big fan of The Bug Club, not so much TWP yet although she did take her Dad to see them in Brum last year)

    Full Member

    With amusing timing I was in the car with someone yesterday listening to some synthy pop, I thought hmmm this is ok wondering what it was, it sounded like a mellow take on some of the post Empire of the Sun or Naked and Famous 80s style stuff. Guess who’s new album it was. Without knowing who it was I was quite happy listening to it, thought it was pretty good tbh. Along those lines I thought Lady Gaga was great at what she did too. Quality music of any genre is ok with me – big difference between this and some of the mindless mainstream dirge I hear.

    Free Member

    Managed to get 2 last minute tickets for wife and 13-year-old daughter to go to the Edinburgh show last night. £160 a head, but totally decent seats considering what some people forked out. My father’s day present had better be Earth-shattering.

    I find her music largely shrug-inducing, but that’s totally irrelevant, because it’s not for me. Also, she does at least have genuine talent as a performer and song-writer. She also puts in a Hell of a shift at her live shows: 3+ hours last night.

    Free Member

    I’ve a friend who played guitar for an act that was supporting the 1975 last year. Taylor came to the London shows and Jamie met her and got a selfie. He seemed chuffed, his girlfriend was miffed because she chose the wrong night to go and missed her. Not the best story but I’ve nothing more to add about TS.

    Full Member

    I genuinely don’t know how I would have, and it (slightly) troubles me.

    If I’m in the car or van, I’ll almost always be listening to MFR – certainly for short, local journeys.

    Full Member

    hot dong maybe £3 or something like that.

    Should have had two at that price.”

    Maybe I did 🙄.

    Did I mention I keep breaking spokes and the rims have cracked on the road bike. Can’t think why  😖

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