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  • Say how much? Taylor Swift ticket content..
  • mrbadger
    Free Member

    My other half bought 2 tickets for Taylor swift in Edinburgh. The only ones she could get (back when they were released) were £700 quid..each!!😳 now granted they were vip, which apparently means you get to avoid queuing with the plebs and you get a small gift box with a poster and lanyard (total cost must be about a tenner), but a few of my mates daughterS are going and even normal tickets are about 200 quid.

    Now aside from the fact I can’t see the appeal of her awful music in the slightest, I’m reliably informed that Taylor treats her fans amazingly well, but I’d argue those prices are taking the pee pee a bit. I remember seeing U2 back in the day for about 25 quid.

    Back to the 1400 quid my oh spent, it didn’t go down well when I pointed out she could have bought me a nice set of carbon wheels for that..

    Free Member

    Fingers crossed they are genuine – load of posts on Facebook selling non existent Taylor Swift tickets.

    Full Member

    You can come and sit in my front room & listen to the gig for £50. For a £100 I’ll open the window for you.

    Free Member

    But most tickets for bigger artists are comfortably £120+ these days so the £200 for a Taylor Swift ticket isn’t massively overpriced compared to the wider market (although I agree tickets prices are a bit rich these days).

    Then there’s ‘Abba Voyage’ –up to £200 for tickets to not even see a live band! Or Pearl Jam – £120 for shit tickets at the back!!!

    My first gig – Iron Maiden, Beast on the Road tour – £2.75.

    Next gig – Glastonbury – £360 (but my current schedule is getting me to see 26 acts so I see it as very good value).

    Full Member

    “How much?” I say the same about £1400 wheels : )

    Supply and demand innit. It’s not my thing but I do admire brands or people that can create that kind of valuation – you can’t do it by being rubbish at what you do.

    Free Member

    Brilliant. All you’ll be able to see is 1000s of phone screens and all you’ll be able to hear is the crowd singing along out of tune. What a way to chuck £1400 away. At least you can show your socials photos to say you were there I guess. Hope Taylor gets the funds she so badly needs.

    Full Member

    Hope Taylor gets the funds she so badly needs

    $13 million per gig apparently

    Free Member

    £700 to go and see that load of old carp lol! 😂

    Full Member

    If you want to blow £1,400 on an evening’s entertainment I hear C&H is still available in Edinburgh!

    Full Member

    My mate has three “Swifty” daughters, so when the tour was announced, not going was not an option.

    The normal £200 tickets all got snapped up straight away  so the only option was the £700 VIP ones. It was four tickets maximum  but they managed to get another seat nearby in the resale phase  for £900 (I think)

    That’s £3700 plus fuel  parking and possibly hotel.

    They aren’t going on holiday this year.

    Full Member

    With all the palaver of getting there & back or staying over, you’d have to pay me to go to any stadium size gig 🤣

    Full Member

    Fair play to Taylor Swift if she can generate that sort of money and have fun doing it.

    Full Member

    Fingers crossed they are genuine – load of posts on Facebook selling non existent Taylor Swift tickets.

    One of my current past times is winding up fake Swifty ticket sellers!!


    Full Member

    My mate has three “Swifty” daughters, so when the tour was announced, not going was not an option.

    Saying no is always an option.

    But I’m not a hater – TayTay has churned out some cracking pop songs.

    My 21yr old daughter hates that there are some of her songs in one of my playlists! She’s blocked Taylor Swift from her Spotify feed!  🙂

    Free Member

    Never heard any Taylor Swift. At least not knowingly.

    <goes to youtube for 5 minutes>

    Well, those are some slightly less memorably songs than Billie Eyelash… Fifty more flavours of indistinguishable yawn.

    Free Member

     I remember seeing U2 back in the day for about 25 quid.

    Yea, but then you’d have to sit through a U2 concert.

    [Bonno voice]

    every time I clap an old guy tells people how he saw U2 for £25

    [/Bonno voice]

    Free Member

    My mate has three “Swifty” daughters, so when the tour was announced, not going was not an option.

    The normal £200 tickets all got snapped up straight away  so the only option was the £700 VIP ones. It was four tickets maximum  but they managed to get another seat nearby in the resale phase  for £900 (I think)

    That’s £3700 plus fuel  parking and possibly hotel.

    They aren’t going on holiday this year.

    bloody hell you could almost get a bike frame for that! is this how non bikers spend their vast disposable income and free time, I always wondered.

    Full Member

    Never heard any Taylor Swift. At least not knowingly.

    That’s like saying you’ve never heard any Beatles songs – nigh on impossible.

    Free Member

    £700 to go and see that load of old carp lol!

    my thoughts exactly!

    They aren’t going on holiday this year.

    I jest about spending the 1400 on wheels, but in reality it’s a huge amount of cash for one night of entertainment. With an average ticket price of 200 quid it seems a shame that less well off kids may miss out.

    im dreading having to pick them up after the gig, getting in and out of Edinburgh will be an absolute disaster (thanks ScotRail for not putting on any additional trains past 10.30)

    Full Member

    Makes those “overpriced” bike events and races look a veritable bargain though, eh?

    Full Member

     but I’d argue those prices are taking the pee pee a bit.

    The equivalent Beyoncé ticket ( a VIP) for her recent tour was (sit down before you read on) £2300. This was for the Stadium of Light in Sunderland mind, and for that, you get access to your own bar (still have to pay for drinks) and your own loo to use, separate from the pelbs, I can’t remember if there was Merch thrown in but I think there was

    Full Member

    it seems a shame that less well off kids may miss out

    In the mainstream area everything goes elitist at some point. Look at mainstream road and MTB prices. Cars. Houses. Holiday destinations. Now you can have aspirational music taste too.

    Free Member

    The equivalent Beyoncé ticket ( a VIP) for her recent tour was (sit down before you read on) £2300

    Forget the private loo, id expect Beyoncé to be on hand to wipe my ass for that price😳

    back to ms swift. I don’t think I’ve heard any of her songs since about ten years ago when they were awful teen pop (love story anyone?). Is she any good nowadays, I may try to have a listen on Spotify to gain some cred within the household..

    Full Member

    Wife has taken that tickets in Bristol tomorrow – good seats so we’re 129 each.

    We’ve tickets to the foo fighters in Cardiff, they were 70 each bug not great seats.

    The Corrs at Westerburt were £50

    In comparison we saw Spirited away in London west end last month at £120 a ticket for ‘ok’ seats.

    Full Member

    I realised yesterday that I need to go to London on the day that she’s playing in Cardiff. I need to come home to Cardiff. I’m fully braced for the worst train trip of my entire life.

    To continue the HOW MUCH?! – I booked train tickets through my work’s platform and it’s £315 return!

    Full Member

    £200 a pop to go to a concert  – more than I’d spend but I can see that if it was your thing, it’s not a crime.

    What is a crime however is your OH spending AN EXTRA GRAND for the vip version of the tickets! A thousand pounds. I know she didn’t want to and it’s all that was left…but they were available for a reason….because normal rational people (even if they were Swifties) thought it beyond a reasonable amount. They were able to exercise the self control your OH wasn’t.

    But then some non super wealthy types pay to turn left on airplanes to get their tummy rubbed and food delivered on a proper plate. And I’m not even sure your actual tummy gets rubbed- or any other bit of you.

    Free Member

    Ok, a quick google tells me a normal ticket is 110 quid (you can get cheaper with a restricted view)

    Still expensive imo, but not as bad as expected

    taylor, I take it all back..

    Full Member

    Makes the Nick Cave tickets at £70 each look cheap.

    Much prefer smaller gigs at £20-30 per ticket where you can actually see the artist rather than a small dot on the stage somewhere way in the distance where you watch the artist on the screens

    Full Member

     when they were awful teen pop (love story anyone?)

    Oh come on, that tune is an absolute banger.

    Full Member

    My 5 year old is already a self proclaimed “swiftie”. I managed to get away with some tickets for Xenna this year instead 😂


    Free Member

    because normal rational people (even if they were Swifties) thought it beyond a reasonable amount. They were able to exercise the self control your OH wasn’t.

    hmm..I’m not so sure. I reckon there are plenty of ‘swifties’ who would have shelled out that amount if they couldn’t get hold of normal tickets. See the post above about the 3500 quid ticket bill for a family that found themselves in a similar situation

    but I’d agree it’s not rational in the least..

    Full Member

    Players gonna play play play play play
    Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate I suppose.

    Free Member

    I remember seeing U2 back in the day for about 25 quid

    I saw them for £3.50, they were supporting Talking Heads. It just means I’m old. They had the extended T-Funk lineup but it’s in no way comparable to the show Taylor Swift puts on, judging by the Eras film on Disney+.

    I don’t find £200 a ticket outrageous tbh, though I do think £700 is a bit strong. Granted, I’ve not done much web searching on the subject but I’ve not seen any mass outrage of the “I spent loads of money seeing Taylor swift and it was awful!” ilk.m

    Rather you than me but I’m sure you’ll have a lovely time!

    Full Member

    TBH, i’d have loved to ahve gotten tickets to take my 9YO daughter to go see her.
    Would have been anawesome moment!

    instead, I’m taking her to teh Magic Circle in a few weeks to see a magic show!


    Free Member


    I hope you are proud of yourself

    Free Member

    Payers gonna pay pay pay pay pay
    Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate I suppose.


    Full Member

    We tried SO hard to get tickets for this household of Swifties. Got access codes to a couple of the sales but never even got to the front of the virtual queue in time for anything affordable to be left. We couldn’t consider the £550+ tickets so it was a sad couple of days. Got proper FOMO now she’s in the country…youngest has been trying to persuade us to go to Cardiff to listen from outside but that’s been a hard no too.

    I’m not a huge fan of the earlier country stuff but Folklore got me through lockdown and being made redundant. Cracking album (Matt, 48, usually a Bob Mould and Superchunk listener).

    Full Member

    Apparently the tour is said to generate over £2billion dollars or pounds (can’t remember which) by the time its completed on legit ticket sales alone!

    I do like Taylor Swift but we live in crazy ass times, lets hope she uses some of the dosh to back a decent democratic candidate in the forthcoming election!

    Free Member

    If you can afford the ticket, why not?

    Just work hard to earn the money back.

    The question is how much tax does the Taylor Swift concern pay to the UK govt?

    Full Member

    We have family who not only decided that Swifty daughter ‘had’ to go, but perhaps all 5 of them should go…..

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