Had one a couple of months now so had time to give it some abuse in different places. I’m really loving this bike. It climbs well for what it is, pedals well, Explodes out of corners, descends amazingly well without being disconnected from the trail. It’s super agile as well. It’s a bike to be grabbed by the scruff of the neck so to speak. The faster it goes the better it feels. I moved from a Santa Cruz Nomad which was a great bike but the Cotic is so much more fun. Maybe its not as composed in the real rough rocky stuff as the Nomad but everywhere else I prefer it. Most of my riding is steep, rooty, loamy (muddy) tech stuff. What the bike doesn’t do very well is flat stuff (due to the 66 head angle with 160mm forks) but that’s not what it’s about. My build is Lyrik u-turns, Fox CDT kashima shock, Hope Hoops, Hope tech brakes, reverb and 1×10. If you want fun on a bike then it definitely ticks the boxes.