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  • Rishi! Sunak!
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    Latest polling out today has Sunak’s approval rating as worse than the lettuce after her disastrous mini-budget

    Imagine being less popular than Liz Truss for a second time? He’s totally ****ed!

    Just put yourself out of your misery, call an election and get the inevitable over with

    Full Member

    I say this with full commitment.

    F**** the Tories.

    Full Member

    F**** the Tories.

    I have a sticker on my letterbox and rear window on the car that expresses that exact sentiment

    Free Member

    Except that actually the Tory’s are #####ng us.

    Full Member

    Rwanda must be absolutely laughing their tits off at this lot!

    Jimmy Dimly is off there tomorrow to give them another couple of hundred million quid for doing nowt

    Thanks very much. Give us a shout if you ever get a flight to leave. See you in 6 months with another couple of hundred mil

    In the meantime, back home, they’ve decided to make the current labour shortages ten times worse, with their usual back-of-a-fag-packet bollocks that they dreamt up yesterday afternoon after a long lunch

    Absolute ****ing clowns!

    They’re clearly just shitting themselves about Farage/Tyce/Reform/Brexit Party/Whatever They’re Called This Week, and are blurting out any old crap to appeal to the knuckle-draggers

    Full Member

    In the meantime, back home, they’ve decided to make the current labour shortages ten times worse, with their usual back-of-a-fag-packet bollocks that they dreamt up yesterday afternoon after a long lunch

    Yep, that’s what provoked my comment.

    The vulnerable, young and old, will suffer over this. It’s incredibly f****** nasty even for these Tory scumbags.

    Full Member

    Cleverley isn’t exactly a huge fan of the Rwanda scheme is he? Didn’t he call the policy “batshit”?

    Granted he is stuck with it as the result of the Patel/Braverman legacy.

    Full Member

    Sunak is just retrenching back into a tinny little far right bubble. Sat in his bunker,he’s now so completely detached from reality that he believes the view of the world dictated to him by the absolute fruitloops like Braverman and the rest of the ERG headbangers on the backbenches

    And they wonder why they’re 20 points behind in the polls and set for an electoral wipeout?

    We just need these idiots gone ASAP

    Full Member

    Cleverley isn’t exactly a huge fan of the Rwanda scheme is he? Didn’t he call the policy “batshit”?

    He did indeed. Yet there he is, stood up in Parliament promoting it. He’ll be there tomorrow smiling and waving while handing over another big cheque. A real man of principle, eh?

    As long as he’s flying around on private jets, he’s happy

    Full Member

    Rwanda policy is nuts, cost is insane, at present it will take a few 100 out of a backlog of many 1000s, still wont act as a deterrent even if they could get it through the courts……and yet the Tories have made it a totemic issue for themselves

    cleverly knows that he also said recently that the kind of migration controls he announced today wouldn’t work

    Full Member

    John Crace is on the Money in the Guardian, as ever…

    Sunak and his useful idiots pile reset upon reset in race to oblivion

    There we had it. Jimmy Dimly sat down with a huge smirk. Revelling in his own smugness. His intellectual inferiority. Because what he had just done was effectively torch the economy. There would be no one left to fill the vacancies in the NHS and social care sector. Public services that were already on a knife-edge would now implode. Hospitality and agriculture would be dead.

    But what the hell? Who cared about the economy so long as halfwits like Lee Anderson were happy.

    Full Member

    Here’s what MP’s think of the energy crisis:


    It’s free, what’s the problem?

    Rwanda policy is nuts

    Has ‘hotel california’ actually been built yet, or will it require more brown envelopes?

    Full Member

    I’ve got an idea…

    Let’s scrap the second home allowance for MP’s, how many MP’s are there? 600?

    Let’s build a flotila on the Thames, with 600 rooms, or even commandeer a couple of travelodges? so they can stay there (‘breakfast included’) for £150 or less per night.

    No need for a second home allowance….

    Full Member

    What’s the connection with Rishi Sunak? He doesn’t appear to be mentioned in the article but some Labour politicians are :

    “Labour frontbenchers Angela Rayner, Ed Miliband, Liz Kendall, Louise Haigh, Hilary Benn, Nick Thomas-Symonds and Pat McFadden are among the senior party figures who put in similar claims.”

    If the existing arrangements are not acceptable then let’s hear alternative proposals from opposition parties. The next UK prime minister will not be a Tory.

    Well not a member of the Conservative Party anyhow.

    Full Member

    Well not a member of the Conservative Party anyhow.



    Free Member

    Who cared about the economy so long as halfwits like Lee Anderson were happy.

    And Lee Anderson will never be happy – there is no gesture that will ever buy him off. He’s not gonna shag you, Rishi…

    Full Member

    Indeed. You can’t pacify those who David Cameron (remember him?) referred to as ‘those who won’t take yes for an answer’. Nothing will ever be enough for them until he’s got troops on the streets, marching immigrants to Dover and driving them into the sea.

    Listening to ‘Honest Bob’ on radio 4 this morning, its obvious that Cruella is actually the de facto PM already. Lil Rishi is now just her spokesman. He’s now just enacting all her demands. Just as Jimmy Dimly is in Rwanda today, championed a policy he previously (correctly) referred to as ‘batshit’,  I’d put your house on Rishi announcing ‘his’ plan to withdraw from the ECHR before the next election.

    The tail is well and truly wagging the dog again. But the tail is the Cruella/Anderson/Gullis headbanger wing. They’re effectively running the country now. Sunak is just a passenger. The rest of us are just hostages to these loons

    Full Member

    The 38,000 quid thing just feels like a clumsy electoral trap for Labour, if they oppose it, as any sane human should, they can be painted as soft on immigration.

    Full Member

    So Lil Rishi has signed a new treaty with Rwanda.


    Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 15.10.06


    18 months ago….


    They just had a leading immigration lawyer on Five Live. His said that it won’t make a blind bit of difference as the Supreme Court deal in facts, not opinions. So whether Rishi and Jimmy Dimly think its safe of not is of no consequence whatsoever. It doesn’t change the facts that Rwanda, after much deliberation, was considered unsafe then and still is now. Nothing has changed.

    His opinion was that they know all this full well, as their legal advice will have told them exactly this, but they’re pressing ahead anyway. They’re doing so because they’ll look like idiots if they drop it now, having sunk hundreds of millions into it already, and its also they want to use it as a wedge issue as part of their ongoing culture war as an election approaches.

    Cleverley is the third Home Secretary to visit Rwanda bearing large bundles of cash and (quite rightly) not a single asylum seeker has been sent there, nor will they ever be.

    And this is what passes for government in this country nowadays 🙄

    Full Member

     could this be an amazingly smart ruse to channel (no pun intended) aid money to Rwanda without appearing to back down on the reduction budget for aid? Will we soon start seeing  similar treaties with other nations in need of support?

    Full Member

    Yeah… I reckon philanthropy is definitely at the forefront of their thinking here.They’re all heart, after all and renowned for their random acts of kindness

    Full Member

    They just had a leading immigration lawyer on Five Live. His said that it won’t make a blind bit of difference as the Supreme Court deal in facts, not opinions.

    Plus even if they somehow get past that barrier its going to be a couple of hundred people at most.
    So looking at the last seven days (I do love how the government insist on having this page which shows how they fail at “stopping the boats” might remove the 64 on the 29th Nov and most of the 224 people on the 30th Nov.
    Shame about the 93 on the 1st Dec, 519 on the 2nd and 118 on he 3rd.
    Looking at the 28th Nov I do wonder whether his abandonment of net zero etc is in part based on the fact that the only “successful” days they have are when its crap and so climate change with more variable weather might work for them.
    Stands more chance than their current plans.


    Full Member

    could this be an amazingly smart ruse to channel (no pun intended) aid money to Rwanda without appearing to back down on the reduction budget for aid?

    I did like how they proudly announced the money wasnt directly linked to the treaty.
    Well done to the Rwanda negotiating team there. If I was on their side I would also be insisting the cash wasnt dependent on something bound to fail due to UK reasons.

    Full Member

    There is no evidence that I am aware of that Rwanda has been given anything on top of the £140m they have already been given.

    I think the £140m was just a deposit to cover the costs of materials, portaloos, skips, etc.

    Full Member

    When they said sunny uplands, I didn’t think they meant candles 

    Free Member

    £140 million has been described as an ‘initial payment’ with further payments undefined and not quantified.
    Sunday Times reported that Kigali wanted £15 million ‘top up’ to agree new terms while sunak refused to comment on additional payments.
    Add these sums to payments to France and you get a big number which has done exactly what to deter any asylum seekers?
    The answer is (very close to) nothing.
    Government can always find money – if they want to.

    Full Member

    while sunak refused to comment on additional payments.

    So he just coughed up whatever they asked for then…Rwandans should have gone for more than the 15 million.

    Free Member

    It clearly shows that neither sunak nor any of his minions have a clue about negotiating.
    In two easy steps they have handed complete control of this whole plan to Rwanda.

    Full Member

    I wonder what the governments legal bill is so far for this continued unworkable nonsense?

    Full Member

    So he just coughed up whatever they asked for then…Rwandans should have gone for more than the 15 million.

    Nah go too high and it might give the tories an excuse for backing out. Best not to kill the golden goose when you can get millions for nothing.

    Full Member

    The plan to solve the whole Rwanda thing by sending over lawyers is amusing. I thought lefty lawyers were responsible for spoiling everything. Have they’ve found a team of crack righty lawyers down the back of the sofa?

    Or is it more sinister than that – keep exporting lawyers to Rwanda until theres non left. Use the threat of relocation to a safe third country as a means of dissuading anyone thinking of becoming a lawyer from applying to law school.

    Free Member

    richard tice…’the only things to have gone to Rwanda are 3 home secretaries and 140 million quid’.

    As for government legal bill…if using in-house lawyers, nil as they’re already on the payroll.
    If external, kerching! for the lawyers.

    Full Member

    a clumsy electoral trap for Labour

    Timed to come into force in April.

    May election?

    Full Member

    Timed to come into force in April.

    May election?

    nah they want it to be in force before the election as theyre convinced it will save them…….. until the next reset

    Full Member

    It won’t save them. This scarily accurate piece in the Mash explains why…

    If you only knew how racist we really are, sigh right-wing voters

    Full Member

    Timed to come into force in April.

    May election?

    It’s a head-scratcher. May seems obvious, as they want to get the geriatric vote out, and they won’t do that in January. But then, in May, the winter energy/cost-of-living extravaganza we’re about to experience will be fresh in everyone’s minds. He must know there’s no economic turnaround coming now, that everything he’s announcing will be unravelling within a few months. Even with a significant Parliamentary majority he’s losing key votes now.

    I thought he’d go this autumn, as none of the signs were good for 2024, let Labour bear the brunt of what’s to come and hope to get back in in 2028/9. But I guess dumb decisions and wishful thinking are strong in the modern Conservative Party. Hell, they may even go for another leader switcheroo before calling the election immediately.

    Full Member

    It is only a trap if Labour don’t oppose it, the trap of once again going along with the racist Torie agenda out of sheer cowardice.

    There is absolutely no point in claiming that labour will be different to the Tories, and then in the next breath saying they shouldn’t be different because every own goal the tories present is a trap. It is nothing but pure hypocrisy.

    Full Member

    nah they want it to be in force before the election as theyre convinced it will save them

    That would require them to believe that the whole idea of sending asylum seekers to Rwanda is actually going to make any difference – not a chance!

    Which is precisely why they will want a general election before it is seen to have failed.

    Labour will get the blame for scrapping it.

    Too many people buy into this nonsense that the Tories are stupid. Ironically you have to be a little dim to believe that!

    Full Member

    Small beans really, and probably only a couple of us on here still outraged and offended by this but whatever Little Rishi and co are spending money on, it’s clearly not graphic designers still…

    Screenshot 2023-12-05 172820

    Work experience kid and Canva?

    Full Member

    All right wing/nationalist design is absolutely awful due to it reflecting the (lack of) taste of the idiots producing it. They’re always so ridiculously simplistic they reduce everything to an insistence on using flags everywhere, horrible (flag-related) primary colours and CAPITAL LETTERS IN HIDEOUS, BLOCKY, CONDENSED TYPEFACES

    Which self-respecting graphic designer would want to produce that shite?

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