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  • Rishi! Sunak!
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    They’ve painted themselves into a corner by following Farage into the wilds of anti-immigrant populism

    Yep – both main parties feeling the pinch of Reform UK’s divisive voting pull.

    A change of narrative might not go a miss from either main party, otherwise the right leads the right down a one-way street.

    Pretty predictable stuff.

    Here’s a thing – offer hope and a better way of life? Nah. Let’s do too many foreigners.

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    Full Member

    Its a step up even for Sunak, this though. Is he going to start an international diplomatic incident every time he needs a distraction when he’s ****ed up?

    The rate he’s going at, he’ll run out of countries to piss off soon enough

    Free Member

    the EU should start trolling UK in solidarity with Greece, every Leader should bring it up in Press confrences when they visit :) Or put out stupid rules on “topics non grata” when Lil Rishi visits then get the press to ask him questions on said topics and then renege and send him home.

    Free Member

    I have no problem with the Parthenon Marbles being returned to Greece. But on that basis museums around the world should be emptying their galleries and returning thousands of items removed from their country of origin and returned to them.

    Full Member

    …on that basis museums around the world should be emptying their galleries…

    No reason why the same approach must be taken to everything. We already return, or loan, exhibits between museums/galleries in different countries… often to allow them to be seen where they have the most relevance (ie where they were in use/shown in the past).

    Free Member

    He hurt poor lil rishis feelings

    Full Member

    As the Beeb comments, foreign leaders meeting the man almost vl certain to be the new PM a year from now is only going to get more common.

    Love the Beebs not so subtle put down too:

    Having been rejected by Mr Sunak, the Greek leader was instead offered a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden.

    But, I understand, an earlier appointment with the plane home was deemed more appealing.


    Free Member

    If the Parthenon Marbles are returned to Greece, I for one would never visit the British Museum ever again…..

    Said no one , ever ?

    Full Member

    Having been rejected by Mr Sunak, the Greek leader was instead offered a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden.

    If Lil Rishi is an international irrelevance, then what on earth does that make Oliver Dowden? 😂

    Full Member

    I can’t but help think pretty much every PM/ President that comes here can’t wait for the Tories to be out of power too.

    God, we’ve dropped a long way in only a few years.

    Free Member

    Thing is its literally nothing to do with him anyway. The British museum deals with this sort of stuff and are very well versed in the subtle nuances of this type of negotiation. Love him or far more likely hate him, George Osborne is in the middle of sorting this out and it was pretty much done and dusted with a deal where we ‘lent’ the marbles back to Greece (bearing in mind the UK aquired them legally) on a semi permanent loan basis and they lent us a bunch or priceless artwork which had never been displayed in the UK before. Everyone is happy (or probably more likely doesn’t care) and there we are.

    Then this idiot jumps in with his size 12’s (kids size 12’s obvs) because he is such a useless primeminister and makes it a huge issue, undermining all the hard work others have done and causing yet more international tension for absolutely no reason other than his ego,

    What an absolute non-entity he is.

    Full Member

    what on earth does that make Oliver Dowden?

    An irrelevant far right version of Tintin. 

    Free Member

    Then this idiot jumps in with his size 12’s (kids size 12’s obvs) because he is such a useless primeminister and makes it a huge issue, undermining all the hard work others have done and causing yet more international tension for absolutely no reason other than his ego,

    Or, as mentioned above , it’s just a smokescreen distraction from more important matters. Do you really think Lil Richtea gives a flying truck about some marbles ?

    Full Member

    Do you really think Lil Richtea gives a flying truck about some marbles ?

    Someone needs to have a little chat with Rishi about priorities, maybe in the form of a multiple choice.
    The country is facing a set of challenges, please rank them in order:
    The NHS
    Small boats
    Local bus services
    Where the Parthenon Marbles are kept
    Education and the crumbling concrete in schools

    You have 2 minutes.

    Full Member

    If you were being cynical you might think that Lil Rishi manufactured this whole thing as a Culture War dead cat to distract from the right wing loons now coming for him

    Robert Jenrick expresses frustration with slow pace of UK immigration cuts

    Immigration minister says he would have brought in plans to curb net migration ‘before last Christmas if I could have done

    Sunak ‘agreed with Braverman to £40k income threshold for UK migrants’

    Purported agreement included raising minimum salary and ending extended visas for graduates

    Kemi Badenoch backs Braverman’s stance on migrant salaries

    Business and Trade Secretary calls for ‘strongest possible measures’ to reduce record migration figures

    Looks like a coordinated campaign by the headbangers. Has Cruella offered Honest Bob and Kemi a top job in the shadow cabinet when she becomes leader? Certainly looks that way. Two ministers undermining him by coming out in support of the wingnut he just sacked? Maybe they’re trying to get sacked too?

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    For anyone interested, the “senior government minister” speaking at the Cambridge Union tomorrow evening is Jeremy Hunt – identity was being kept secret while the security was put in place.

    Hopefully it will be live streamed on their YouTube channel. Not sure what kind of car crash it will be.

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    £40K minimum for skilled migrant workers would pull the rug out from under much of the early career labour underpinning many of the research programs in the Gov’s scientific priorities

    Full Member

    It’s almost as if some unhinged nationalist dogma was trumping the actual needs of the country…

    Taking back control is great, innit?

    Full Member

    A good and slightly amusing writeup about today’s PMQ’s. Suffice to say, a lot of his own MP’s think his focus on the marbles etc is dumb as hell. Their comments are pretty damning, his authority over his party is slipping away and fast.

    “He is lousy at foreign affairs and would not have known the impact of such a snub,” a former cabinet minister tells me.

    Full Member

    £40K minimum for skilled migrant workers would pull the rug out from under much of the early career labour underpinning many of the research programs in the Gov’s scientific priorities

    It also means no social or healthcare staffs bar senior doctors

    Full Member

    I guarantee the 40k cut-off will never happen

    Who is coming up with the drivel?  They’re all batshit

    Full Member

    Full Member
    I guarantee the 40k cut-off will never happen

    Who is coming up with the drivel? They’re all batshit

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the batshitiest of them all?

    I think they all qualify but depending upon criteria it’s hard to judge the winner.

    … But we are all losers that’s for sure.

    Free Member

    It’s almost as if some unhinged nationalist dogma was trumping the actual needs of the country…

    Yep, it has always been easy to explain why we need immigration to do a lot of the jobs that we either don’t want to do or don’t have the qualified people to do. Immigration is not a problem if the people are working in the country and their contributions just add to everyone else’s as long as governments keep up with it with increased health and social commitments and so on. Presumably why they were given visas to work here?

    But to admit that is then opening up questions they don’t want to answer so better just to portray it as some sort of evil but then as we can see they have made it worse for themselves so some positives.

    Free Member

    bearing in mind the UK aquired them legally

    How many beads did we pay them?

    This £40k ‘starting rate’ for foreigners – so now we’re keeping all the lowly paid jobs just for Brits.

    Not only does it mean that only the better jobs are available for immigrants, but that business & the Public Sector will be able to drive the cost of these down too as they bring in folk from lower cost countries.

    Screw the working AND middle class Brits even more – lost our FOM and now getting pushed back ‘in our place’.  The gullible fools who voted Leave & Tory in 2019 really have put the ‘Elite’ back in control.

    Full Member

    I guarantee the 40k cut-off will never happen

    Who is coming up with the drivel? They’re all batshit

    Absolutely this. All this serves one purpose only… it’s purely political posturing by the hard right, batshit wing of the Tory party to complete its UKIPisation (in opposition)

    The people who bankroll the Tory party aren’t going to stand for having their supply of cheap imported labour choked off and they’ll have made that abundantly clear to lil Rishi

    Therefore Cruella and her little minion, Honest Bob, see this as a wedge issue to appeal to the backbench headbangers and the unhinged, racist membership. It’s working too. Rishi was openly receiving hostile questioning on immigration from his own backbenchers at PMQ’s yesterday

    Full Member

    world leader…..

    Free Member


    Charlie’s choice of tie. Brilliant.

    Full Member

    Yep some top trolling by Charlie boy. A little less subtle than his mother though

    Full Member

    parthenon marbles bounce 

    Full Member

    ^^ Well, I mean, it’s a a workable majority I suppose? 😉

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Charlie’s choice of tie. Brilliant.

    Yeah, I’m not a fan of the monarchy but yeah, trolling your own PM whilst having plausible deniability is pretty wonderful.

    Puts the flag shaggers into a bind too. Which is even better! 😆

    Full Member

    Well he’s half Greek anyway

    Full Member

    £38k migrant cap plan is going to fall apart in days

    only can imagine that they just want to be seen to be doing something then chuck out blame when it crashes & burns

    Full Member

    Yeah, I’m not a fan of the monarchy but yeah, trolling your own PM whilst having plausible deniability is pretty wonderful.

    Puts the flag shaggers into a bind too. Which is even better! 😆

    They do have form for this – the Queen famously wore a brooch given to her by Barack Obama when Trump visited and she wore a hat very representative of the EU flag during a state opening of Parliament.

    My guess is that Sunak is too stupid or self-centred to have noticed.

    Full Member

    £38k migrant cap plan is going to fall apart in days

    A random number plucked out of the air to keep the headbangers happy despite that being a totally impossible task.

    That’s the headline but there will be so many exemptions and exceptions that the whole thing is rendered utterly pointless before it’s even been brought in

    It’s just gesture politics to appease the hard-of-thinking racists that are their core vote. Like everything else these idiots (don’t actually) do. Its literally all they’ve got left

    Full Member

    it will never fly

    Full Member

    The Tories are floating out so many ‘end of days’ policies at the moment, without considering even for a microsecond the consequences, that you sense that the final implosion is near. They are looking no further forward than the next hour’s headlines, let alone the next day’s.

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