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  • Riding through solar farms
  • pisco
    Full Member

    So it seems that a large area near my work and beyond will be covered in solar panels in the not too distant future. I haven’t been able to work out how it affects my XC commute (mostly public footpaths), but I may need to plot a new route around or through the solar panels.

    Does anyone have any experience of this? I’m fantasizing that I’ll be able to bomb through the panels unimpeded, but in reality think there may be boundary fences, lack of headroom and threat of prosecution.

    Free Member

    Solar farms can output several megawatts – I’m pretty sure there will be boundary fences to protect the equipment from you and you from the equipment…..

    Full Member

    ….should add threat of electrocution. I perhaps naively thought that the electricity would safely be channelled to a single fenced-off station

    Full Member

    Your local council right of way officer should know if there is going to be a re-routing of the paths

    I would imagine the power company will get a concessionary path set up on the periphery of the installation with approval from the landowner

    renoir shore
    Free Member

    Solar farms near us have almost prison-level security around them. Cameras and the lot.

    Free Member

    “Solar farms near us have almost prison-level security around them. Cameras and the lot.”

    I came to say something very similar.  No chance of going through one.

    Full Member

    Hmmmm, I don’t mind a bit of respectful, unobtrusive cheeky route action, but this is starting to sound like next level trespass.

    I’ll contact the council and hopefully the footpaths will remain, or be rerouted.

    Thanks all.

    Free Member

    I visited one near Leominster and it had loudspeakers putting out raptor calls. Discouraging unauthorised “painting” of the panels.

    Full Member

    Unless you are a sheep, no chance. The ones I see in North Wales are fenced off, but sheep graze on the grass

    Full Member

    You don’t live near Selby do you? Loads going in around there at the moment. They will all be fenced off to the public, I assume public footpaths would need to be re-routed around the outside. This should be covered in planning conditions though, so check the planning portal for your area.

    I’m building one in Essex at the moment – the footpath through the middle is totally segregated with deer fencing

    Full Member

    I’m waiting for the first one to feature an e-bike charging point with a  “Fresh, direct from the farm electricity” marketing campaign

    Full Member

    I’m waiting for the first one to feature an e-bike charging point with a  “Fresh, direct from the farm electricity” marketing campaign

    Tech giants will likely have bought the energy off the plans for their stochastic parrot delvish generators and other LLM nonsense.

    Full Member

    Footpaths will have to be rerouted and/or alternative provision made.

    Ballsache during construction though.

    Full Member

    Fresh, direct from the farm electricity

    I’m pretty sure it will need to be pasteurised first.

    Full Member

    Go on the councils planning portal, find it on the map and you’ll find alll the details and drawings.

    PROW will be re-routed, but anything unofficial isn’t going to be considered.

    Full Member

    If it’s a public footpath then they’ll have to make sure that the average person (and idiots) can’t kill themselves. It may mean diverting the footpath around (put I believe that requires planning permission and the local nimbies and red dock brigade will be up in arms. Or they’ll fence it off so you’re safe.

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