So, I have a pumptrack bike which is a small, and very short frame built with 26” wheels. It’s ok, but not great. I can’t get on with its ‘too high’ bottom bracket and quite longish chain stays.
I quite fancy an upgrade.
Needs to be very low stand over, for pump/jump duties, but also quite long toptube/front centre. I have monkey length arms and am too cramped on my current frame.
Would be looking for a 27.5 frame, to use with 26” wheels for pumptrack, but 27.5 for trail riding.
Tapered head tube, preferably 30.9 seat tube and happy with whatever rear axle standard. Have pro4 non boost wheels in 26” ready to go. Threaded BB, discs,
I’d prefer aluminium, but would consider steel, or even carbon.
Happy with second hand, or even new bargain.