[img] http://www.worldjewishnewsagency.org/rabi.gi f" target="_blank">http://www.worldjewishnewsagency.org/rabi.gi f"/> [/img]
Lionel Blue off the wireless is my fave - do they sell crown races?
Not on a Saturday.
Apparently, he really is Tony's big brother.
Is this finally dead then?
Yes, or no? Difference of opinion from the Pythons.
[img] http://rlv.zcache.com/i_heart_mirror_man_tshirt-p235770384011367648qm6x_400.jp g" target="_blank">http://rlv.zcache.com/i_heart_mirror_man_tshirt-p235770384011367648qm6x_400.jp g"/> [/img]
Good God in Heaven...
This was [b][i]languishing [/i][/b]on page 6...
Dear oh dear oh dear... Mackem will think we don't care...
it was only on page 2 when i rescued it should I have left it longer?
my mate brought me his forks to service, the crown race is still in place
if anyone needs it, i could nick it.
email me.
unless the new headset doesnt have a crown race supplied.
I hope Mackem knows that we care now.
Come on, 17 must be along soon!
drat, i was confident
does it matter?
17? - evidently not.
17 what?
[s][u][b]17 PAGES![/b][/u][/s]
NOW? Surely.
It's never going to happen.
Do you lot not know your 40 times table?
Six from here.
Cheese anyone?
i'm lost, whats the answer to the OP?
The OP wanted the thread to fall off the front page, so guys let him have what he wants.
stop bumping it back up!
double post error 🙄
Shame there Bruneep... Means I get 17...
Missed the boat ....AGAIN!!!
well gives me time to plan this one.[/url]
Damn - I knew I shouldn't have gone to bed....
felicitations from New Zealand 😛
I've just swapped my forks between bikes without removing the crown races.
More tea anyone?
Thanks but I'm just about to make a coffee.
Milk and two, any biscuits?
hob nob?
ginger nut
or a bourbon
so if we eat to many do we need ot get a reinforced crown race mmmmm where would we get one of them from?
Can I just say this is the second time I've been on page 17?
Can I just say this is the second time I've been on page 17?
I'm not stopping you.
Out riding last night and it started to rain. Presumably due to industrial pollution from the adjoining smog-blighted wastelands of Lancashire, the rain was soooo acidic, that little ring thing that sits at the bottom of my headset and on top of me fork crown (what they called again?) - anyway, to cut a dull story short, it dissolved.
Being a sustainably minded eco-warrier I fashioned this from trailside Blackthorn:
[img] http://holylandshopping.com/images/CROT01.jp g" target="_blank">http://holylandshopping.com/images/CROT01.jp g"/> [/img]
I reckon I could be onto a winner - thought I'd call it the 'Crown of Thorns'. What do y'aal think?
All I need now is a globally recogniseable celebrity to wear it in my advertising and I'll be rich I tell thee.
Who could I sign up I wonder - time is short, I want to get max exposure over the Easter break......
Beckham's not doing much for the next few months.
Failing that, simonfbarnes?
I was really thinking loin cloth and beard......?
sfb in a loincloth?
The boggies would crucify him!