I had a brilliant weekend, right up to marshal point 2 of my race run down Satterthwaite DH. I was feeling very pleased with myself for nailing that tricky little rooty-rocky gully-to-corner thing, and obviously the universe thought I needed taking down a notch or two.
I was happily flying along until my front wheel went sideways, at which point I got off for a spot of impromptu high-speed yoga. The bike decided to join in, bent my knee in a direction that knees really aren’t happy about, and once I’d come to a halt about half-a-mile miles further down the valley I spent a frankly embarrassing amount of time having a bit of a lie down. The paramedics arrived, poked my leg for a bit, then dusted me off and told me very politely to stop being such a wuss. With some help from one of the medics and my mate I managed to hop down the hill to the van.
Sorry to everyone who had to wait at the top of stage 2 while they held the course, and massive thanks to the nice marshal at MP2 with the Singletrack bobble hat, who was very kind and sympathetic and didn’t laugh at me for being an idiot while I was rolling around on the floor. Also huge thanks to the paramedics, who were lovely and very tolerant of me making a big fuss about a bit of a banged knee. My left leg is still not working, but I can sort of hobble around ok, and fortunately the car is an automatic. Socks are a bit of a bugger though.
I really enjoyed all the stages in practice; they were tough in places, but very entertaining indeed. The event was brilliantly organised and had a great atmosphere. I have ordered a grippier front tyre and will be back just as soon as my knee bends properly again. 😀