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  • Plot Holes
  • IdleJon
    Free Member

    See also vehicles that immediately explode as a result of small arms fire.

    I think it’s Fitzcarraldo, where a muzzle loading cannon rolls away down a  hillside and explodes. A cast metal cannon, on a wooden carriage, with no hint of explosive or flammable material about it.

    Full Member

    That’s some tedious link to Christianity.

    I think you mean “tenuous”?

    Christians are finding a Christian meaning in it

    Of course they are, it’s what they do. “This morning, I had a boiled egg and dippy soldiers for breakfast. And you know, in a way, it made me think of the Lord…”

    Free Member

    Alien Covenant.

    ALL OF IT.

    Free Member

    Oh, and while we’re on the subject, the decision to just cut Paul McGann’s character (Golic) out of the 2nd half of Alien 3. However, I hear he’s been restored to a recently released cut.

    Full Member

    On Breaking Bad, Walter White is a genius chemist who’s stolen work contributed to a Nobel Prize. Major parts of the plot center around the need to source the precursor chemicals required to produce crystal meth, but a chemist with his level of knowledge could produce those precursors himself, he wouldn’t need to source them from outsiders.

    Free Member

    Lethal Weapon II – Murtaugh is sat on a toilet packed with explosives but, when they go off, the toilet (cistern and all) lands, completely undamaged, on a car outside.

    Full Member

    a chemist with his level of knowledge could produce those precursors himself, he wouldn’t need to source them from outside

    That’s not how chemistry works. He might be able to produce the precursors in theory but in practice it may be, expensive, time consuming and take a lot of expensive equipment.  It would  be like someone who wanted to bake cake illegally deciding to make his ”precursors” butter, flour, and sugar, by setting up a farm to produce wheat, eggs milk, and sugar beet, and setting up a sugar plant to make the crystalline sugar, a mill to make the flour and a dairy and cold store to make the butter. All without drawing attention to himself.

    No, as a chemical engineer I thought Breaking Bad was pretty good about the production aspects, but perhaps understated the marketing problems.

    Full Member

     It would  be like someone who wanted to bake cake deciding to make his ”precursors” butter, flour, and sugar, by setting up a farm to produce wheat, eggs milk, and sugar beet, and setting up a sugar plant to make the crystalline sugar, a mill to make the flour and a dairy and cold store to make the butter.

    And blog about it. Bloody hipsters.

    Free Member

    Marcellus Wallace employing Vincent Vegas as a trusted enforcer. His level of incompetence and ability to escalate situations is incredible. Literally everything he does he screws up.

    Free Member

    Rooster in Top Gun: Maverick looks remarkably young for a chap who was a toddler in 1985, when he was featured in the original film…

    I don’t think this is a plot hole. In Top Gun: Maverick it is only said that Maverick has ‘Thirty-plus years of service’. It seems reasonable that means no more than 33. He was already a fully-qualified pilot in the first film, which seems to indicate a minimum of 4 years in the US Navy. So it’s a maximum of 29 years later. And Miles Teller was 34 when the film came out, so it seems to work, independent of the year either film was set.

    Free Member

    Also where did Indy hide on the submarine? Or did he just hold his breath while it crossed the Adriatic?

    This actually has an answer: he tied himself to the periscope, which remained above water: https://movies.stackexchange.com/questions/4060/how-did-indiana-jones-manage-to-follow-marion-to-the-island.

    Not the Adriatic though – it was from near Sicily to somewhere in the Aegean.

    Free Member

    I can’t be bothered to read the whole thread but has anyone mentioned Highlander 2? The plot holes to end all plot holes.

    In Star Wars how has everyone forgot about the Jedi Knights only 20 years after a war they were at the centre of?

    It would be like no-one could remember anything about WW2 special forces in the 1960’s.

    Free Member

    In Star Wars how has everyone forgot about the Jedi Knights only 20 years after a war they were at the centre of?

    Perhaps Old Ben did mind control on everyone ‘these are not the droids you are looking for’ style.

    Full Member

    How does Father Christmas deliver presents around the whole world in one night with just a sleigh and a small herd of reindeer that can’t actually fly ?????

    Full Member

    I can’t be bothered to read the whole thread but has anyone mentioned Highlander 2? The plot holes to end all plot holes.

    I’ve spoken about this before but Highlander 2 was a very troubled film.  It’s worth reading the story about it.  Amongst other things, the country they were filming in (Argentina?) went bankrupt whilst they were filming, and it was one of those where the studio wouldn’t stop interfering.

    The director has revisited it a few times.  There’s a “renegade edition” which fixes a number of the major problems, and a subsequent director’s cut where he’s patched up what he can from the cutting room floor and CGI.  I had the former on VHS for a while but it got tossed when I got rid of all my videos.  If anyone knows where I can get hold of the director’s cut, I’m all ears.  It’s never going to be a great movie, but it’s better than the dumpster fire that aired in the cinema (and even that was better than what the US got lumbered with).

    Full Member

    In Star Wars how has everyone forgot about the Jedi Knights only 20 years after a war they were at the centre of?

    It would be like no-one could remember anything about WW2 special forces in the 1960’s.

    I suppose space is a big place?

    Full Member

    @Cougar there’s a version on 🏴‍☠️bay marked as “Director’s cut/Renegade version”. Only 900Mb so not great quality but probably on par with an ancient VHS!

    Full Member

    It’s probably a rip from the VHS..!

    I’m immediately sceptical because that’s two different versions.

    Full Member

    hmmm, I’ve never actually bothered to watch any version but this website says not https://www.figmentfly.com/published/highlander2article.html#:~:text=What’s%20the%20best%20way%20to,editing)%2C%20story%20and%20footage.

    looks like “Director’s cut: Renegade version” is the name of the 4:3 VHS release, and “Director’s cut” is the name given to the letterboxed widescreen Laserdisc release, but they’re exactly the same length so I’m assuming it’s the same cut, they’ve just dropped the “Renegade” part of the name.

    The downloadable version is letterboxed, and the quality is actually not terrible so I reckon it’s a rip from the Laserdisc.

    Full Member

    4 pages in and noone has mentioned Face Off.

    Bad guys henchmen in the operating theatre when the bad guy gets the good guy’s face stitched on.

    Same henchmen in the penthouse/apartment when the good guy turns up with the bad guy’s face and they side with him in the firefight.

    Free Member

    Walter White’s feedstocks:

    Like methylamine from air and natural gas, or pee and natural gas?

    Gus, we are going to need a bigger laundry.

    (In Europe access to many common chemicals is strictly controlled – this has led to some very inventive preparations of nitrates and mineral acids by hobbyists, all very time consuming.)

    Full Member

    looks like “Director’s cut: Renegade version” is the name of the 4:3 VHS release, and “Director’s cut” is the name given to the letterboxed widescreen Laserdisc release, but they’re exactly the same length so I’m assuming it’s the same cut, they’ve just dropped the “Renegade” part of the name.

    Yes, that’s me misremembering.

    That page, whilst comprehensive, is out of date.  The “director’s cut” I was referring to earlier is actually the “special edition.”


    Producers Panzer and Davis revisited Highlander II once again in 2004. Dubbed the “Special Edition”, this cut was nearly identical to the Renegade Version, but with a few alterations, such as the introduction of new CGI special effects throughout the film, including a now-blue shield as originally intended, and a small piece of voice-over work by Lambert.

    Reviewing the 2004 “Special Edition” DVD, David Ryan of DVD Verdict gave it a score of 69 out of 100 and said that “[this] is the best version of this film that [the producers] can make with the material they have on hand.   It’s still not a particularly good film—but it’s infinitely superior to the original version…

    Full Member

    @Cougar fair enough! Here you go then:

    https:/ /www.amazon.co.uk/Highlander-Special-DVD-Region-NTSC/dp/B00028G7IY

    (although I might suggest that’s slightly more than you want to spend for a terrible, terrible film 😂)

    (edit: why can’t this forum do amazon links properly still 🤣)

    Full Member

    Yeah, I’d seen that.

    Somewhat shockingly, I don’t think I own anything that can play R1 DVDs any more.  My old Sony (dating from the days where region-free required a mod chip) went bang and I never replaced it.

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