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  • Plot Holes
  • Northwind
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    Also, it’s apparent that Indy and Marian already had a relationship in the past which suggests she was potentially underage…”

    So this is supposedly a transcripy of George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Larry Kasdan plotting out the film

    G — We have to get them cemented into a very strong relationship. A bond.
    L — I like it if they already had a relationship at one point. Because then you don’t have
    to build it.
    G — I was thinking that this old guy could have been his mentor. He could have known
    this little girl when she was just a kid. Had an affair with her when she was eleven.
    L — And he was forty-two.
    G — He hasn’t seen her in twelve years. Now she’s twenty-two. It’s a real strange
    S — She had better be older than twenty-two.
    G — He’s thirty-five, and he knew her ten years ago when he was twenty-five and she
    was only twelve.
    G — It would be amusing to make her slightly young at the time.
    S — And promiscuous. She came onto him.
    G — Fifteen is right on the edge. I know it’s an outrageous idea, but it is interesting.
    Once she’s sixteen or seventeen it’s not interesting anymore. But if she was fifteen and
    he was twenty-five and they actually had an affair the last time they met. And she was
    madly in love with him and he…
    S — She has pictures of him.
    G — There would be a picture on the mantle of her, her father, and him. She was madly
    in love with him at the time and he left her because obviously it wouldn’t work out. Now
    she’s twenty-five and she’s been living in Nepal since she was eighteen. It’s not only that
    they like each other, it’s a very bizarre thing, it puts a whole new perspective on this
    whole thing. It gives you lots of stuff to play off of between them. Maybe she still likes
    him. It’s something he’d rather forget about and not have come up again. This gives her
    a lot of ammunition to fight with.
    S — In a way, she could say, “You’ve made me this hard.”
    G — This is a resource that you can either mine or not. It’s not as blatant as we’re
    talking about. You don’t think about it that much. You don’t immediately realize how old
    she was at the time. It would be subtle. She could talk about it. “I was jail bait the last
    time we were together.” She can flaunt it at him, but at the same time she never says,
    “I was fifteen years old.” Even if we don’t mention it, when we go to cast the part we’re
    going to end up with a woman who’s about twenty-three and a hero who’s about thirty-

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    Free Member

    None of the droids make any sense. Are they alive or what? Why are they so weirdly specific in what they are good at. And why do they need to “talk” everything. Haven’t they got wifi?

    It drives me a bit crazy tbh, the droid revolution/droid rights story is so obviously right there for the taking, and they keep sort of skirting round it then pulling back. Sometimes it’s really grim, like, C3P0 in that last one has the scene where he’s potentially about to give up his life and he says something like “I want to remember this last time with my friends” and 10 seconds later people are literally laughing about it. Solo got right into it too, except that everyone just sort of forgets that there’s a living robot mind literally slaved into the millenium falcon, even when it was sat in that junkyard for years or risking being blown up. We have droids with trauma, droids that are in love, droids that sacrifice, but even the heroes treat them like jokes or pets.

    Droid lives matter

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    Star wars…

    How can that many clones bread specifically to be soldiers, with that many Lazer guns, fail to hit a single target? 😀

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    What always irked me even as a kid (because Nerd) is that he’s an R2 model astromech droid with designation D2.  So in the entire galaxy there’s a maximum of 260 Artoo units.

    AFAIK this is entirely something invented by fans (and possibly non-film material, books, games etc). R2D2 is his designation but there’s no such thing as an R2 model – the numbers are completely arbitrary. (Somewhat obviously, as the movie people are just making all this crap up as they go along 😂)

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    How can that many clones bread specifically to be soldiers, with that many Lazer guns, fail to hit a single target? 😀

    Who do you think trained the chaps in white armour in episode 4 onwards?

    Free Member

    Quite apart from having a very narrow field of fire, really only useful for enemy planes directly overhead, if that was fired, the shockwave would break every window in the castle. Anti-aircraft guns are stationed on hilltops miles away where they can shoot things down before they’re actually overhead dropping bombs.

    most war films get the use of machine guns wrong, sticking out top floor windows and on top of buildings…. if you shoot at targets and miss the bullets go harmlessly into the ground. I guess it’s not very cinematic putting them on the ground floor where their bullets keep on flying if they miss the target.

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    Written by Steven Seagal

    You know what you’ll get when you watch it, yet how little the plots make sense amazes me. You would think that essentially retreading the same story of a fantastic ex (or current) special forces fellow who is irresistible to young women and possesses the ability not just to hit targets when shooting with his eyes closed but can also cause the bullets to change direction in mid-air would at least get easier if not better. But they still have so many plot holes.

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    It’s because he is a toy and it’s an uncontrollable, involuntary response.

    You can’t ruin Toy Story for me.

    Must be a choice as Woody speaks to the neighbour kid and has the other toys freak him out. Condemning him to life on a psychiatric ward.

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    Plot Holes

    Apparently if you get a puncture from one you can complain to the council and they’ll cover the cost of the new tyre

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    Ooh, I remembered another one (I think).

    Oceans 11 – they use an EMP to black everything out.

    This causes chaos in the casino with people grabbing cash and falling over each other. In theory an EMP damages all the electronics, permanently.

    Yet when they walk out, all the electronics in the buildings and cars are working again, and everyone in the casino is back as if nothing has happened….

    Full Member

    Infinite bullets in hand guns with no re-loading .. Many films are guilty of this.

    I know you can get extended magazines for some semi-autos… But when the shot count goes above 20…it gets a bit silly! Lol!

    And they are not even wearing a heavy jacket loaded with lots fresh mags which would weigh a ton, preventing them from doing all the gymnastics in the fight scenes.

    Full Member

    When they get to the castle, it has an anti-aircraft battery in the courtyard.

    And a Bell 47 

    Full Member

    Must be a choice as Woody speaks to the neighbour kid and has the other toys freak him out. Condemning him to life on a psychiatric ward.

    Or a job as a bin man

    Free Member

    Dunno if they’re technically plot holes, but two from the more recent Star Wars films. Actually maybe they can be combined into one. There’s using the jump to lightspeed to destroy the Star Destroyer, making every big space battle in any of the films pretty much pointless. Then later in the same film (I think) one of the robots is shooting stuff up using one of the walkers. If they can do that, why do humans* need to do anything?

    *and the rest of them

    Free Member

    Wasn’t it Raquel Welsh or Rita Hayworth or some such?

    Rita Hayworth first, then replaced with Rachel Welsh in Two Million Years B.C.

    I have always assumed the posters were just held up at the top and he lifted the bottom to get into the hole he was digging. I will never, ever, get tired of that film.

    Full Member

    Exactly it hangs at the top.

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    Crocodile Dundee.

    Water buffalo standing in the way stopping them driving.
    Dundee gets out ,hypnotises water buffalo.
    Now they have a **** great water buffalo asleep  and still in the way.

    Full Member

    How did the Empire not catch Obi Wan Kenobi after he cunningly changed his name to Old Ben Kenobi

    Kenobi is a bit like Smith.

    How can that many clones bread specifically to be soldiers, with that many Lazer guns, fail to hit a single target?

    Also they come through a single doorway one after the other to be mown down. Did they learn nothing from WWII films?

    Full Member

    Does anyone else bother to read the rest of a post that starts like this?

    Of course, I was curious as to what it would say. The next gen CHATgpt 40 will be fully conversational. Questions like this will render STW queries redundant. 😏

    4Weddings – Hugh choosing Andie MacDowell over Kristin Scott Thomas.
    From memory (I haven’t watched it since it aired at the cinema), I would have.

    So would I. Actually, one, either, one at a time… 🤷🏼

    None of the droids make any sense. Are they alive or what? Why are they so weirdly specific in what they are good at. And why do they need to “talk” everything. Haven’t they got wifi?

    ‘Alive’ is, of course, a loaded question in this context. They’re true robots with an AI core processor, and in exactly the same way that humans have, and have always had individuals who are very much specific in the tasks they perform, it’s perfectly reasonable that robots would not only have a specialised ability within them, they would be built to allow them to work in specific environments.
    Think about it, why wouldn’t they be? Humans have to use specific tools to carry out tasks in their specialised environments, robots would be even more effective with all the tools available built in. Clearly a question posed by someone who’s never read much SF or watched many SF films.

    Full Member

     I will never, ever, get tired of that film.

    Remind me to add that film to the “things you should like, but never got into” thread. I’ve no real understanding why otherwise normal seeming folk are so in love with a film that’s  as so blatantly an evangelically Christian white saviour creation tale

    Full Member

    Does anyone else bother to read the rest of a post that starts like this?

    But you did read it… 😂

    ‘fraid not. You gave me the opportunity not to with the first line –  If there was an extension that filtered out AI-Reply-guys I could have saved myself the bother of even doing that  🙂

    Every Bond villain lair has apparently been built without ever raising any suspicions regarding audit trails, supply chains, the vast army of highly skilled labour required to construct it, the money to fund it and – in the more recent films – without ever showing up on spy satellite pics and causing someone in any nation’s intelligence services to ask WTF is being built on [remote island].

    Thats not so far fetched. There are massive complexes that have been built in the UK without raising any suspicion. A mountain to the north of the Cromarty Firth was hollowed out in complete secrecy – you just don’t let people go home at the end of a shift. Inside the mountain, as well as massive cathedral-sized oil bunkers for fuelling WW1 fleet……. theres a cinema.

    Full Member

    And they are not even wearing a heavy jacket loaded with lots fresh mags which would weigh a ton, preventing them from doing all the gymnastics in the fight scenes.

    Also, the guys wearing suits and office shoes who can run like an olympic athlete and do martial arts without tearing all the seams out of their clothes.

    Full Member

    Oceans 11 – they use an EMP to black everything out.

    And yet the camera, sound and lighting equipment all continued working. Which is a shame 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve no real understanding why otherwise normal seeming folk are so in love with a film that’s  as so blatantly an evangelically Christian white saviour creation tale.

    Yet, here’s me, I’ve seen the film probably 50+ times, read the original short story and seen the stage show and not once has it crossed my mind that it is a blatant Christian white saviour creation tale.

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    Why does Laura Croft: Tomb Raider go all the way the the Arctic to retrieve the other half of the triangle thingy? She knows that it only works with both halves, so all she has to do is destroy the half she’s got already. Job jobbed.

    Free Member

    Why does Laura Croft: Tomb Raider go all the way the the Arctic to retrieve the other half of the triangle thingy?

    Because it’s what her hero and inspiration, Indian Jones, would have done?

    Infinite bullets in hand guns with no re-loading .. Many films are guilty of this.

    Because it’s cheaper than hiring a competent technical advisor(s) and training an actor to be convincing on screen.

    Full Member

    I’ve no real understanding why otherwise normal seeming folk are so in love with a film that’s  as so blatantly an evangelically Christian white saviour creation tale.

    Well that must be huge plot hole as I’ve never noticed that.

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    Fool me once (Netflix, who’d’v thought!)

    Turns out she knew all along what happened, but investigated anyway.

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    Plot holes….

    James Bond. Every film. Every twenty minutes or often less.

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    No Time to Die

    The “nanobots” make no sense. But given the major world events between its writing, filming, reshoots, and release; it would make a lot more sense if it was a virus.

    Does anyone actually say “nanobots” to camera so you can read their lips? And if they do, are they looking about 2 years older than in the rest of the scene?

    Full Member

    Infinite bullets in hand guns with no re-loading .. Many films are guilty of this.

    Because it’s cheaper than hiring a competent technical advisor(s) and training an actor to be convincing on screen.

    its less about competence and realism, more about making sure your film is at least 90 minutes long 🙂

    see also The Fast and the Furious and the number of gear changes required to drive a car in a straight line.

    Neither of these things are plot holes. They’re just padding, if you didn’t keep changing gear or spraying bullets you’d have to fill that time with ideas. That’s not as easy as it sounds

    Full Member

    Infinite bullets in hand guns with no re-loading .. Many films are guilty of this.

    Because it’s cheaper than hiring a competent technical advisor(s) and training an actor to be convincing on screen.

    You can have combat consultants as technical advisors on set, you can even have actors who trained with FBI hostage rescue teams to make them realistic… but with 20 takes and 5 camera angles, that doesn’t get reflected in the editing room floor where they go for what looks cooler.

    Full Member

    The Fast and the Furious and the number of gear changes required to drive a car in a straight line.

    Well, they are modified cars… Maybe they are running gearboxes from Scania lorries!

    Full Member

    a film that’s as so blatantly an evangelically Christian white saviour creation tale

    Are you sure?

    I know in the film red is black but I thought in the book red was ginger, so white not black. Andy is white in the book, like the ginger red. And white in the film contrasting with the black red.

    But to be honest I don’t think colour really came into it.

    but with 20 takes and 5 camera angles, that doesn’t get reflected in the editing room floor where they go for what looks cooler.

    There’s plenty of movies that dismiss that argument. It’s simply about if the ‘action’ is integral to the plot or just entertainment.

    Realism is boring and uneventful.

    competence and realism

    They’re often very dull concepts to the average movie goer.

    Full Member

    Anti-aircraft guns are stationed on hilltops miles away where they can shoot things down before they’re actually overhead dropping bombs

    Hmm, not sure about that. The Bethnal Green tube disaster of 1943 was supposed to have triggered by testing anti aircraft guns nearby – in the East End of London.

    Free Member

    “Rita Hayworth first, then replaced with Rachel Welsh in Two Million Years B.C.”

    It was 1 million years BC. Released in the US in 1967

    Andy Dufrane escaped in 1966…..

    Free Member

    Did they learn nothing from WWII films?

    It happened a long time ago so probably pre-war

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