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    If R2D2 has the Death Star plans stored in its memory, how come it has to tap into the Death Star to locate the shield generators so that Obi Wan can disable them?

    Full Member

    I don’t know, but I know an AI that might…

    The difference in tasks between storing the Death Star plans and needing to access the Death Star’s systems to locate the shield generators can be attributed to the specific details and real-time information required for each task.

    1. **Storing the Death Star Plans**: When R2D2 carries the plans for the Death Star, these plans are essentially static data. They provide the overall design, layout, and structural details of the Death Star, which are crucial for identifying vulnerabilities (like the exhaust port that Luke Skywalker ultimately targets). This type of data would be fixed and would not typically change once the Death Star was constructed.

    2. **Locating the Shield Generators**: In contrast, accessing the location of the shield generators likely required real-time data. Shield generators could be a part of the Death Star’s defenses that might change in terms of operational status or specific location (especially if they are designed to be mobile within the structure or have multiple redundant systems). R2D2 tapping into the Death Star’s own network could be necessary to get the most current operational data, such as which shield generators are active, their current power levels, or even precise current locations within the massive structure of the Death Star.

    Essentially, the plans R2D2 carried would not necessarily include or be updated with the current operational status of the Death Star’s defensive systems, requiring direct access to the Death Star’s network to obtain this specific and potentially variable information.

    edit: having read that twice, it sounds a bit tenuous….

    Full Member

    The plans were stored in R2D2’s memory, but hidden to avoid detection. So they were there, but not accessible by the droid.

    Probably 🤔

    Full Member

    In Toy Story, Buzz Lightyear doesn’t realize he’s a toy, he thinks he’s a real astronaut. But, he always plays dead whenever a human enters the room.

    Full Member

    How does Andy reattach the poster to the wall to cover up the big hole he’s been making?

    Full Member

    I don’t know, but I know an AI that might…

    Does anyone else bother to read the rest of a post that starts like this?

    Full Member

    George and Lorraine McFly are quite happy to employ Biff at the end of Back to the Future, despite the reason they first got together being because George stopped Biff sexually assaulting Lorraine.

    Full Member

    Does anyone else bother to read the rest of a post that starts like this?

    But you did read it… 😂

    Full Member

    IN Dukes of Hazard, A-Team, Blues Brothers and more – you see the car destroyed/bent at the end of a jump regularly, then drive off in a pristine car…

    Full Member

    Every movie where someone with time travel ability gets surprised by their opponent.

    Full Member

    Every Bond villain lair has apparently been built without ever raising any suspicions regarding audit trails, supply chains, the vast army of highly skilled labour required to construct it, the money to fund it and – in the more recent films – without ever showing up on spy satellite pics and causing someone in any nation’s intelligence services to ask WTF is being built on [remote island].

    Free Member

    SR: Andy died of hydrogen sulphide poisoning on the way out.

    Secret lairs;  Been worrying about that since Tracy Island.  A certain rather good series in recent years actually addressed this issue in a very interesting fashion.  Won’t name it too good to spoil.

    Full Member

    In looper they send people through time and space to be killed by a person only to hide the body, why not just send them to the earth’s core?  Or the sun? Or pretty much anywhere that will result in their death?  Why use a person in the past at all?

    Full Member

    Having laid waste to a vast amount of central Paris how is Liam Neason allowed to fly out?

    Full Member

    Raiders of the Lost Arc would have ended exactly the same way without the presence of Indiana Jones.

    Full Member

    In Toy Story, Buzz Lightyear doesn’t realize he’s a toy, he thinks he’s a real astronaut. But, he always plays dead whenever a human enters the room.

    It’s because he is a toy and it’s an uncontrollable, involuntary response.

    You can’t ruin Toy Story for me.

    Full Member

    How does Andy reattach the poster to the wall to cover up the big hole he’s been making?

    Wasn’t it Raquel Welsh or Rita Hayworth or some such?  All alone in a men’s prison, there’s an obvious solution.

    Full Member

    everything in  Reacher

    Free Member

    Who’s driving the boat?

    Full Member

    If R2D2 has the Death Star plans stored in its memory, how come it has to tap into the Death Star to locate the shield generators so that Obi Wan can disable them?

    This was actually in the film, the plans are inaccessible until Luke accidentally triggers the hologram playback.  Even then, R2 has no knowledge of what it is or even that it’s playing.  It’s like having an envelope sneaked into your pocket.  What envelope?

    What always irked me even as a kid (because Nerd) is that he’s an R2 model astromech droid with designation D2.  So in the entire galaxy there’s a maximum of 260 Artoo units.

    Free Member

    4Weddings – Hugh choosing Andie MacDowell over Kristin Scott Thomas.

    Full Member

    4Weddings – Hugh choosing Andie MacDowell over Kristin Scott Thomas.


    Full Member

    4Weddings – Hugh choosing Andie MacDowell over Kristin Scott Thomas.

    From memory (I haven’t watched it since it aired at the cinema), I would have.

    Full Member

    This was actually in the film, the plans are inaccessible until Luke accidentally triggers the hologram playback.

    But he does that before they get pulled onto the Death Star, so by the time Old Ben needs to know, they know R2 has the plans. Also, how come the Ewoks have a dress that fits Leia?

    Every movie where someone with time travel ability gets surprised by their opponent.

    In one of the Earlier Potter’s, Hermione has a time traveling device, making the rest of the books redundant.

    Free Member

    Also, how come the Ewoks have a dress that fits Leia?

    They had it left over from one of their previous victims that they trapped, cooked and ate.

    Obviously this opens up another plot hole….why didn’t the Ewoks strip their victims before they cooked them?

    Full Member

    why didn’t the Ewoks strip their victims before they cooked them?

    Like a normal person!

    Free Member

    The real question is, what was in the sausage rolls at the buffet they had at the big party on Endor at the end of Return of the Jedi?

    Full Member

    Also, how come the Ewoks have a dress that fits Leia?

    From the Caravan of Chaos.

    Full Member

    So in the entire galaxy there’s a maximum of 260 Artoo units

    Some major assumptions there – why can’t we have R2-11 or R2-A11 etc? Heck if there were only 260 in the galaxy they’d be pretty rare, so if you were looking for one and found an R2 unit in a passing speeder there’d be a good chance it IS the droid you’re looking for.

    Full Member

    If ET can levitate the entire BMX gang to fly to the landing site; how come he didn’t just do that at the beginning to get back on his space-ship when it took off without him. Also: how come they took off without him in the first place? Arseholes.

    Full Member

    Raiders of the Lost Arc would have ended exactly the same way without the presence of Indiana Jones.

    You absolute bastard.

    Full Member

    If R2D2 has the Death Star plans stored in its memory, how come it has to tap into the Death Star to locate the shield generators so that Obi Wan can disable them?

    Durrr…I have many Word docs stored on my backup HDD but I can’t open them as the HDD does not have Word.exe installed…

    Vlad (not a Star Wars geek)

    Free Member

    None of the droids make any sense. Are they alive or what? Why are they so weirdly specific in what they are good at. And why do they need to “talk” everything. Haven’t they got wifi?

    Full Member

    How did the Empire not catch Obi Wan Kenobi after he cunningly changed his name to Old Ben Kenobi, carried on wearing the exact same clothes and ‘hid’ on the planet where 99.999% of things happen in the universe.

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    Rooster in Top Gun: Maverick looks remarkably young for a chap who was a toddler in 1985, when he was featured in the original film…

    Free Member

    Bellochs staff was too long at 72 inches so they knocked a foot of it for Indy and it was still two foot taller than him, was Indiana Jones a midget, FFS?

    Free Member

    Also: how come they took off without him in the first place? Arseholes.

    Because they were close to being caught by the group of people looking for them (ie, the man with the keys dangling from his jeans and co.)

    Raiders of the Lost Arc would have ended exactly the same way without the presence of Indiana Jones.

    Yes, and it had ended that way many, many times before without Indy being involved (all the arks stored in the warehouse in the closing scene).

    Free Member

    Also where did Indy hide on the submarine? Or did he just hold his breath while it crossed the Adriatic?

    Full Member

    Raiders of the Lost Arc would have ended exactly the same way without the presence of Indiana Jones.

    Much as that scene in the Big Bang Theory where Amy explains this flaw to Sheldon is very amusing, Indy does save Marian Ravenwood from the evil Nazis in the bar so without him she’d have died horribly. Or just given the Nazis the medallion and been left to carry on her drinking games.

    Although at the same time, Indy’s intervention does burn the place to the ground so I guess that’s 50:50 as to how much use he is.

    Also, it’s apparent that Indy and Marian already had a relationship in the past which suggests  she was potentially underage…

    Full Member

    Where Eagles Dare is just one wild string of plot holes but one that stands out…

    When they get to the castle, it has an anti-aircraft battery in the courtyard.

    Quite apart from having a very narrow field of fire, really only useful for enemy planes directly overhead, if that was fired, the shockwave would break every window in the castle. Anti-aircraft guns are stationed on hilltops miles away where they can shoot things down before they’re actually overhead dropping bombs.

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