Is there a temptation to put a belt drive on it
At the moment, you can’t run a belt with any form of tensioner. The Gates ones can’t be bent backwards which makes using standard tensioning designs difficult. Also, becasue of the greater tension needed in the belt (more than a chain, but not as much as Gates claim IME) the spring in the tensioner would have to be pretty tiff, but would have to be regulated to maintain constant tension throughout its stroke.
Its something I’ve thought a lot about 🙂
At the moment, the only way for a belt-drive on a full-sus frame is by having a single pivot co-axial with the BB. Like a Kona A. Like my Kona A for example 🙂
To work with th ePinion, you’d need a single pivot coaxial with the BB and the final drive, which gets massivly complicated. Would be simpler if the Pinion final drive wasn’t co-axial with the BB, which I’m sure wouldn’t be too hard for them to design. I might even have a go myself.