More #beerienteering today. 64km which pretty much killed me. It just feels like I’ve lost loads of fitness, likely the after-effects of CV19. Still, a lovely, if slightly breezy, day so no hurry.
Loads of insects around now
P1060524 by Colin Cadden[/url], on Flickr
P1060519 by Colin Cadden[/url], on Flickr
Huge swathes of bog cotton
P1060533 by Colin Cadden[/url], on Flickr
But the highlight came when I sat down to have some food and saw a bird flying over.
P1060523 by Colin Cadden[/url], on Flickr
Looked hawk-like, but too big. Too “fine” in features to be a buzzard or eagle. Then I saw it heading to its nest.
P1060522 by Colin Cadden[/url], on Flickr