Based out of Inverness, they can pick you up in Ullapool and drive you to Oban. It’s a bit spendy if you are solo or a couple but gets much more affordable in a larger group. Sharing with other customers is also an option.
If you can get the train to Oban and back from Inverness then the Ullapool-Inverness hop is obviously a lot cheaper.
You can get a couple of bikes on the normal Ullapool – Inverness bus, but the official limit is 2 bikes and I don’t know if you can book.
Durness Bike Bus was another option but they stopped a few years ago and I don’t know if they’ve picked up again.
The Ullapool – Inverness road isn’t too bad for riding, at least as far as Garve. I hate the bit between there and Contin. You can get a train at Garve, or take the back roads from Contin to Inverness.
Just back from doing an attic conversion near Ness, took days off when the weather was nice. Mangersta beach was stunning, quite perfect for a three second skinny dip. Cliff top walks around there quite fantastic. The stretch between Dalbeg and Shawbost has many sea arches. On the clifftop path above Dalbeg two otters tanked across infront of us then 150ft down a grassy gully then across the rocks into the sea…whole event lasted a mere five seconds! Same day saw a sea eagle at Bostadh. Local folk were all dead nice contrary to free church stereotype that some people expect.