Home Forums Chat Forum Oooh! Shiny. New site theme discussion. Bug Reports

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  • Oooh! Shiny. New site theme discussion. Bug Reports
  • Cougar
    Full Member


    Free Member

    Cougar’s getting a bit testy, i see.

    Full Member

    Looks good.

    Is there any way of removing the “Singletrack” page header when scrolling through the site on Chrome? It makes covert browsing more difficult.


    Where do I find the “like” button?

    Free Member

    However issue I’m having is that side bar is overlapping the first couple of letters of text on the left hand side of the posts and thread titles.

    So, at the bottom of the page where the ST banner says ‘Support Us/Join US’, side bar covers first two letters so it says ‘pport Us/Join US’ (Using Windows & Chrome)

    Same here – very annoying. Hope it gets sorted soon!

    Full Member

    Groovy,used the search and it worked first time,ya dancer :-)

    Full Member

    I wont comment on minor visual things as I’m sure you’ll see them too.

    I can’t access the homepage any more.
    Clicking the logo at the top redirects me to my profile page.
    Typing in the URL also redirects me to my profile page.

    Clicking a sumbmenu link works fine (e.g. Latest>News)

    Full Member

    I echo the other comments about the fixed header meaning I cant discretely scroll in work hours and the time since last posted

    Full Member

    Going to Channels > Charged works, but then going back to Channels > Singletrack does the same redirect to my profile page.

    Full Member

    Any reason you’ve gone for fixed width rather than responsive design on desktop?

    It looks a bit squished…

    Full Member

    I got an email to say that I had a message, but now I can’t find it. The link in the email doesn’t work and all my messages seem to have disappeared.

    Free Member

    I can’t access the homepage any more.

    There’s a homepage?!

    Full Member

    Why have I got a black bar down the left side of the screen?

    Full Member

    Why have I got a black bar down the left side of the screen?

    For future features.

    Full Member

    Actual forum content is about 25-30% of available screen width on my work monitor, the forum section is almost as wide as the bar advertising your podcast, nice, but I never really listen to any podcasts so it’s good that it uses up so much screen real-estate.

    Full Member

    Is there any way of removing the “Singletrack” page header when scrolling through the site on Chrome? It makes covert browsing more difficult.

    Make it an option for the ‘P’ club and you’ll get a few more paying up :)

    Like the new theme in the P Forum too, and the live chat app is working well.

    Full Member

    I know I’m weird but, …

    I use a big screen, tilted to portrait view for reading documents

    STW now has loads of “fallow” space on the screen, apparently due to the podcast stuff and perhaps some non-P adverts – looks like

    screenshot new stw

    If I zoom in one step to try to see just the topic, author & freshness, I get only “topic”, still with a load of fallow space

    screenshot new stw 2

    I assume it’s set for phone viewing or something. Not the worst thing in my life but it’s not as good for me as the previous one was

    Oh, and the theme shown in these screenshots is the same whether I have “dark” on or off. Again, firefox

    Full Member

    For future features.

    To block off the edge of what I want to look at. See the above pic.

    Full Member

    Safari 11.1.2 OsX 10.11.6 – super resource hoggy, to the point of bringing ye olde MacBook Air to a standstill. And that’s without ads loading yet.

    Edit: crashed the browser tab when reloading the main forum page. Not had that happen with any site for years. Now not loading at all in Safari. Is loading in Chrome (with ads), but maxing out CPU etc again.

    Edit: is loading in Safari again, but same maxing of resources. I’ll leave it alone now and use on the phone instead, it’s super smooth with that.

    Free Member

    “Posted x ago” text to be formatted and located nearer to the “REPLY REPORT” text as it slightly interferes with the post comment


    And need the squizzbacktothetop arrow back please!

    Posted 1 hour ago
    Posted 30 minutes ago
    Posted 1 minute ago

    Full Member

    All excellent on safariVersion 13.0.5 iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013)

    Full Member

    Profile area, the “upload” for avatar and banner pic don’t seem to work. Drag and droppnig files or choosing them seems to upload the files, but no action when I click “apply”. Chrome, Windows 10

    Full Member

    Those complaining about screen width / fixed column sizes – is it vastly different from the previous version for you? It seems near-identical to me, I’m confused.

    Resizing the browser width will switch you between mobile and desktop sites – this isn’t new behaviour, it always did this. The cut-off is 1000px I think.

    Full Member

    My profile when I sign in – looks empty and I get prompted to add information.  Where has my old information gone…?

    Full Member

    To block off the edge of what I want to look at. See the above pic.

    Yeah, that’s clearly a bug. Safari I assume?

    Does it work if you turn your pad around landscape?

    Full Member

    Have we lost the arrow to return to the top again? 😭

    Full Member


    Now tell me where your contact details are?

    You don’t seem to have uploaded contact details yet.

    I’m trying to register a gift voucher, the phone number on the card is out of service and your email says it will take a couple of days to get back to me, by which time the direct debit will be out of my account. Every time I try to enter the web address to redeem a voucher it directs me to my account details which doesn’t help.

    Free Member

    have we got any way to jump to the last post in a particular thread that you’ve already read

    (that’s worded awfully, hopefully you’ll know what I mean)

    Full Member

    Really like the new look, much easier on the eyes.

    Only problem i’ve noticed so far is that I’d expect both the ‘Singletrack’ and the ST logo at the top to return to the homepage not my profile page.

    Full Member

    It’s like when your girlfriend comes home and she’s got new hair, and you have to say that you like the new hair because that’s the nice thing to do, but really you don’t particularly like the new hair, and you feel a bit lost and want the old hair back and just want a hug off of the old hair..

    Full Member

    Those complaining about screen width / fixed column sizes – is it vastly different from the previous version for you? It seems near-identical to me, I’m confused.

    Not that different- it’s responsive between the two modes, but (IMO) desktop mode looks a bit like a load of wasted space and everything squidged in the middle now, when before it was just wasted space.

    Edit – I’m going to stick with the narrow version for now.
    Would be nice to have an “unread posts” count.

    Full Member

    Those complaining about screen width / fixed column sizes – is it vastly different from the previous version for you? It seems near-identical to me, I’m confused.

    Yes, for me anyway ( firefox, fwiw )

    (oh, and the text colour for hyperlinks is still a bit too close to black for me – that’s a very “meh” one though)

    Full Member

    Can we hide the top bar?

    Otherwise it’s bollocksed any stealth foruming at work

    100% this.

    It should be there at the top, hide whne you first scroll down, and stay hidden till you go back to the top.

    One of the beauties of the STW forum is that when viewed in a nice small window, its just looks like text…

    Full Member

    No Login box when you’re viewing a topic ? (iOS Safari on iPhone X)

    * I may be blind

    Full Member

    You don’t seem to have uploaded contact details yet.

    I’m trying to register a gift voucher,

    I’ve fed this back and asked the question for you.

    STW contact information page
    I’m guessing subs@ is most appropriate?

    Free Member

    Doesn’t work on my iPad.


    Full Member

    Incidentally, the dark theme is a setting. You can turn it off in your account preferences

    Changing the setting makes no difference for me I’m afraid. Chrome android and chrome PC. Grey on grey is easy on my eyes, but actually tricky to read.

    Full Member

    Something blocking cookies? Works fine for me, the non-dark colour scheme looks very similar to the previous theme.

    (Ever noticed how The Scream looks like a spaniel?)

    Full Member

    Update: 3pm

    Tom has gone home for a sleep – he was here at 4am.
    He’s going to be up to monitor things for the evening rush.
    The good news is the server load has dropped to reasonable levels and things are looking stable (at the moment). So we can start to work through the list we have and the things you have highlighted here. It’s going to take us a few days, if not weeks to get everything how we want it, but it will be worth it for the platform it gives us to do more in the coming weeks and months.

    Full Member

    is it vastly different from the previous version for you

    No, but it is a new version, should we not expect the site width to improve a little? Fixed width and lack of responsiveness is a bit 2010. If anything the podcast bar is wider so the actual useful content is less.

    It’s always the case that 80% of the bugs reported for the new version were present the previous though right Cougar (you work in software, you know this) ;)

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