The Nigel Slater 30 min book is great – best described as suppers, simple single course (usually single pan) meals for two and very comforting relaxy food. And the 30 mins is a max, some of the dishes are more like 5 mins.
The Jamie one is good too although it pushes the 30min envelope a bit, you could cook them in 30 mins the third of forth time you tried them, but because there a 3 courses to be juggled you spend too much time looking at the instructions the first time. They’re a bit more about entertaining as they are presented but I tend to take one dish and cook that, rather than try and juggle the whole meal.
The recipes in the Jamie At Home book are generally quicker to prepare than the 30 min book
Lots of Jamie Oliver recipes can be found online I usually google whatever key ingredient I’ve got plus Jamie Oliver – sometimes from the supermarket isle when I find something nice.
This is gobsmackingly lovely even though its totally off-brief and uses an oven. I’m sure you could jury-rig some sort of stove based version though