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  • Netflix recommendations
  • StuE
    Free Member

    Just watched NYAD on Netflix, a great feel good (true story) movie and very inspiring too

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Currently enjoying Arctic Ascent with Alex Honnold on National Geograhic. Nice bit of adventure doc with a climate science angle.

    Thanks for that. I wasn’t aware of this and it’s right up my strasse.

    I watched Lover, Stalker, Killer on NF last night. Some crazy people about.

    Full Member

    The Outfit.

    Just wow, now and again something that little different comes along, great performance by Mark Rylance worth a watch and for me at least – enthralling.

    Full Member

    Finished Griselda. Thought it was excellent. Really absorbing towards the middle-end. Realised I was gripping the partner’s hand ridiculously tightly during the party scene!

    When we finished that she put on “The Santa Clarita Diet” out of curiosity and we were roaring with laughter (slight exaggeration, but it was damn funny)! 30 eps of that to watch, so hopefully it keeps it up :)

    Full Member

    Nascar on Netflix is thoroughly enjoyable. Seeing behind the scenes of a motorsport i know nothing about, was pretty interesting. They are walking billboards. And the money….. some serious wedge on show with the houses, cars, jets etc. And the way the championship runs, very different to most points wins.

    Add into that some rivalry where they actually trash talk each other, rather than being nicey nice all the time.

    So if you like motorsports, its worth a watch.

    Full Member

    I have just watched fool me once the series that everyone was raving about and I have to say I was not that impressed, not as good as everyone made out.

    Not sure if sarcasm or you’ve not read any of the last few pages of this thread!

    Full Member

    True Detective 4 – Night Country is a mixed bag. Mostly good.

    The atmosphere is thick with contradictions – Christmas fairy lights amongst characters with huge life draining issues.

    It’s starts well, and the plot is intriguing but then at the halfway point becomes a bit of drudge through soul destroyingly typical cop character grimness. Everyone has massive personal problems solved by having sex with everyone it appears.

    Then by episode five it’s back on track and remembers there’s a plot to service. It’s coming together again for the old corporate corruption theme.

    At its best when it’s doing the ‘The Thing’ creepiness and isolation of the characters – which may or may not be supernatural.

    I like this theme but be prepared for slow and frustrating at times.

    (To be honest i thought the original also had these sort of issues – despite it being very good. But also got lost in its own mire.)

    Full Member

    Currently enjoying Arctic Ascent with Alex Honnold on National Geograhic.

    Fabulous scenery! But he’s using a rope – what a wimp!!

    Full Member

    I watched a bit of one of those episodes. Seemed like they found a tenuous climate science excuse to send Alex up a big wall, which is fine, but the idea of taking rock samples at various heights to measure their relative exposure to sunlight over the eons seemed to ignore the obvious possibility that large bits of rock fall off cliffs constantly, so you have no idea when the bit of rock you are sampling came to the surface.

    Free Member

    30 eps of that to watch, so hopefully it keeps it up


    YMMV but, I found it did

    Full Member

    I can happily second Griselda, excellent and gripping – I watched it as the rain came down outside and I pedalled away on the turbo …

    Not Netflix – but I can also recommend some of Pete Santanello’s investigative/reporting videos on Youtube, the Borders series in the US was really interesting, along with the Deep South series. IMO it shows a side to countries/regions I was certainly unaware of and would likely be the same for most of us. (He’s also generally upbeat too which makes it easy to watch – look out for Titus!)

    Full Member

    I’m becoming a connoisseur of outlandishly bad television and Fool Me Once is an excellent addition to the collection. It’s a spectacular mix of totally unbelievable plot-lines, ridiculously unlikely character stories and acting that’s unremittingly dreadful as if even the actors can’t pretend that it’s worth doing. Just hypnotically dreadful, well, at least for a couple of episodes. It’s nowhere near the level of Emily in Paris, which is much more self aware and dreadful in a far better way.

    I can also thoroughly recommend the gormless slosh that is Virgin River. Proper saccharine day-to-day dullness in a small US back country town interlaced with a jarring drug-dealing hoodlum side story and a few random murders. It’s worth watching solely for Jack, the lead man and ‘hearth throb’, a character so wooden that he has only two recognisable facial expressions, one where he looks ‘surprised’ and the other where he does ‘mournful’ like an old, moth-eaten soft toy dog. It’s kind of amazing. He can hold either expression for hours on end.

    Anyway, I’m sure it’s been mentioned already, but if you have Disney+, The Bear is just brilliant. It’s worth getting just for that and you can use Tesco Clubcard points. A propos of which, the lead actor in The Bear also plays Lip in the US version of Shameless, which is on Netflix and also a good watch, arguably better than the original.

    Full Member

    I started watching the Bear but gave up as it just seemed to be people shouting at each other non stop.

    Full Member

    I’m becoming a connoisseur of outlandishly bad television and Fool Me Once is an excellent addition to the collection

    The earlier Harlen Coben stuff is similarly terrible but equally binge worthy. It’ll be buried several pages back but Fool Me Once got an airing in this thread when it was first on. Sorry, when it “dropped” to use the streaming lingo.

    Richard Armitage is in at least 3 of them, he must have struck Netflix payday on this!

    They’re all broadly similar but Safe, Stay Close and The Stranger are all good for occupying cold wet evenings. All filmed around here too. Stockport features a lot in The Stranger. Stay Close has loads of stuff around St Helen’s, Manchester, Morecambe Bay and (rather bizarrely) the Widnes Bridge. It’s an extra level of jarring continuity when the character drives over the Widnes Bridge and pulls up at their beachfront house in Arnside. 😂

    Full Member

    One Day is quite an nice watch with two very strong actors in the lead roles.

    Full Member

    acting that’s unremittingly dreadful as if even the actors can’t pretend that it’s worth doing

    Adds a like to that sentence :D 👍

    …and The Stranger are all good for occupying cold wet evenings

    Yeah, if you’re a bit fed up with re-runs of Gogglebox or Love Island. 😂

    Full Member

    Cheers for recommending Boy Swallows Universe. 4 episodes in and absolutely loving it!

    have just watched fool me once the series that everyone was raving about and I have to say I was not that impressed, not as good as everyone made out.

    Not sure if sarcasm or you’ve not read any of the last few pages of this thread!

    Indeed. Its been slated by everyone and rightfully so. We didn’t even make it to the end of the first episode, it was so comically bad

    Full Member

    The OH wanted to watch Emily in Paris, so we did – for about 8 minutes. It’s… not good, so far at least – went in expecting funny, self-aware, poking fun at Americans abroad and got nothing so far.
    Does it improve?

    Full Member

    Disney+… you can use Tesco Clubcard points.

    I was doing this, but be aware that they silently changed the Tesco Clubcard deal recently so you now only get poverty spec Disney+ (no UHD/HDR/Atmos), which caught me out.

    Full Member

    One Day is quite an nice watch with two very strong actors in the lead roles.

    I absolutely agree with you about the two leads, they’re both very good. The chemistry between them is obvious right from the get go. But it’s 14 episodes long…It’s a very thin book, with a quite thin plot. You could clear it in oooh I dunno; 6 episodes maximum. Hell, even the abysmal Anne Hathaway film version got it done in under two hours. (thank God

    Full Member

    Ah jaysus I’ve just realised One Day is not, in fact, One Life (the Nicholas Winterton film). Good job I realised that before starting watching :D

    Full Member

    Currently watching Fool Me Once – my wife seems to like it, but I think it is utter and complete bobbins. Bloody awful.

    As is everything Netflix has done that is based on the work of Harlan Coben. If you like one, you’ll like the rest as they are set in the same sorts of communities, with the same sort of characters with rarely believable actions / motives.

    Full Member

    The Outfit.

    Just wow, now and again something that little different comes along, great performance by Mark Rylance worth a watch and for me at least – enthralling.

    Thanks for the recommendation, that was excellent!

    Full Member

    Thanks for the recommendation, that was excellent!

    Yeah it was a good watch.

    Full Member

    Virgin River; It’s worth watching solely for Jack Alexandra Breckenridge

    Prime; Mr & Mrs Smith with Donald Glover, far better than the movie.

    Finished Loudermilk this weekend as well, mostly easy going fun show to watch, daft characters as a good sitcom should have.

    Full Member

    Prime; Mr & Mrs Smith with Donald Glover, far better than the movie.

    I’ve seen the first two episodes. It’s entertaining so far.

    Full Member


    The OH wanted to watch Emily in Paris, so we did – for about 8 minutes. It’s… not good, so far at least – went in expecting funny, self-aware, poking fun at Americans abroad and got nothing so far.
    Does it improve?

    It does not improve.

    Full Member

    Sky TV but… Ted the Series…. 😂😂

    Full Member

    Finished Griselda. Thought it was excellent.

    We enjoyed that. Very similar to Queen of the South, which last for 5 seasons

    Full Member

    I’m pretty sure that Queen of the South was loosely based on Griselda’s real life story. I think it’s ok, good cast. Took me a few minutes to realize it was Gloria from Modern Family.

    Full Member

    BBC iplayer – just started on the Space Shuttle That Fell to Earth – pretty good so far

    Full Member

    I watched Lover, Stalker, Killer on NF last night. Some crazy people about.

    indeed.  annoyingly for my wife i called it early doors.

    just started watching santa clarita diet after a recommendation on here.  binge watching it, 4 episodes in.  good old easy-watching gory zombie comedy series :D  not sure what they can bring to the party to stretch it to 3 series tho, time will tell.

    Free Member

    Been watching an older series, The Sinner, different story line for each of the foure series with just the lead detective in common, first series with Jessica Biel as a woman who seemingly randomly stabs a stranger on the beach was good, even with the weird incestious bits with her sister…

    I’m 6/8 in to series 1. It’s very good.

    Some unpleasant themes running through it.

    Pullman and Biel are outstanding.

    Full Member

    Enjoyed The Outfit, but had BFG in my head all the time !

    Full Member

    Sky TV but… Ted the Series…. 😂😂

    It’s absolutely brilliant, isn’t it?

    The second series of Kin just landed on iplayer. If you’ve not seen the first series, thats still on there. Irish gangster madness. Its very, very good!

    Full Member

    Just got back into Slow Horses – S2 E1 and E2. Still funny and easy to watch. Oldman is brilliant. Only things I don’t like – and I know these feed the vibe – are Min is a d1ck and the hacker guy gets on my man8008s.

    (To be honest i thought the original also had these sort of issues – despite it being very good. Bualso got lost in its own mire.)

    S1 of True Detective was awesome. Can’t remember it getting mired down in any way TBH.

    Full Member

    Another vote for Kin. Very good.

    Full Member

    House of Ninjas popped up on my netflix so just finished with the first episode and its enjoyable to watch. Good plot, characters with depth and backstory and subplot.

    In Japanese with subtitles.

    Worth a look anyway.

    Full Member

    Only things I don’t like – and I know these feed the vibe – are Min is a d1ck and the hacker guy gets on my man8008s.

    The characters are all meant to be ****ups. Roddy is the most obnoxious tv character I can think of off the top of my head, he’s either a brilliant actor or an utter tosser in real life.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Albeit Apple TV if you can get the free sub, but Invasion is bloody good so far, up to episode 3…

    Posted 3 months ago

    Kyrton posted this 3 months ago. Don’t trust Krypton! I just waded thru the first series and it’s shit! (Just to save you the bother of watching…)

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