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  • Netflix recommendations
  • Cougar
    Full Member

    Amazon is absolutely dire, I pay for Prime and don’t even bother with it.

    I had a trial of Amazon Prime.  I couldn’t find a single thing on there that I wanted to watch which didn’t want more money from me, even like 15-year old TV shows.

    Full Member

    Netflix and Prime – Prime mainly for postage but I do get it cheap.

    Netflix for series – enjoying Saul and Maniac at the minute.

    Free Member

    Some shows I have found worth watching on Prime so far – Sneaky Pete, Goliath, Jack Ryan, Bosch

    Full Member

    I had a trial of Amazon Prime.  I couldn’t find a single thing on there that I wanted to watch which didn’t want more money from me, even like 15-year old TV shows.

    Yup it use to be terrible. Now it’s pretty good some great TV shows on there and some good movie. Netflix use to be utter crap too but now is pretty good.

    Full Member

    Black Sails and Vikings are worth the Prime subscription

    Free Member

    Not Netflix, but if anyone fancies a bit of Australian Noir, I’ve just noticed that Mystery Road is on iPlayer. It’s really very good.

    Full Member

    Norsemen – Monty Python meets the Detectorists?

    Full Member

    Watched Wind River and Hold the Dark during a weekend bout of sickness. Good stuff – brutal and dark, bit of revenge too.

    Full Member

    Enjoyed Hold the Dark.

    Going to watch The Apostle tonight – directed by Gareth Evans of The Raid. Looks Wickerman / Red State like.

    Also Paul Greengrass’ 22 July (based on the 2011 Norway mass killings). This is a Netflix/cinema dual release. Greengrass’ has done some great work such as United93 / Captain Phillips.

    Full Member

    I’ve watched Quincy (the biopic of Quincy Jones not the TV sleuth) this week.

    Recommended if you have an interest in good music, the length and breadth of his career is absolutely stunning and he’s a very wise and very funny guy.

    Was hoping for more of the gossip he’s been spilling in recent years, but it’s a great watch anyway.

    Free Member

    Watched Apostle last night… a proper video nasty from the 80s. Best gory horror I have seen for a while.

    Any watched the haunting of hill house yet?

    Free Member

    3 eps into Hill house , usual cliched haunted house stuff that gives you the jeebers & at least 2 very pretty Ladies. Adding to that it seems pretty descent so far.

    Full Member

    I’m favouring Prime more than Netflix at the moment.

    I’ve only just discovered the American version of The Office. It’s on Prime and I’m very late to the party but my word, it’s one of the funniest and cringiest things I have ever watched. Superb.

    Also on Amazon – Transparent. Might have mentioned it earlier in the thread but very good family drama about a patriarch who goes trans, but in reality it’s not really about him. Great characterisation.

    Over on Netflix, just watched ‘Wonder’ – sweet and moving, probably more so if you have kids. I noticed there is a new series of Norsemen available – looking forward to that, cos it’s bloody funny.

    The new series of Ozark is moving nicely as well.

    Full Member

    Oh, sorry – just realised this is a thread for Netflix, not Amazon 😄

    Free Member

    Its’s Singletrack who cares?

    My recommendation? The Cannondale Trigger 29.

    Or Stranger Things. Especially the Honest Trailers  for both, just for Winona Face

    Free Member

    same here. slow paced with a few jumps. I’ll give it another couple of episodes

    Free Member

    3 eps into Hill house , usual cliched haunted house stuff that gives you the jeebers & at least 2 very pretty Ladies. Adding to that it seems pretty descent so far.

    same here. slow paced with a few jumps. I’ll give it another couple of episodes

    Full Member

    Sinner S2 (Nov 9) and House of Cards final season beginning of Nov.

    Full Member

    Norsemen series 2 is now up, brilliant!!!

    Full Member

    Sacrifice is ace – but then, everything Derren Brown does is full of wow.

    Full Member

    Valley Uprising was a really enjoyable documentary covering climbing in Yosemite.

    Free Member

    Just started Dirk Gently on Netflix, whole lot of Wtf and Dirk is annoying in the way only a Douglas Adams character could be. I reckon it’ll be a good one.

    On Prime I battered through Mr Robot and enjoyed it, The Man in the High Castle is supposed to be worth watching too.

    Both platforms are all about the TV, movies are mostly so-so.

    Full Member

    I thought Man in the High Castle started out pretty good (series 1) but I think lost it in series 2. I watched the first part of series 3. I’ll not be watching anymore.

    But it’s really well made, and very bleak, if you like that sort of think.

    Big event on Netflix, for some, is going to be Springsteen on Broadway, on 15th Dec.

    Full Member

    Valley Uprising was a really enjoyable documentary covering climbing in Yosemite.

    If you liked that one, Meru is another stunning mountaineering documentary.

    Free Member

    Give ‘maniac’ a whirl. Not for me I don’t like it. Going to start a binge into ‘mind hunter ‘ here now.

    Free Member

    4 episodes into ‘mindhunter’, im properly late to the party, but if you like me and just started, id recommend it.

    Free Member

    I thought “Making a Murderer” was one of the best documentaries I have ever watched, but the second series is turning out to have just as many “did that really happen?” moments. Definitely truth stranger than fiction.

    Free Member

    Anyone started “Homecoming”?

    Full Member

    finished Haunting of Hill House. i though it was spectacular. there was one episode in particular, maybe 6 or 7 where they’re at the funeral parlour – that is just insanely good.

    onto second series of GLOW now.

    also, i watched half an hour of the 1st episode of Schitts Creek. seems pretty funny but it hasnt stuck on me yet…

    Full Member

    We’re half way through Ozark season 2, really enjoying it.

    Full Member

    I’m halfway through season 2 of Ozark too. Started watching based on the reviews here and it’s really good. Possibly getting a little far-fetched but I’ve enjoyed it.

    Also halfway through Haunting of Hill House. Found it slow to begin with (which is partly down to me just being tired of the stock horror format) but it’s really picking up as it goes through.

    Free Member

    Line of duty is absolutely gripping, just about to start series 4, I’ll be gutted when I’ve finished it!

    Full Member

    finished haunting of hill house, didnt like it for the first few episodes as i think itd been overhyped as the scariest thing ever.  once i started watching it for what it is, i quite enjoyed it, nowt special tho.

    tried norsemen last night expecting it to be funnier than what it was, so binned that.

    enjoyed the first two series of line of duty which keeps us binge watching it, so probs try series 3 tonight.

    Free Member

    also half way through Ozark 2. It’s good but the Sisyphean challenge/failure/someone screws up is getting a little draining. And the kids are a right pain in the wotsit.

    Will watch Making a Murderer 2 after as MAM was astonishing.

    Also liking Gotham, fantastical stories and characters despite which even a cynic as me can happily suspend my disbelief for.

    Happy was v funny, I hope there’s a second series.

    Full Member

    And the kids are a right pain in the wotsit.

    Boy is OK, but I’ve been wanting the daughter to get shot for sometime now…

    Free Member

    S5 of Line of Duty is imminent.

    Bodyguard was pretty good.

    Free Member

    enjoyed the first two series of line of duty which keeps us binge watching it, so probs try series 3 tonight.

    Sadexpunk, S3 steps it up a level!

    S5 of Line of Duty is imminent.

    That’s made my monday aphex!

    Full Member

    Line of duty is absolutely gripping, just about to start series 4

    I thought there were only 3? Oh this is good news .

    S5 of Line of Duty is imminent

    And this!

    Free Member

    Oh, yeah. Orphan Black.

    not this…

    Free Member

    <p>Randomly stumbled across Aggretsuko last night. It’s a Sanrio series about a typically cute red panda accountant who vents her workplace frustrations via death metal karaoke. Most amusing, rated PG but definitely not for younger ears.</p><p>Aggretsuko’s Den of Rage Pop-Up Shop</p>

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