Animals are more intelligent and sensitive than humans give them credit for – this single idea has been giving me nightmares ever since I realised it about 40 years ago :o(
I hope you’re not fond of eating octopus, because it’s increasingly obvious that they’re incredibly intelligent. As are Corvidae, particularly Ravens. They have a large vocabulary, are tool users, and can adapt objects to make them more suitable for a given task, they’re self-aware, they can count out loud, and if threatened by a person, they will remember that person, and can pass on their knowledge to their offspring. They hold a grudge.
Also Portia, jumping spiders, are surprisingly intelligent, they hunt other spiders, and if attacking moving prey, are capable of tracking and adjusting their trajectory ‘in flight’!
I’m not sure quite what this one’s intentions were when I took the photo, it may have been eyeing up its reflection in my camera lens and thinking “dinner!”