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  • Must Do [ and snow free?] MTB Routes in Scotland
  • thegeneralist
    Free Member

    Yep, I know it’s a big place, and don’t mean to imply it’s one homogenous little bike park…. but I’m hoping to take next week off and do a wee Tour so can go whenever is good.

    ( actually not quite true. Much as I’d love to, I don’t think I can muster the energy or diesel money to get to Torridon)

    Thinking there must be something good in D&G for the trip up. @duncancallum got any recommendations in your neck of the woods? Got any time?

    I was thinking of a bit of Golfie, but not really convinced it’s my thing. Or is that just because im doing it wrong?

    Fancy a day at Dunkeld, so will try that out.

    Was planning to do the Glen Tilt loop, but keen to know of any variations/ additions to make it a bit less fireroady.

    At this point it all gets a bit vague….
    I’d like to reverse the route I did on Ben a Bhuird, and possibly add on Beinn Avon, but conscious that it will have a shit load of snow on it and be very high consequence.

    Likewise want to do Lochnagar and find a different descent than LochCallater ( awesome though it was). But again Lochnagar, in March, really?

    Top of the list is Macdui, but descending Coire Etchachan this time, but as above… snow March…. as @nobeerinthefridge would say… “jist naw”

    Heartbreak Ridge is a definite. And Mastermind if it’s drier than last time.

    Could try out Aboyne… never been there.

    Quite like to try Burma Road, just cos…

    Would happily do Lolipop and explore some of the other minor tracks, but long way away.

    Bein Fhadda loop is on my list.

    Want to try the Nevis loop, but perhaps too wet.

    Could do the Kieran path.. loved it last time.

    That’s all I can think of. What am I missing?
    What’s great awesome and doable next week?

    Jocks Road any good?

    Perhaps take a look at McTrails channel…

    Tell me….

    Free Member

    Ooh, Adrenaline Uplift appear to operate Monday and friday

    Free Member

    Big peaks in the Gorms will likely be too snowy. Torridon loop and Beinn Fhada loop should be fine.

    Free Member

    When you say Nevis loop do you mean the Tour de Ben Nevis route? It should be fine as it’s mostly good tracks and doesn’t go that high. River crossing at Luibeilt should be ok.

    Free Member

    When you say Nevis loop do you mean the Tour de Ben Nevis route? 

    Yep, sorry was being vague as I don’t know shit about it apart from guessing that it goes up the end of glen Nevis and past Steall Falls ( I think) Good to know the track are good.

    Free Member

    about it apart from guessing that it goes up the end of glen Nevis and past Steall Falls ( I think)

    It doesn’t. :)

    Or at least the TdBN route doesn’t.

    Full Member

    Braeriach yesterday

    I reckon any high Gorms routes will have to wait.

    Free Member

    Or at least the TdBN route doesn’t.

    Sorry, rewind. Forget my half baked memories of a route that may or may not have Ben Nevis in the name. :-)

    Tell me a good route that you know of 😉 please

    Braeriach yesterday

    I reckon any high Gorms routes will have to wait.

    That does look somewhat challenging !

    / mentally adds skis to packing list/

    Free Member
    Full Member

    You could do the Glen Tilt loop anti-clockwise and once down into the Glen add on Carn Chamlmain (McTrail rider did it). I don’t think you miss out much of the fireroad of doom into the wind but it would add much ore techincal riding onto the route. Bear in mind though the loop itself is a good 35 miles so adding on a munro would be a pretty long day out (although it sounds like you’re made from the right stuff!)

    Free Member

    Sounds good dander. Got new lights so gives me options. ( I’m a bit of a plodder)
    There appears to be a LRT up the sw ridge from Clachghlas and then is it down the trail to the east then zig zags south to forest Lodge?

    Looks great.

    Full Member

    Yes, up from Clachglas and descend singletrack from NN 920756. I have no idea what the snow level is like but it should be shifting quickly with recent mild weather. Tilt hills get less usually than the Cairngorms.

    Free Member

    Check out SAIS blogs for snow photo’s and levels generally.
    I would guestimate at patches from 600m upwards Glencoe/Lochaber, closer to 800m Cairngorms and Torridon.
    Could do a wee tour of Dunkeld Monday or Tuesday if that would work?
    D+G still pretty affected by trees from Arwen I think.
    Golfie probably in awesome nick and getting easier than it used to be with continual trail development (my perception may not be your reality!).
    Deeside is just brilliant but not been since Arwen. Morrone from Breamar is a good wee loop which should be snow free.
    Loads of other fun woods to play in – Pitlochry, Aberfeldy, Ballo, Kinnoul etc

    Free Member

    Happy to offer advice RE Tweed Valley riding. Golfie is amazing, but depends a bit on what you classify as amazing!

    Free Member

    I had eyes on Lochnager and Ben a Bhurid on Sunday, full snow covering at that height. Pretty though! I’m in Aberdeenshire and we are still really affected by the past few storms, still lots closed/not rideable

    Free Member

    Yes higher routes are snowy. I was out at Loch Muick/Balmoral estate way on Sunday all fine lower down but high plateaus were snow covered.

    I think the Fungle/Glen Esk/Mount Keen will be ok. Burma road will be ok I think. I’m planning on going over there next week and doing that.

    Free Member

    Top of the list is Macdui, but descending Coire Etchachan this time, but as above… snow March…. as @nobeerinthefridge would say… “jist naw”

    Heartbreak Ridge is a definite. And Mastermind if it’s drier than last time.

    Could try out Aboyne… never been there.

    Quite like to try Burma Road, just cos…

    Would happily do Lolipop and explore some of the other minor tracks, but long way away.

    Bein Fhadda loop is on my list.

    Want to try the Nevis loop, but perhaps too wet.

    Could do the Kieran path.. loved it last time.

    That’s all I can think of. What am I missing?
    What’s great awesome and doable next week?

    Jocks Road any good?

    Macdui is covered in snow.

    Heartbreak Ridge is great, although I don’t know about how they are after the storms. If you’re in that neck of the woods and it’s only got snow at the very top then Lochnagar is the real hot ticket in that area. You could also do the Corrie Cash descent and the Glen Callater loops which are both excellent.

    Not ridden Aboyne or the Burma Road.

    Beinn Fhada – the loop’s alright but going up and down the mountain itself is a better bet. It’s one of the all time Scottish descents. By the time you’re there you’re basically at Torridon too so you may as well.

    Nevis Loop may have dried out in the last week or two.

    Ciaran Path is on my re-do list this year. It is very good. It’s also worth doing Binnean Mor and tying that into the Dudes of Hazzard enduro trails while you’re there.

    Free Member

    Top of the list is Macdui, but descending Coire Etchachan this time, but as above… snow March…. as @nobeerinthefridge would say… “jist naw”

    Heartbreak Ridge is a definite. And Mastermind if it’s drier than last time.

    Could try out Aboyne… never been there.

    Quite like to try Burma Road, just cos…

    Would happily do Lolipop and explore some of the other minor tracks, but long way away.

    Bein Fhadda loop is on my list.

    Want to try the Nevis loop, but perhaps too wet.

    Could do the Kieran path.. loved it last time.

    That’s all I can think of. What am I missing?
    What’s great awesome and doable next week?

    Jocks Road any good?

    Jock’s Road is shut due to tree fall at the moment – there’s no way you’d get a bike through the bottom of the wood unfortunately.

    Golfie is fine. People get very excited about it but the trails at Inners are better to ride when it’s wet. They’re my local really and I only ride Golfie once or twice a year. There’s much better stuff to do if you’re on a tour of the country. Inners is worth a go on the way up if you’re passing.

    LRM_EXPORT_77449235002161_20190721_214244561 by Luke Bradley[/url], on Flickr

    LRM_EXPORT_77315012260769_20190721_214030338 by Luke Bradley[/url], on Flickr

    Dunkeld is great though. There’s some much longer, more technical descents in there and it’s a nicer place (Tweed Valley forests are very dark and not very scenic). The original DH track is still my favourite but Rake and Ruin, Pink Floyd and Cairn to Cottage are all very good. They’re also all open – there’s a lot of trees down up there.

    IMG_20211126_150623 by Luke Bradley[/url], on Flickr

    If you want a bit of mountain feel and some enduro trail type stuff then Ben Vrackie in Pitlochry followed by the trails in the woods there is a good idea – they’re all open, the tree fall there isn’t so bad. Snow cover isn’t much either just now.

    LRM_EXPORT_121659013732755_20181027_164218561 by Luke Bradley[/url], on Flickr

    I was eyeing up doing the Glen Lyon munros this week – they had a little snow on them but not too much. It’d be a good ride I think.

    You’ll need to do more thorough snow research yourself for some of these routes – I’ve not been out west to Kinlochleven or Glen Shiel, or north to Braemar/Ballater/Glen Muick this month. My other snow/tree reports are fairly up to date though.

    Free Member

    Whoah, shotloads of excellent ideas people. Will have a reread later on with a map, and also start negotiations on when I can leave.

    Also particularly interested in the potential meet-ups. Will post again.

    Morrone from Breamar is a good wee loop


    Though it was tempered by having to push 2.5 bikes up that bloody land-rover track. :-(

    Free Member

    Lochnagar is the real hot ticket in that area. You could also do the Corrie Cash descent and the Glen Callater loops which are both excellent.

    Could I get a bit more info on this. I did a (The?) Descent to LochCallater from Sagairt Mhor as part of a Munro bagging evening ride from Glenshee ( weirdly enough, the same day as Morronne). The Vertibrate book has this descent on the Lochnagar route.

    I’m not sure if I’m reading your post correct that these are three seperate options. Assuming they are, what’s the best descent from Lochnagar ?( ie excluding Loch Callater)

    Could you give me a bit more info on where Coire Cash is?

    < edit, having reread it ithink perhaps Cash and Callater are parts of the Lochnagar Loop?>

    Free Member

    They are three completely different things for me.

    The Callater Loop I do by going up the pass between Carn an t Sagairt Mor and Carn an t Sagairt Beag from the north (which has some big trotting, and as it’s north facing maybe snow), then head west then north west along the trail to Glen Callater which you’ve done already.

    Lochnagar is best descended by Glas Allt which heads South East from the summit.

    Corrie Cash is the descent heading north right at the south western tip of Loch Muick. It can be done as a big loop by going from the Glen Muick car park over Chapel Mounth into Glen Clova, then head north west and up from Bachnagairn heading north east. Or you can just take the land rover track right to the top of it and descent from there without dropping into Glen Clova.

    Free Member

    Cheers MB
    The description of Glas Allt here sounds utterly nails.

    Lochnagar to Loch Muick?

    The video here…. can’t decide….

    Have a suspicion that might turn into a walk, especially if solo.


    Free Member

    The last bit is pretty rowdy but that’s near the bottom and there’s only a few sections where you might feel the need to walk for solo safety’s sake. The stuff up the top is all straightforward.

    Might all be moot if it’s covered in snow though.

    Free Member

    South facing, so I guess will be a better bet than some stuff.

    Though of course it’s hard to appreciate how snowy and cold it is from the current sweltering heat of Manchester.

    Free Member

    Ahhhh ****. It’s all gone a bit to shit. Stupidly had my C8vid Booster on Wednesday then had 4 hours sleep due to an overnight release.
    Been gubbed ever since and didn’t manage to get the work finished on Friday.
    In parallel with that the forecast für latter half of the week has completely changed. Might be OK fir biking, but equally might be overcast pissy miserable in one place with 20cm of fresh powder in another.

    So I’m completely missing the good weather now, and need to work Monday. Then have to decide whether to make the huge drive on Tuesday or just stay local.

    ****ity ****.

    (1st world problems and all that )


    Free Member

    Right. Managed a very mellow 20km/700m with the family today, so I’m hoping to be betterer by midweek.
    Need to work tomorrow morning, then depending on how that goes will maybe climb in the afternoon, then cycle with my good lady on Tuesday. Then assuming the forecast doesn’t deteriorate further, head north on Tuesday evening.

    I seem to be heading east at present, mainly as I can think of some routes there, but will obsessively watch the forecast the next few days and then see.


    Could do a wee tour of Dunkeld Monday or Tuesday if that would work?

    Really sorry, was hoping to make Tuesday, but my other half has booked that say off too and she’d be understandably pissed if I went off on Monday night. Are you free later in the week?

    url=https://flic.kr/p/2na5FDC]LRM_EXPORT_77449235002161_20190721_214244561[/url] by Luke Bradley, on Flickr

    Aha, it’s all falling into place. 😆 I have no idea when I started stalking you on Strava. Perhaps you linked to your strava maps on here.

    Free Member

    Really sorry, was hoping to make Tuesday, but my other half has booked that say off too and she’d be understandably pissed if I went off on Monday night. Are you free later in the week?

    No worries, I’m trying to gather motivation to go tomorrow. Only got 2 trails to do to finish all the Trailforks segments in the area! Another time perhaps. Have fun if you do come up,looking chilly.

    Free Member

    Just finished riding in Staveley. Going to head up to Glasgow then check the thread again to see if anyone fancies meeting up tomorrow or Thursday for anything, perhaps:

    Ben Vrackie looks awesome
    Glen Tilt maybe
    Perhaps with that munro added on ( unlikely though)
    That mountain above Kinlochleven described above.
    That loop from Kinloch described above.
    Lochnagar ( very unlikely given the weather, but if someone has recent weather knowledge saying there is no fresh snow today then I’m up for it.)

    Or something else entirely.

    Likewise if anyone fancies meeting up Fri, Sat or Sunday then shout.


    Free Member

    I’m nightshift but could do a quick ride (11 to 4) localish to Dunblane if you fancy. Gonna be cold on the hills, snow showers almost anywhere but more focused on the East. Ben Ledi might work tomorrow if you’re keen to get up a hill.

    Free Member

    Hi LD

    Think you must have posted just after I left Perth :-(
    Am currently parked up at Dunkeld with plan to try Ben Vrackie tomorrow if possible.
    But would do Dunkeld if that’s better for you. Think Ben Ledi is a bit of a drive from here.
    Shame, would have loved to try Ben Ledi. Must be 35 years since I was there


    Free Member

    I did the capel mounth / Corrie chash loop on Sunday. There was still a small patch of snow to cross on the Corrie chash descent. Still looked to be plenty of snow on lochnagar including down glas allt.

    Free Member

    Aha. Cheers Stumpy. Any snow will be like iron later this week i guess, so maybe one to avoid.

    Meeting LD at Birnam Station at 11:45 Wednesday for a wee tour of Dunkeld. If anyone is about then come along.

    Might venture a bit higher up after that if it looks ok

    Full Member

    An inch of snow in Inverness at sea level this morning. Check the roads/weather if heading north as Gorms etc must have a fair amount now.

    Free Member

    If your happy doing the Uplift at Inners then the Golfie ain’t out your comfort zone
    NY NY Repeat offender right side Clyde are all great trails
    Inners has Angry sheep salmon journey etc
    Done Aboyne last summer
    Great trails and pretty techy in places
    Heartbreak ridge was mind blowing
    Outstanding trail
    New Blue at Fort Bill plus other stuff
    Tweed valley,List is endless for good steepish techy trails
    Dunkeld,Pitmedden Ballo woods Pitlochry Comrie Croft in Perthshire
    Ride yer bike and enjoy

    Free Member

    Cheers Andy for a great day. ( am I allowed to use real names…?!)

    You picked some great trails, which gave a great flavour of Dunkeld. Interesting, but not desperate. ( objectiveky speaking. I still found them taxing :-))


    And that weather…..rainshadowtastic!


    Currently camped at Grandtully in the gorgeous sunshine.

    Thinking Tilt or Ben Vrackie tomorrow. TBH I’m pretty gubbed, and the prospect of 54km is unnerving me slightly :-)

    If anyone fancies meeting up any of the next 4 days then that would be splendid.

    Free Member

    An inch of snow in Inverness at sea level this morning. Check the roads/weather if heading north as Gorms etc must have a fair amount now.

    Eek. Sounds grim. Been OK here so far..

    Hi hainman. Righto, noted. I was mainly looking for big XC rides or mountain days rather than Enduro really, but I may stop at Inners on the way south if it gets to weathery here…

    PS, Glen Tilt best anti clockwise, right?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I like it both ways 🤪 Both a bit frustrating though – clockwise you descend on the road at the end and climb up the nice singletrack above the Falls of Tarf. Anti-clockwise features 10 miles down Glen Tilt, usually into a brisk wind. Can’t deny it’s a good ride in the hills though. Re snow – Fealear Lodge, high point of route, must be pretty high up?

    Free Member


    Tsk, show your working. 😉

    (As opposed to show you’re working!)

    Also, since I being so demanding 🙄 …. anyone know if the kittle loop round Dun Mor is any good. Heads off the loop just SW of Falls of Tarf on a LRT and then drops down behind the Falls of Tarf on a bit of perhaps singletrack.

    Free Member

    Tsk, show your working.

    Does his username not qualify him to give non qualified advice? ;-P

    Great to meet you today Alex!

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