So, the bike has started a bit rough last few times, and yesterday after work it wouldn’t at all. Turned over (with apologies for non tech speak) I could hear the starter motor turning over, but wouldn’t spark.
Eliminating the easy things first, I took the battery out, jumped on the bus and went home. The battery charged up again in about 40 mins(I don’t have a doohicky to measure the charge).
Popped it back in this morning – ping – started first time, so definitely an issue with either the battery not charging, or not holding the charge.
When I was putting it back in I noticed the wee pile of fuses etc leading from the red lead was loose – would that be enough to stop the battery charging if that wasn’t connected tight ?
Also – if I get it started after work and ride home without really identifying the problem – is that a really bad idea ? The light is on all the time I have no easy way of stopping that. I plan to folow the bus route !
Or should I just wimp out and buy a new battery I may not need….