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  • More Colin Furze lunacy
  • johnjn2000
    Full Member

    @tthew just getting YouTube up on the big telly and settling in with a beer

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    Full Member

    I’m still loving this…absolutely brilliant!

    Full Member

    So now he wants a Thunderbirds-style underground garage with car lift? :)

    Full Member

    Who doesn’t?

    Free Member

    Some good practical help today. “If you are building a tunnel into your house you might want to think about coming up in a larger room.” Great, I’ll keep that in mind.

    Full Member

    So now he wants a Thunderbirds-style underground garage with car lift?

    Brilliant stuff, he best make a fake pond over it with some palm trees!!

    Free Member

    It’s like the crazy ideas a 6y old has but he actually makes them come to life rather than the sensible adult in us stopping and saying that’s just daft

    i love a bit of furze, lunacy at its best, just in regard to the point above, theres a nw show on netflix called making fun, albeit a little american, but they literally take kids ideas and invent them.

    8ft taco vomiting dinosaur? sure no worries.
    Twin racing unicorn bikes? go for it

    I just like watching the though process from initial idea to how they and furze are going to make these things work, as someone who has no clue where to even start i find it absolutely fascinating.

    Besides theres enough crap in the world, if you dont like it fine, but just move along quietly to something you do like.

    Free Member

    Not so crazy now is he! Sure I’m not alone in thinking a steel and concrete bunker in the garden with easy access from the house would be a nice addition…

    Full Member

    The guy is a genius. Amazing skills. I wonder how much it has all cost so far

    I met him a few years ago with a few of the MNPR guys from here when he was filming a promotional video about battery power for EDF. Really nice guy and got to have a go on his bike of springs. It was crazy, like riding after 10 pints of Stella

    Free Member

    more tunnel madness

    Full Member

    Secret tunnel – 3.5 million views. Not so secret :lol:

    Full Member

    Pleased the next one has now been published…it is a brilliant project!

    Full Member

    Retrospective planning permission might be the bravest thing he has done.
    Imagine filling that in

    Free Member

    I’d rather do laps of la Périphérique on the worlds fastest mobility scooter, then do a run up the M5 in rush hour on a pulse jet motorbike than fill in retrospective planning for a 20 m tunnel in the garden.

    Full Member

    Probably helped that he had ‘previous’ with his underground bunker.

    Gotta love that it was objected to by the town council, an invisible structure that won’t affect anyone in any way…

    Full Member

    His neighbour seemed a bit bemused. But then again, he must already know he lives next door to a madman.

    I love it when the retired busybodies on parish/town councils find out how little influence they actually have. Furze just rubbing their noses in it, too. :)

    Free Member

    real time colin

    Free Member

    looks like he could do with a pick axe.

    Free Member

    Agreed Klunk, looks loose enough, but who are we to criticise when he’s got that far. I’d guess it’s more a question of endurance and blister avoidance. He said it was hard not to chat on camera, so if you’re down there with your mates and endless cups of tea it’s probably fine. Do you reckon they get out of the tunnel every time they need to pee…?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    proper nuts

    Full Member

    It’s finished *





    *Apart from the underground garage

    Full Member

    Love the neighbour! Proper Lincolnshire boy! 🤣

    Free Member

    new workshop

    Free Member

    imagine having the energy

    Full Member

    That workshop is great.
    Fair play to him

    Full Member

    What I liked about the new workshop is it seems so attainable to the every day person… Just your basic tools.

    Full Member

    Yeah some fairly serious kit in there lol. Wonder how long it took them to set it up?

    Full Member

    The joys of having 12 million subscribers. That is a well set up workshop.

    Free Member

    going to be a bugger to keep warm even with filling in the holes and the insulation behind the boards…. dirty great opening to the mirror barn! He must be having that covered/bricked up surely ?/

    Full Member

    Love it. Almost makes me want to tidy up the garage.

    <Awaits ‘retrospective change of use planning appeal’ video…> :)

    Free Member

    I could do with some of that foam.

    Free Member

    What I liked about the new workshop is it seems so attainable to the every day person… Just your basic tools.

    And there’s his ‘problem’. His charm is as ‘the lunatic with a shed’ persona. Not so with more kit than Perkins Engines…

    Full Member

    And there’s his ‘problem’. His charm is as ‘the lunatic with a shed’ persona. Not so with more kit than Perkins Engines

    Yeah, I mean he’s still incredible, but most people loved the raw lunatic early persona present in his ‘earlier stuff’ .

    Free Member

    Klunk has it, those agricultural buildings are miserably hot in Summer and dismally cold in Winter. It’s all for show and the advertisers, he’d be a masochist to spend any time there and has an embarassing carbon footprint.

    Boblo has it too, he’s no longer the inspiring eccentric with tolerant neighbours, he’s a sold-out influencer with dubious morals.

    Full Member

    I can imagine being a success on Youtube with a little trench, eventually, unavoidably becoming a huge tunnel under your house. Where else could he go?

    Full Member

    Boblo has it too, he’s no longer the inspiring eccentric with tolerant neighbours, he’s a sold-out influencer with dubious morals.

    Dubious morals? Do you know something we don’t?

    Free Member

    Dubious morals? Do you know something we don’t?

    the whole things a con! he’s building a secret world dominating bond villain bunker underneath it!

    Free Member

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