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  • More Colin Furze lunacy
  • greyspoke
    Free Member

    I thought safety ties had to be clip-ons, like ambulance peeps [used to] wear – so if a customer grabs you by it, you don’t choke.

    Free Member

    Tunnel! Tunnel! Tunnel!

    “this is the most safety equipment I’ve ever worn” 😂

    Full Member

    Loved the falling over still shot, he could have impaled himself on anything!

    Met him at the Late Brake show Live in Manchester, he’s surprisingly calm and normal when not in front of the camera! He did say there had been a lot of progress on the tunnel and a video was due very soon. That Delorean is also lovely, much better in the metal. When the Idol Chat is released I’ll link to it as it really does show him in a new light.

    Full Member

    I’ve been checking every couple of days for an update…it looks brilliant. No idea of time lapsed but it must be ages…

    Free Member

    I can’t even begin to think of how many hours must have been put in on that. Great work.
    I’m no expert but Can’t help thinking a concrete pump and a vibrating poker would make the concreting easier though.

    Full Member

    Interviewed on the late brake show

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Start of that video suggest it has been a 3 year project…mental, but not entirely surprising.

    Full Member

    I don’t get the point of this tunnel

    Free Member

    I don’t get the point of this tunnel

    views and subscribers = £££££

    and it seems to be very popular.

    Full Member

    I don’t get the point of this tunnel

    11.5 million subscribers. Mr Furze is doing very very nicely.

    Full Member

    Well yeah, I get that..but compared to other stuff he’s done, which is somewhat unique (and “does something”)…this seems pointless. Anyone (not me obvs) can dig a tunnel…

    Free Member

    Latest episode is out

    Full Member

    Nope, I’m seeing a benefit to that, but more for the ease of moving between some buildings in awful weather without getting wet! It really does appeal to me but the amount of work to get it sorted is what stops me from just dreaming about how cool it would be to even thinking what would need to be considered if doing this…

    Free Member

    Anyone (not me obvs) can dig a tunnel

    Really? Have you actually watched the videos to see what is involved?

    Free Member

    This guy make Brunel look like a kid with Meccano.
    Digging a tunnel is easy.
    Keeping it straight, ventilating and not having it collapse are much harder to achieve.

    Free Member

    fully expecting “Stamford home collapses into mysterious sink hole” on the local news.

    Free Member

    Do you need planning permission to dig a tunnel under your house? What does it do to your insurance premiums? These questions need answers.

    Free Member

    Anyone know what Flexi tubs he’s using? The ones I’ve had have broken pretty easily. Having one handle fail after months of hoisting 50kg of stone is pretty good going. Should last me a lifetime

    Free Member

    this week he’s reinventing the wheel

    Full Member

    I don’t get the point of this tunnel

    I no longer get the point of anything he does.

    All I can think of when i see his latest vid is either get a Job, or do something productive..

    A wheel made up of little feet, :? pointless.

    Full Member

    this week he’s reinventing the wheel

    Well, he’s not, is he. He’s just building a slightly bigger version of what someone else designed.

    Free Member

    Well, he’s not, is he.

    well yes he is quite literally

    reinvent the wheel
    phrase of reinvent
    waste a great deal of time or effort in creating something that already exists.
    “he spoke with the fervour of discovery, unaware that he was reinventing the wheel”


    Free Member

    All I can think of when i see his latest vid is either get a Job, or do something productive..

    A wheel made up of little feet, 😕 pointless.

    Inspiring people to think outside the box is far from pointless. It’s basically applied design engineering, taking concepts from ideas to reality and picking up all the mistakes along the way.

    Sure, someone built one of those before but on a smaller scale, he just had the means to make it bigger. There must be a wealth of “failed” patents out there that were just too far ahead of their time to work with the technology and materials of the day, bringing these to life might not solve any problems but its a great exercise in applied engineering and may occasionally yield something brilliant.

    Pulse jets and screw tanks are also engineering dead ends but they are brilliant. If you only ever did stuff based on practical merits you may as well just give up.

    Full Member

    @squirrelking You’ve basically just described what artists do when they create something. Even though I am not a big fan of some sorts of art, I would not want to live in a world without it.

    Full Member

    Video 7 of this Tunnel adventure is being released this coming Thursday…

    Free Member

    All I can think of when i see his latest vid is either get a Job, or do something productive..

    I am sure the massive amount of money he’s earning and the fact that he seems very happy in what he’s doing and the undoubted influence he will be having on young budding engineers will help to counter your withering disapproval.

    Free Member

    I don’t get the mentality of calling what he is doing pointless. Most of the things we do in life don’t really achieve anything useful. But we do it anyway.
    CF is the master of taking things to the extreme. Getting an idea of something that is then taken to the extreme.
    Want toast faster? Make an electrified bread knife that slices the bread and toasts it at the same time.
    Want to walk on the ceiling? Make some electromagnetic shoes.
    Want to eat cake faster? Cake-o-Matic (which has me in stitches every time).
    Don’t like the French? Make a house size pair of steel buttocks and fire a pulse jet though them that can be heard in Calais.
    Don’t want to get wet walking to the shed? Spend months and many thousands of pounds (have you seen how much steel he is using?!?! 😳) and a Herculean effort to make a subterranean tunnel system around your property.

    Free Member

    He was a very good BMX flatland rider and a qualified plumber. He also has a lot of other things under his belt now to enable him to do a lot of things he has done – IIRC he is registered to use/sell firearms due to a few of the things he has made. He also does get planning permission for all the house projects he has done – the cave in the back yard has full planning and I am sure the tunnels will have them.
    He’s very considerate to his neighbours as well – the talk at the Late Brake Show was ace – I was there too!!

    I’ve just looked it up and estimates are that he might earn around $1600 a day from his channel – 11 million subscribers growing 5000 a day, 1.4 billion views in total, average 200,000 views a day.

    Free Member

    It seems a lot less pointless than some of the other popular youtube channels. My nephew was watching a gaming channel where some kid was just mucking around in a game and swearing. It had 100,000s of views and this guy is making a fortune! This vid has 600k views since yesterday. WTF!?

    Full Member

    I am sure the massive amount of money he’s earning and the fact that he seems very happy in what he’s doing and the undoubted influence he will be having on young budding engineers will help to counter your withering disapproval.

    The channel is bonkers, and no, none of the end products probably have much practical use for humanity, but the idea is to show how you can apply engineering principles to daft problems, and in that regard it’s very educational.

    The tunnel series in particular is an excellent illustration of just how hard building tunnels is – the quantity of material you have to remove, the amount of support and ventilation you need to be safe, even the difficulty in lining up your tunnel to arrive in the right spot.

    Full Member

    Yes, CF is a genius, and a very entertaining one at that.

    As for pointless videos, too many influential YTers are knocking out BS content because they know it gets clicks. Yes, I’m looking at you Mr Beast, the Morgz family and many more. Unfortunately, there is so much money to be made* and popularity to be gained, that it becomes IMO a cycle of addiction. What’s especially sad is that a lot of kids lap it up and aspire to be the same.

    * they also have the ability to re-invest that money (in a bid to outdo their YT competitors), hence throwing around houses, cars and huge sums of cash as “prizes”

    Free Member

    The channel is bonkers, and no, none of the end products probably have much practical use for humanity, but the idea is to show how you can apply engineering principles to daft problems, and in that regard it’s very educational.

    Yep, I agree. I’m not sure its much about the end thing being useful. The journey and the process is quite interesting and there are some useful nuggets tucked in with the nonsense, especially if you are a maker. In fact its quite interesting spotting the bits he leaves out of the videos. Hopefully there is also an element of “if he can build a jet powered go kart maybe I can have a go at fixing my bike”. He is quite relatable.

    If you want to knock pointless YouTube channels there’s a big list above Colin’s

    Full Member

    What I like about it is the fact he can make some very complicated things with off-the-shelf components and tools which can fit in a shed/garage. The fact that he has things like cnc plasma cutters in his workshop is amazing – it’s not so long ago that these kind of things would have been cutting edge even in a proper factory.

    Full Member

    It’s like the crazy ideas a 6y old has but he actually makes them come to life rather than the sensible adult in us stopping and saying that’s just daft

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Glad to hear next one is only 2 weeks away! Great stuff.

    Free Member

    It seems a lot less pointless than some of the other popular youtube channels. My nephew brother was watching a gaming mountain biking channel where some kid bloke was just mucking around in a game wood, falling off a bike and swearing


    Full Member

    First time I have heard of this guy and his stuff, just watched the tank episode. It’s different………but I like it!

    Full Member

    I hope you’ve not got much planned this weekend, there’s a lot to catch up on!

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