I spent last night wandering the neighbourhood, Sellotaping posters to telegraph poles and letter boxes, randomly rattling a packet of Dreamies and shouting “Twiglet” and “Twiggy” until 1am.
After initially hoping that such actions might qualify me for Cat-owner or Dad of the Year, I think I’ll just settle for the fact I’ve not been sectioned.
On the plus side, Twiglet reappeared at about 6:30 this morning! Cue a very happy wife and daughter (go on then I’ll admit it, and me too).
Unfortunately she’s limping quite badly…
We managed to get a sneaky early appointment at the vets who suspect she’s been hit by a car and has either bruised or fractured her back-right leg or hip.
I initially wondered if an early riser had seen the posters and returned her or checked their sheds, but now suspect she was too sore to come home until today and has been hiding somewhere.
So, “Yay she’s back”, but “Boo, vet’s bills”…
Thanks for the posts of advice, support and humour it’s been helpful.