Home Forums Bike Forum Mid foot cleat position

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  • Mid foot cleat position
  • lightman
    Free Member

    fourbanger – Member

    No, you walk all day pivoting off the ball of your foot. In fact, all of your life. The body is pretty well adapted to this, so it makes sense to put a clear there.
    Is this some elaborate barefoot running troll?

    Why exactly are you comparing walking to cycling? :/
    The forces you put your legs and ankles through when cycling is something you would NEVER be able to do while walking or running.

    Why don’t you actually read some of the links that were posted up and if you don’t get it, then fine, not everyone understands the benefits or how much sense it makes.
    If you do find it hard to understand, why not do some reading about it or ask some questions like a normal person would do instead of trying to debunk something you don’t understand.

    Free Member

    Reading though the links I was a bit disappointed to notice one focusing on cleat position, whilst missing the elephant in the room of – This is how **** your feet get in cycling shoes.

    1MT bones are all meant to be in a straight line. Which is nigh on impossible in 99.99% of disco slippers.

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