A bit of a tough one to write this as Merlinman (Rob) is a good friend who I’ve known for around 23 years now thanks to this very forum.
Rob has been receiving on going investigations and treatments follow prostate problems which started a few years ago. He contacted me last night with the very sad news that unfortunately cancer has now spread into his kidneys and pelvis, that there is no effective treatment for this. He is now starting palliative care with his wife supporting him and McMillian with them.
Rob is genuinely one of life’s nice guys, a gentleman, a story teller, a reliable friend to talk to and who will help where he can. I’ve had many a gathering with him, a catchup in a pub or as recently over the phone where his voice and wisdom has supported me over the last few months.
Can we all join in a round of F… Cancer!
Tonight I will raise a glass to my friend.