Hi to all singletrack guitar and amp afficianados.
I previously posted on a guitar thread, where some wise words were provided re. what I need to look at to have a functioning amp after years of storage.
To expand….I’ve a Marshall 100w Super Lead amp, and 4×12 cab.
The amp itself is from 1969/1970, based on the serial number and some other t’internet searches. I’ve had it since the early 1980s (about ’83 or ’84, 2nd hand when I got it) and its languished in my parents spare room ever since I failed to be bigger and better than EVH, and embarked on a sensible career in engineering instead of becoming a rock idol.
Cab is flat (not angled) tweed cloth fronted, and I’m pretty sure from memory it has Celestion speakers (I’ll whip the back off to confirm)
I’ve decided its just going to be ludicrously raucous as.well space-consumpling, and in all reality I’m not going to be invited to stand in in Judas Priest or Metallica when someone needs a day off.
I’m utterly out of touch with the electrical music equipment world these days.
So tonthe crunch – any words of wisdom.or advice of how / where / what ‘avenues’ to use (and avoid) to sell, etc.
(Simple searches on the web suggest these could be worth a few shillings (or even the price of a mid range full susser ! In fact even an empty shell of one was up for £750 ! So I’m wanting to avoid being ripped off like someone selling an early Ming dynasty vase for £1.50 at a car boot.
Any advice of how / where / what ‘avenues’ to use (and avoid) to sell ? E.g. music equipment shops doing bought-and-sold these days ? (The ones I frequented in my yoof are long gone)