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  • Lost hat and power of STW
  • jimmy
    Full Member

    I’m pretty good at losing hats, its inevitable after 18months of ownership. But this time I’m properly gutted because I’ve never have a comfier hat than the one I lost on the way home last week. Sod’s law it has been discontinued.

    So if anyone either has one they don’t wear, or owns a shop with a bucketload of unsold hats, if there’s one these preferably in navy (but really, given the comfort, I’d take any colour) I’d be really grateful to hear of it :)

    Bloc Beanie

    Full Member

    I wont like, I was expecting something a little more niche!

    Free Member

    I lost an Animal beanie when I was about 12-13 that was the coolest hat ever, I’m still sad about it now.

    Full Member

    Yep. I get the perspective in a global context – its just a hat. But I *really* liked that hat.

    Full Member

    I’ve also had hats that I’ve mourned the loss of. Having a look on their website, they’ve still got their other beanies in stock. I’ve had a few of these in different colours. They are indeed uber-comfy and toastie. I just buy another one when I inevitably lose them.

    This looks much the same and in blue too

    Full Member

    @Binners – yeah I’ve scoured the internet for a replacement and ended up buying the Dark Days beanie. Its nice and as comfy as any Beanie I’ve had… before the one I just lost!

    EDIT: I also had that hat before the one I lost… and lost it. It served well, that one.

    Full Member

    @jimmy – My present favourite beanie is a Nukeproof one I’ve had for ages, also fleece lined and double-cosy. In anticipation of inevitabley losing it and the distress that would cause me, I ordered another two in the CRC sale :D

    Full Member

    I also have three of the NP/Fohn beanies with the fleece band for your ears :D

    Full Member

    On a similar note, I lost my favourite hat a few weeks ago. Anyone got a Castelli Ombra Beanie in this colour they are willing to part with?

    Castelli Hat

    Full Member

    Tilley have a lifetime warranty based on the honour system. If you lose it (how?!) they’ll send you another. Buy one of those.

    Full Member

    The only difference between those two ME beanies seems to be the weave of the outer knitted part, the fleece inner is identical, so fit and everything should be the same. The problem I always find is that beanies either creep back up the sides of my head, leaving my ears uncovered, or else come right down over my eyes when I pull them down over my ears. Best things I’ve found when it’s really cold is a Thinsulate-insulated trapper hat I was given as part of staff outdoor gear at the last place I worked at.
    When the site was closed a year ago, the boxes of clothing were attacked by a swarm of locusts. Allegedly…

    I might give those ME hats a try, on the off chance it might fit my non-standard head.

    Just bought one, the rust red one. Fingers crossed it covers my ears, but not my eyes! I do have one that’s waterproof, but when it’s pulled down over my ears, which it’s designed to do, I have to turn the front up because it does actually go right across my eyes!
    Did nobody actually try wearing the things before selling them? It was Joey’s, she worked in an outdoor shop for a while, but she never wore it… 🤨

    Full Member

    My hat arrived about a half hour ago, I’ve got it on now, and amazingly it fits perfectly and covers my ears! I’m off into town shortly, it’s very windy, so I’ll see how effective it is under real-world conditions, not just sitting on the couch pecking away on my pad!

    Nice colour, too – a darker, rust shade of red.

    Full Member

    I lost a grey Pace Cycles fleece beanie about 25 years ago and it still bugs me! How did I lose it?? There’s a photo of me snowboarding in it and it looks really good. I’d love a replacement the black bubbly fleece beanie I got to replace it just isn’t the same.

    Free Member

    I might have one of those, it’s a bit big for me, which makes me think it’s not exactly the same. Junior has it at the moment but I can ask for it back for you. I really like mh Buff beanie fwiw.

    Full Member

    @jimmy How do you loose a hat “on the way home”?

    Full Member

    I lost my singletrack woolly hat a year or so ago in a pub in manchester 😢.  It was the simple grey design with singletrack logo on the front. No bobble. No frills. Fitted really well. Packed down fairly small. After ringing around and looking at replacements I replaced it with a Howies Merino ‘skull cap’ type beanie from their sale. Smaller, neater, so far not moth-eaten, but I sometimes yearn for that singletrack one. 

    Full Member


    Bus… Pissed…

    Full Member

    My not particularly brilliant advice if you get particularly attached to a particular hat – which I do – is to set up a standing search on eBay. My experience is that eventually one will appear and you can buy it and then wonder at leisure why you liked it in the first place.

    Full Member

    I had a fur-lined, Harris tweed, trapper-style hat (that I bought in Debenhams on Stockport of all places). It was ace, and I know the exact pub I left it in :-(

    Full Member

    This thread has become like a support group for those mourning lost hats

    Group hug?

    Full Member

     set up a standing search on eBay. My experience is that eventually one will appear and you can buy it and then wonder at leisure why you liked it in the first place.

    I did this with an Endura Skip beanie, but they slightly changed the size and stiffness of the little peak, and it’s just not the same. 😒

    Full Member

    Full Member

    This thread has become like a support group for those mourning lost hats

    I lost this hat donkeys years ago – I’d given up on it. Even been through a house move two years ago and no sign of it anywhere.

    I was up in the loft the other week though (still sorting through stuff from house move 2 years ago!) and found it amongst some family heirloom tea-towels!*…


    (*don’t ask why we are keeping these tea-towels – they belonged to the wife’s great grandma or something. They’ve lived in our various attics for over 30 years!).

    Full Member

    I have to say I’m really impressed with the ME hat! Amazingly it pretty much stays where it should, instead of creeping slowly up until my ears are mostly exposed to the wind and cold, I guess because of the fleece band around the inside.
    Walked into town today wearing it, along with my lined Lee denim jacket and a Uniqlo down gilet but I forgot to check the weather, and it pissed down all the way home, about a mile walk. The gilet got wet , but although I kept seeing large drops of water coming from my hat, when I got home, it wasn’t that wet, the inside was dry, which really impressed me, for such a light knitted hat. All in all, I’m really pleased I bought it, so thanks to Jimmy and binners for putting up the original request and the suggestion for the replacement, it’s my new favourite and I might get a couple more to keep tucked away in my bag and a drawer just in case. 😁👌🏻👍🏼

    Full Member

    @badlywireddog – that might just have worked, found one last week arrived today but I’m away. I have nervous trepidation that it just won’t be the same, but can’t wait til next week in case it is!

    Free Member

    Almost every hat I ‘own’ I found in a gutter or just lying soaking somewhere in the street. Iv’e looked through the MIA’s above and sadly I don’t think I have any of them, sorry.

    The only one I bought was a decathlon beanie, super cheep so when it went awol I wasnt too sad, but was a trifle annoyed as it was a decent hat. A year later the damn thing turned up in the spare wheel well in the car. No idea how it got there

    Full Member

    I love a good hat. If you want to get ahead get a hat they say.

    I’ve just this evening had a ‘phone call from my nephew and my niece to say thanks for their orange and red ‘Radar’ hats.

    Full Member

    I decided to get another Mountain Equipment beanie like that original one, but they seem to be unavailable at the moment, but I found another, similar ME one, the Dark Days one, which comes even further down over my ears, it has the fleece band around the inside, and it was £17.95 from eBay

    Full Member

    Lost my RetroBike baseball cap. Rare, they only made a few, bloody sick.

    I know where I left it, on the bridge on great western rd

    Full Member

    OP – I too have an ME hat which is ‘just right’ – knitted but with fleece inner band. I would be disappointed if I lost it.

    It is also 15 years old.

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