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  • Jacob Lynch Mobb
  • mikewsmith
    Free Member

    JRM, odious or not, is trying to fight the corner of that majority against the establishment who are trying to ensure the majority don’t get what they voted for.

    He isn’t very good at it is he. As pointed out he actually stopped the process with his last game. He is yet to provide a useful or constructive approach to leaving too.
    If you think JRM represents you they I have to conclude your either mates with him or very deluded.

    Free Member

    ” the establishment who are trying to ensure the majority don’t get what they voted for.”

    Weird that the pro-EU establishment is so powerful, yet the government, the prime minister, the opposition, and the largest newspapers are all committed to Brexit. Presumably that means that May, Corbyn and Murdoch are not part of the establishment…

    Full Member

    JRM is saying we should leave the EU. That is what the majority of UK voters said in 2016. The majority think he is right.


    No he’s just a liar, he’s constantly on panel shows & retweeting fakenews about the EU particularly about tarifs, which he either deliberately misconstrues or genuinely doesn’t understand.
    He doesn’t have Johnson’s recall & understanding of history, but it’s amazing how much deference his accent & mannerisms induce in some.
    It’s fairly obvious that he’s not driven by concern for improving the lot fellow leave voters. He’s just driven by ideology.

    Full Member

    @kimbers has it, hands down.

    JRM is saying we should leave the EU. That is what the majority of UK voters said in 2016. The majority think he is right.


    Horseshit. I don’t care where you are on the Brexit question; the referendum as a legitimate indicator of the will of the majority of the populace was so flawed, it wouldn’t have met constitutional requirements in many other Western countries.

    It’s one reason I would accept the result of a second referendum, even if it went against my beliefs. A second would go a long way to solidifying the validity of the process.

    Full Member

    To put it another way, Charles I came to grief because he defied the will of the people.

    No he came to grief because he defied the right of parliament and the nobility. aka the elite, and refused to let it vote on certain items. You know, like the Maybot is doing. Could also mention that part of why it went wrong was trying to impose things in Scotland (see any similarities) which led to him needing parliament.
    The “people” were very much secondary and when they got to uppity they were slapped down by both sides.

    JRM, odious or not, is trying to fight the corner of that majority against the establishment who are trying to ensure the majority don’t get what they voted for.

    Absolute **** bollocks. He is pushing his own self interests and has zerobinterest in the will of the majority. Maybots proposal does meet the simplistic leave the EU requirement so why isnt Rees_mogg happy?

    The analogy made several posts back that JRM was like Charles I is made in error, and shows an ignorance of history.

    pot calling kettle there.

    Free Member

    Your first paragraph argues for the point I was making. Theresa May is more like Charles 1.

    Free Member

    As much fun as trying to decide who is more like whoever, how come given the chance to push forward Brexit did JRM try and sabotage it by objecting to May’s deal.

    Free Member

    You are not much of a Saxon, Saxonrider! A true Saxon would be on top of Senlac Hill bashing his shield and shouting “Out, out, out”.

    Free Member

    May’s deal is EU membership by another name.

    Free Member

    Has ninfan got a new persona?

    Free Member

    Well I do look forward to reading his alternative deal, I’m sure he has put a lot of thought into it.

    Free Member

    The 2016 referendum was a simple concise question. Do you want to be IN or OUT of the EU. The question was simple and clear. The answer was simple and clear. The fact that you have some other vision is neither here nor there as far as the validity goes. I didn’t like the result of the 1975 vote to go into the EEC trading group. I just sucked it up and got on with life.

    I’m afraid I find the fanatical willingness of a minority of my fellow citizens to force a legitimate majority of us to live under the rule of a foreign power we have roundly rejected to be repulsive and fascist in nature. Maybe when you grow up you will realise that life doesn’t always go your way. Maybe you will also realise that others, including stuck-up members of the upper class like JRM, have a right to say what they think.

    Full Member

    Your first paragraph argues for the point I was making

    Aside from the other minor details but lets give up on that for now.

    Care to explain what Rees-Moggs offering is and how it meets the “will of the people” better than Mays offering?

    May’s deal is EU membership by another name.

    It really isnt.

    Full Member

    The 2016 referendum was a simple concise question. Do you want to be IN or OUT of the EU.

    Which Mays deal complies with. Apart from, somehow, you have redefined that to not be. Not quite as simple as you make out is it?

    Maybe you will also realise that others, including stuck-up members of the upper class like JRM, have a right to say what they think.

    Who is saying that they dont have a right to say what they think?
    Personally I think it would be better if politicans were open and honest and said what they think.
    Of course the flipside of people saying what they think is we also have the right to judge and respond to those thoughts.

    Free Member

    May’s deal is EU membership by another name.

    But it isn’t though is it?

    Free Member

    billyboy, is norway in the EU? How about switzerland?

    Free Member

    If you take a journey from her Lancaster House speech to the deal she eventually put on the table, it is a sell out to the EU.

    She is a Remainer and she sold out before she started by firstly agreeing to the EU’s format for negotiations, and secondly by totally refusing to put in place serious measures for a ‘no deal’ Brexit.

    The EU was never going to deal with us on an honest and decent basis. They were always going to try and punish us for having the audacity to reject their rule. Had she put serious measures in place for a no deal it would have given her leveridge. And to accept sorting out how much we were going to pay them before she established what, if anything, we were going to get in return was supreme negligence.

    Or it was a deliberate ploy to mess the process up and make our exit fail.

    The basic problem beyond the wounded screams of the losers on this Forum and elsewhere, is that Parliament is peopled by a majority of Remainers who always were going to try to stop the people’s will being implemented.

    I voted labour last time. I hastened to add that the candidate I voted for was anti-Corbyn. I couldn’t stomache voting for anyone who seriously favoured a career terrorist supporter and anti-semite! Similarly I coukdn’t Find it in my heart to vote for the Conservatives when they’ve brought the infrastructure of this country so low. But if JRM is speaking out for the majority of us who want to get out of the EU against the bulk of the establishment who want to frustrate that, then I’m ok with that.

    Free Member

    The 2016 referendum was a simple concise question. Do you want to be IN or OUT of the EU.

    And so far hundreds of people have come up with a different version of out that none of them seem to be able to agree on, none that will even get close to a majority of the people who wanted to leave let alone the rest of the population.
    JRM and his palls seem to have decided without asking anybody what their version is, they have also ignored some small things like reality too.

    Free Member

    Maybe when you grow up you will realise that life doesn’t always go your way.

    That’s some top level satire right there. Well played sir 😆

    Free Member

    If you take a journey from her Lancaster House speech to the deal she eventually put on the table, it is a sell out to the EU.

    I think most of us predicted that before we voted – people seem to have filed that one under project fear….

    She is a Remainer and she sold out before she started by firstly agreeing to the EU’s format for negotiations, and secondly by totally refusing to put in place serious measures for a ‘no deal’ Brexit.

    We are the junior partner in those negotiations, what did you expect? Do you think by flouncing about things would have changed?

    The EU was never going to deal with us on an honest and decent basis. They were always going to try and punish us for having the audacity to reject their rule.

    The EU has rules and is based on certain principles, they were up front and honest about that. UK politicians foolishly promised the UK people that the EU would roll over on these – guess what they won’t.

    The basic problem beyond the wounded screams of the losers on this Forum and elsewhere, is that Parliament is peopled by a majority of Remainers who always were going to try to stop the people’s will being implemented.

    All we are asking for is a simple outline of the way forward – leave has still not been able to do that. Instead they keep saying no to everything and refuse to do any of the hard work – We have had a series of Leave supporting Brexit secretaries who have all failed.

    I voted labour last time. I hastened to add that the candidate I voted for was anti-Corbyn. I couldn’t stomache voting for anyone who seriously favoured a career terrorist supporter and anti-smite!

    Ah you bought into the bull shit then. Do you know ninfan?

    But if JRM is speaking out for the majority of us who want to get out of the EU against the bulk of the establishment who want to frustrate that, then I’m ok with that.

    Hang on was their another survey to find out what people meant by leave? Pop the link up so we can keep up.

    Free Member

    IN or OUT….. that is the reality nay-sayers cannot grasp. OUT is not sort-of staying, cake and eating it. It’d be nice to have a deal, but when you are dealing with the brick wall that is the EU, then it was never assured. Varouflakis told us that from the start and he was right. Even that buffoon Trump knew that! It is not a healthy organisation. And there is every indication that it is in deep trouble. OUT is good.

    Full Member

    IN or OUT….. that is the reality nay-sayers cannot grasp. OUT is not sort-of staying, cake and eating it

    Can you provide the special definition of “IN” and “OUT” you are using? Since under any normal definition Maybots offering counts as “OUT”.

    Even that buffoon Trump knew that!

    Or possibly he, and you, are wrong?
    Now are you going to provide any sensible arguments or just keep trolling?

    Free Member

    Leave is not in charge. Remainers are in charge. Put Leave in charge and the project would go foreword rather better. Put King Charles I in charge and you have the mess we’ve got!

    Full Member

    What is your plan for Ireland?

    Free Member

    Who or what is ninfan?

    Free Member

    Even that buffoon Trump knew that! It is not a healthy organisation. And there is every indication that it is in deep trouble. OUT is good.

    Ah a true fan of the populists…
    Trump and the US know the EU are a powerful organisation who can put checks and balance on the US much better together than they can as individuals – see how they responded with very targeted tariffs as which are hurting the US to defend the EU member states being caught in the crossfire between the Trump and China.

    Full Member

    I voted labour last time. … Similarly I coukdn’t Find it in my heart to vote for the Conservatives when they’ve brought the infrastructure of this country so low.

    EDL or BNP might be a good choice next time then 😉

    PS May is a Leaver that pretended to be remain. That is why she was so desperate to deliver “Brexit means Brexit” at any cost and overrule parliament at any step.

    And the 101% full out with raising the drawbridge and having nothing to do with EU at all is an extremeist minority, not the majority voice of the people.

    Apologies for troll feeding.

    Full Member

    Put Leave in charge and the project would go foreword rather better

    Apart from as repeatedly pointed out the Brexit ministers have all been brexiteers.
    Also lets not forget all the ERG report which was, ermm, special.
    Good to see you starting on the stab in the back myth though.

    Free Member

    When leave is in charge….. Now where is his toblerone, Brexit Bulldog Out.

    Free Member

    I’m not in charge Chris. JRM asked Verhofstad if he was going to put up a border. Verhofstad said he wasn’t. We are not going to either, so where is the question? The argument is over a border nobody is going to erect!

    Free Member

    But how will we stop the immigrants from getting in?

    Free Member

    The Brexit ministers have all been sidelined. We all know that. Remain have rigged the game.

    Free Member

    billyboy. Thats a song from the North of 2 borders.

    Free Member


    Black is white.

    It is the biggest problem we face in the modern age.

    You are Trump.

    Free Member

    OUT is good.

    Potentially it could be, but lets do it in a way that doesn’t screw up the economy for a large number of people, at the moment only May’s deal allows that and if it’s not good enough the process should be delayed till we have a plan that works for as many as possible. In fact it shouldn’t have been triggered till all parties ( or even just the party in charge) could agree a route forward.

    You might be “I’m alright jack” when it comes to no-deal but millions won’t be, the people in charge of the process know this and the people running businesses that need access to the single market also know this. JRM, Boris, pensioners will be just fine and are quite happy to risk no-deal. It’s easy to gamble when you’re sitting on millions, or mortgage free with a decent pension.

    Free Member

    IN or OUT

    Shake it all about.

    Free Member

    “IN or OUT….. that is the reality nay-sayers cannot grasp. OUT is not sort-of staying, cake and eating it.”

    This gnomic “Brexit means Brexit” type of line is like the “no true Scotsman” fallacy. If the UK leaves the EU on anything other than the speaker’s terms, then the speaker gets to say, “ahh, but that’s not reeeally Brexit…” But if it’s so clear what Brexit means, why didn’t have Brexiteers have a program for executing it once they won?

    The UK is going to leave the EU but some people are going to build a reality distortion field around themselves to say it’s still inside.

    Free Member

    the rule of a foreign power we have roundly rejected

    Exactly how being a part of a Democratic Assembly in which the U.K. has the same right as any other nationality therein, to put it’s case and argue it’s corner, is “the rule of a foreign power”, escapes me.

    I suspect you’re a bit of a dimwit.

    No offense.

    Full Member

    @billyboy – the Brexit ministers resigned. The game may have been rigged by selecting 2 useless people to do that role.

    Has anyone considered that May could be some kind of Machiavellian genius and will use bluster and brinkmanship to deliver a we’re staying in result? She could be so amazing that the current deal, albeit worse than staying and the no deal, which is worse again end up with us doing nowt. She could then give Boris, Gove etc two fingers
    Me neither, they all do a great impression of being incompetent.

    Any back to Jacob, my crowdfunding Dignitas approach is looking more sensible minute by minute….

    Free Member

    @billyboy If you think Rees Mogg is fighting against the ‘establishment’ then you’re seriously deluded. Rees Mogg is as ‘establishment’ as anyone I can think of. He’s an Old Etonian FFS, not Che Guevara.


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