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  • If you got a tic…
  • jimmy
    Full Member

    …in your bum crack, who’s getting it out?

    This isn’t meant as a childish question, even my 8yo bum and fart obsessed daughter went eww. But they creep into dark moist places like armpits and back of the knee so I don’t know who I’d bestow the pleasure upon of removing a bum tic, I don’t think mirror and tic remover tweezers would cut it (figuratively speaking).

    Full Member

    I just gas them to death, nothing can live through that.

    Full Member

    I got one on on the underside my scrotum once.

    Once she stopped laughing Mrs H removed it.

    Full Member

    I got one on on the underside my scrotum once.

    Once she stopped laughing Mrs H removed it.

    did she also find it?

    Full Member

    Full Member
    I got one on on the underside my scrotum once.

    Once she stopped laughing Mrs H removed it.

    Was she Mrs H at the time it was this a first date scenario?

    Free Member

    …in your bum crack

    How would you know it was there?

    Full Member

    Full Member
    I just gas them to death, nothing can live through that.

    Ignite the methane? Deforestation and tick control in a single bush fire.👍

    Free Member

    I once rescued a collared  dove which had a tick deeply lodged in its ear. It wasn’t difficult as the poor fecker couldn’t even stand up because it had totally screwed its sense of balance.

    The tick was easy enough to remove but it was several weeks before the collared dove was fit and well enough to be released.

    Full Member

    A mate got one on his, er, “his” last year. Apparently involved lots of conversations with unfortunate NHS staff and him having to repeat “tick bite on my penis” several times, presumably while they called in every available staff member to listen in and have a laugh.

    Full Member

    How would you know it was there?

    Is a very good question and also the start of thinking given that I regularly get itchy down there. Maybe theres been one there for years and it’s not actually a bum grape. But am I going to ask MsJimmy to have a look? I quite like having her around after all.

    Full Member

    Was she Mrs H at the time it was this a first date scenario?

    🤣🤣 she had been Mrs H for a good while by this point. Amazingly she is still Mrs H despite my many mountain bike related mishaps.

    Full Member

    Do you mean a tick? A bitey insect? Spelt with a letter K at the end?

    Full Member

    How would you know it was there?

    Accidentally fell (into a squat position while naked) above a mirror and just happened to glance down.

    Full Member

    Do you mean a tick? A bitey insect? Spelt with a letter K at the end?

    Yes! Not one half of a tic tac. Not sure how that might get there.

    Full Member

    Accidentally fell (into a squat position while naked) above a mirror and just happened to glance down.

    Spookily like the people that fall onto a hand grenade or Henry Hoover before attending A&E.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I once rescued a collared dove….

    What was a collared dove doing in your bum crack…….?

    Free Member

    What was a collared dove doing in your bum crack…….?

    Taking over from the hamster?

    Full Member

    So that’s where the STW servers are!

    Full Member

    Little known fact, the ring on a collared dove is a marking to tell you when to stop.

    Full Member

    Little known fact, the ring on a collared dove is a marking to tell you when to stop.

    In which direction? Asking for a friend

    Full Member

    A mate got one on his, er, “his” last year. Apparently involved lots of conversations with unfortunate NHS staff and him having to repeat “tick bite on my penis” several times, presumably while they called in every available staff member to listen in and have a laugh.

    A story was relayed to me about a guy who got one not on, but up the old fella and had to be  referred to a vetenary school for treatment as its a more common condition to treat in animals than humans

    What was a collared dove doing in your bum crack…….?

    Gives a whole new meaning to being ‘Pigeon Holed’

    Free Member

    Ah, I can see that my tick-related story has caused some confusion because the main topic of interest here appears to be arseholes, not ticks.

    No bum cracks were involved in the collared dove incident, my anal-retentive friends 😃

    Full Member

    Wire brush and detol….

    Full Member

    On the tick subject. I was walking on Jura for 2 days last week. Often through knee high grass and bracken. I met other walkers who were catching up to 11 ticks a day each. I got zero. Two days before going I sprayed my walking trousers with permethrin spray


    Free Member

    Has anyone tried waxing a tick off?

    I imagine it would be quite effective.

    Full Member

    In which direction? Asking for a friend

    You don’t want it to suffocate.

    Free Member

    A story was relayed to me about a guy who got one not on, but up the old fella and had to be  referred to a vetenary school for treatment as its a more common condition to treat in animals than humans

    I had a riding buddy who was known for ~10 years as Ticky Dicky. Was removed under local anaesthetic.

    Haven’t seen him for 15 years, but i bet the name has stuck…

    Full Member

    Has anyone tried waxing a tick off?

    And quite likely to rip it’s head off, leaving the head embedded and maybe leading to further infection and difficulties removing it.

    Full Member

    This is how PXL_20240514_072910256~2PXL_20240514_073822679.MP~2small they can be! (Probably nymph stage)

    Free Member

    Imagine trying to find that in your bum crack.

    Edit: I don’t mean the thumb.

    Free Member

    And quite likely to rip it’s head off, leaving the head embedded and maybe leading to further infection and difficulties removing it.

    I was think suround it in wax would encase it like getting under it with tweezers. Then lifting it off carefully rather than lather on a full bikini strip and ripping it off.

    I have struggled with tiny ones and a tomotwister

    Free Member

    As event medic at numerous Scottish trail ultra marathon races, I frequently get asked to remove ticks from strangers and friends alike.
    One especially memorable occasion was one of our regular female runners, who was insistent that I must carry out the deed for her. The tick had buried itself quite deeply among some quite delicate folds. Needless to say, gloves and head torch were required.

    The important skill is in the gentle rotation or twisting of the offending beastie; you are attempting to disengage the barbs around its mouthparts, without squeezing any gut contents into the wound site.

    Full Member


    given that I regularly get itchy down there.

    Yeah, that might not be ticks to be honest.

    Dirty boy!

    Full Member

    Imagine trying to find that in your bum crack.

    Edit: I don’t mean the thumb.

    I properly laughed at that

    Free Member

    On the tick subject. I was walking on Jura for 2 days last week. Often through knee high grass and bracken. I met other walkers who were catching up to 11 ticks a day each. I got zero. Two days before going I sprayed my walking trousers with permethrin spray

    I was there for a week this time last year, wild camping every night. Like you, permethrin sprayed trousers tucked into socks and zero ticks (after having problems there in the past). I was in the Fisherfield area for a week this month, same result. I’m not clear how laundering/heavy rain would impact the treatment but I’m happy that’s the way to go – make them drop off before they get a chance to go walkabout.

    Free Member

    Two days before going I sprayed my walking trousers with permethrin spray

    And in doing so dumping insecticide into the first watercourse, puddle, wet grass you come into contact with…

    Full Member

    I was impressed with the Permethrin.   I saw more deer than I have for ages, close up as well. Tick magnets. The 4 walkers who had come down the west coast all caught  dozens of them.  As I said I was at times stumbling knee deep through uneven ground hidden by thick long grass bracken and still got none.  Walking anywhere with well used paths I might not bother but it is definitely the answer for anything involving bashing through high heather or bracken.

    Aside from the hassle of getting any embedded ticks of the risk of Lyme disease is best avoided. I think the end of May was about as late as I would go for Jura. The bracken wasn’t fully up but soon will be making tough terrain even harder.

    Free Member

    Seriously. You can do alot of ecological damage to some incredible fragile systems tramping that shit through the countryside.

    It absolutely is NOT worth it.

    Full Member

    We’ve multiple stories of various friendsl/family/colleagues having to remove ticks from some pretty intimate places. Worst ones seem to be trying to remove them from genitals, using a phone as a mirror, while inside a little mountain tent on some trip or other…
    You bend over and get on with it…

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