1. I fall from further so I hit the ground with more force- not sure why mine is lower can you explain?
2. It is what i hit/what hits me that causes the damages- soft foam = fine and unlikely = van wing mirror being driven at 40 = not fine big rock = not good etc
3.I will be going faster
I disagree with your assessment,
I am less likely to fall I agree but i am just as likely if no tmore so to be hurt from the fall
I agree with MTG’s original assessment, I can only remember two JRA accidents in all the years I’ve been biking arround. One was on a wet tramline in Sheffield, the other was on some spilt diesel in the rain at a give way line. I think I probably have more trips and stumbles walking arround than I do near misses whilst pootling on bikes.
This is not a dangerous activity that requires PPE
This I agree with.
Having said that I’d still wear a helmet, but it’s a personal choice.