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  • Huw! Edwards!
  • dudeofdoom
    Full Member

    Do you remember the golden era of BBC scandals, before Saville and all that nonsense, when it was just good old coke and hookers and maybe a bit of S&M?

    I was only thinking of Frank Bough when this started to rumble.

    Free Member

    Mental health might explain erratic or poor behaviour, it doesn’t excuse it.

    Mental health problems gets trotted out far too often at the moment to excuse shitty behaviour, it denigrates the struggles people with severe mentally issues contend with and excuses otherwise unacceptable behaviour. And if we cant reference our own direct experience of mental health issues then you’re verging on thought police territory.


    Of course you can reference your own experiences. What you can’t do is claim others have the same experience just because it comes under the umbrella of “mental health”.

    And to say it doesn’t excuse it is ridiculous. It won’t in all cases but to say someone suffering from extreme schizophrenia is capable of making logical decisions is utterly wrong.

    In my case, despite being signed off with severe mental health issues, I walked into the office and started verbally abusing pretty much everyone I saw before curling up in a corner after I got freaked out by a postit note.  I have no recollection of that at all. It was completely out of character and I was apparently even speaking in a strange accent.

    Was my mental health an excuse? Of course. If I hadn’t been mentally very ill, I wouldn’t have done it. I was removed from site in an ambulance and I never returned.

    Saying mental illness is not an excuse for out of character behaviour is like saying having a broken leg isn’t an excuse for not being able to run a marathon.

    Hew Edwards is in hospital due to his mental health issues. It’s unlikely that’s he’s suffering from mild anxiety or depression. It’s probable that he is very ill and as such is deserving of kindness and compassion.

    Full Member

    It won’t in all cases but to say someone suffering from extreme schizophrenia is capable of making logical decisions is utterly wrong.

    One of the things I learnt from a very close friend of mine developing severe schizophrenia (she was at one point sectioned) is despite very serious mental health issues she could still tell right from wrong.

    I had previously assumed that serious mental health issues such as schizophrenia made it more or less impossible for a sufferer to behave within the norms of acceptable behaviour.

    What something like schizophrenia does is to give them quite a serious handicap. In the same as someone with one leg might have a serious mobility issue but can nevertheless remain mobile.

    I also learnt that it wasn’t right, or good for her, to tolerate or justify aggressive behaviour, for example, by dismissing it as part of her illness. Instead it was important to expect the same standards of behaviour from her as from anyone else, even if it was harder for her to achieve.

    In the years since her first diagnosis she is a completely different person, fully accepting her illness and just learning to live with it, including of course taking her medication. She is a model citizen. It is being treated like anyone else which has helped her to achieve this.

    Full Member

    The others being whom in this case?

    Others who have complained to their employer about his behaviour

    Meanwhile the BBC reported on Wednesday that Edwards also faced claims about inappropriate behaviour towards some junior staff members.

    Two current BBC workers and one former member of staff said they had been sent messages that made them feel uncomfortable.

    An employee at the corporation told BBC News they received “suggestive” messages from Edwards. BBC News has seen the messages, which refer to the staff member’s appearance and were sent this year.

    One said they felt it was an abuse of power by someone very senior in the organisation.

    Speaking to the BBC’s Newsnight programme, the workers and former employee spoke of a reluctance among junior staff to complain to managers about the conduct of high-profile colleagues in case it adversely affected their careers.

    The BBC said: “We always treat the concerns of staff with care, and would urge anyone to speak to us if they have any concerns. We have clear processes for making complaints.”

    In a separate BBC News investigation published on Tuesday, a young person who did not work at the BBC said they had felt “threatened” by messages sent by Huw Edwards.

    Full Member

    Whilst the Jonathan Pie vid above is spot on, I think they should probably have considered re-filming it because the bit where he says a high percentage of the people walking past will have had a male member in various orifices (and vice versa) is followed by three or four kids walking past. 😬

    Now, viewed objectively, it is still correct, but given the tone of much of the coverage*, perhaps negligent?

    *Much of which is turning out to be lies.

    Pretty sure he films using a green screen. the timing of a kid in the back giving a thumbs up after he says he couldn’t give a **** is brilliant though!

    Came here to post that vid as it sums up my feelings TBH, same with the Scofield witchhunt. The media/public always need to have the pitchforks out for someone.


    Looks like this has become another swinging dick thread, this time about who’s had worse MH issues.

    Take a day off fellas.

    Full Member

    I don’t understand how you can keep on spiralling when you have access to the best medical care available
    He earns an incredible amount of money. Has been highly paid for years.
    Is not stupid in any way, comes across as an intelligent, educated man.
    Has a family around to talk things through with
    Probably has the ability to take a sabbatical for a year and return to the position, no questions asked.

    Yet still somehow starts down the path of dping questionable things, which probably came with a dopamine hit. Was risque, he enjoyed it, and carried on. Getting deeper in to whatever floats his particular boat, till it surfaces and he crashes

    Just seems strange to me, and i know being rich doesn’t exclude you from mental health issue but the need to flog yourself into stress causing situation is removed when ypu probably could just retire

    Full Member

    I don’t understand…

    And so on…

    Perhaps this story just needs a bit of a pause, not only in the media but also from all the random, uninformed speculation on SM?

    In other (nicely overshadowed) news Bozza allegedly can’t remember his iPhone password still…

    Free Member

    Yet still somehow starts down the path of dping questionable things,

    Now that is an unfortunate typo…

    Not sure that has been alleged.


    Free Member

    Yet still somehow starts down the path of dping questionable things,

    Now that is an unfortunate typo…

    Not sure that has been alleged.


    Isn’t that a scene from Requeim for a Dream?

    Full Member

    Looks like this has become another swinging dick thread, this time about who’s had worse MH issues.

    Looks like this thread has won the attention of the self-appointed thread police. Perhaps take a day off and let people say whatever it is they want to say? This is an internet forum, no?

    Free Member

    Best thing I’ve seen on twitter all day was a screen shot of a chap from GB news, sitting in for a suspiciously absent Dan Wootton, whilst taking the moral high ground about how a presenter should behave..


    Free Member

    Looks like this has become another swinging dick thread, this time about who’s had worse MH issues.

    My friend has a motorhome and he needed a new clutch recently.


    Dan Wootton

    He’s an Uber shit-****.

    Didn’t he start his career with the Sun doing celebrity gossip?

    Free Member

    I don’t understand how you can keep on spiralling when you have access to the best medical care available

    Because medicine isn’t like fixing cars?

    Full Member

    Looks like the parent/step parent of the unnamed person have filmed their part of an upcoming documentary for TalkTV, or Rupert Murdoch TV, i can only imagine what type of documentary this will be, is there an actual TalkTV channel now on TV?

    Full Member

    I don’t understand how you can keep on spiralling when you have access to the best medical care available
    He earns an incredible amount of money. Has been highly paid for years.

    Which only matters if there is a treatment available. There are some areas of medicine where the best medical care will definitely help but the brain is still badly understood and so the best medical care will be limited to trying to provide copying mechanisms.

    Full Member

    whilst taking the moral high ground about how a presenter should behave..

    Think its time for Private Eye to go through their street of shame archives and ask the media companies to confirm they dont have any NDAs protecting some of their journalists.

    Free Member

    I’d be amazed if only fans weren’t all over verifying the ages of people who produce/appear in content

    they are.

    Hah! Uber doesn’t know its drivers are when there’s a government-issued licence for them, and we think the scuzziest part of the gig economy is going to be “all over it”?


    Free Member

    Its a matter for the Police if its a criminal allegation.

    It’s internal HR if it’s workplace harassment

    Not that simple. Police investigate only a small slice of all criminal conduct. Employers often investigate alleged criminal conduct that relates to their operations. Harassment is (can be) a criminal offence, regardless of where it occurs. BBC has an investigations team that is not part of HR (as quite a few large companies do).

    Full Member

    I was only thinking of Frank Bough when this started to rumble.

    Each to their own…

    Free Member


    I’ve heard of Muffin the Mule, but boffing the Bough?

    Full Member

    theres an explanation why gbnews presenters have been deleting their tweets about huw

    it seems likely that Gbnews presenter Dan Wootton won’t be returning from his holiday

    Full Member

    Full Member

    I don’t understand how you can keep on spiralling when you have access to the best medical care available

    Sometimes you don’t get better. You can break a limb so badly that the best doctor in the world can’t fix it, same with brains. And you mentioned intelligence, the trouble is that you and your enemy in this fight both have the exact same weapon.

    Full Member

    Came here to post that vid as it sums up my feelings TBH, same with the Scofield witchhunt. The media/public always need to have the pitchforks out for someone

    TBH I think the celebrities sort of set themselves up for a fall,as some pious bastions of righteousness indignation ,all that reverence of announcing the queens death whilst in the toilets checking your sexy chat and giving the magic lamp a rub.

    Schofield’s a bit more tricky as getting a young kid a job and then having a relationship with him is a bit iffy he also had been projecting a str8 lifestyle(for target audience) whilst everyone in the business knew he was gay,which isn’t a problem but sitting on that settee being pious and a righteous dick seems a bit off.

    The pie videos right thou,it shouldn’t make any difference but the whole celebrity things such a farce,back in the day the sun reporters would be on the Charlie as much as the stars and probably sharing with the stars until someone fell out of favour then they were front page news.

    Full Member

    So after 9 months of sick leave brought on by the stress of something he did he’s finally been forced out (sorry resigned on medical advice).


    Full Member

    Probably on full pay, with expenses and a redundancy package to retire on

    Free Member

    Probably on full pay, with expenses and a redundancy package to retire on

    You haven’t read the article have you? He hasn’t been paid since he was suspended despite that being normal practice.

    He’s clearly really unwell, and has been since long before he made the questionable (but not illegal) decisions that have led him to where he is today.

    Free Member


    “Spinners and Losers” episode.

    Free Member

    “You haven’t read the article have you? He hasn’t been paid since he was suspended despite that being normal practice.”

    I don’t think the article says that – it says he is not being paid off which to me implies there is no severance payment, not that he hasn’t been paid in the interim.

    Full Member

    Hopefully he gets well and hopefully he doesn’t end up GB News – the graveyard of the far right.

    Full Member

    I don’t think the article says that – it says he is not being paid off which to me implies there is no severance payment, not that he hasn’t been paid in the interim.

    Correct. They were discussing it today on 5 Live. He was paid c.£430k for the period of his suspension according to their correspondent.

    Free Member

    end up GB News – the graveyard of the far right.

    Not sure if he fits the target audience given the far right have never been big fans of homosexuality.

    Free Member

    “Not sure if he fits the target audience given the far right have never been big fans of homosexuality.”

    GB News is hardly short of gay presenters.

    Full Member

    But they are hypocritical @#%%#&#

    Full Member

    Free Member
    “Not sure if he fits the target audience given the far right have never been big fans of homosexuality.”

    GB News is hardly short of gay presenters.

    True, but it’s like the raging racist that doesn’t like “P****” but likes Mr Patel as he lets him sort the right money out next time he’s in the shop.

    Mr Patel is the good kind, you see, the exception that proves the rule?

    Once you find someone from a group you dislike isn’t actually out to rape your daughter or kill your dog and you actually see the person as a person, rather than a stereotype, then they have to be an exception, one of the “good ones”.

    This is how bigotry has always worked.

    And yeah, hypocrisy too.

    Free Member

    He should take up cycling.

    Free Member

    CaherFull Member
    Hopefully he gets well and hopefully he doesn’t end up GB News – the graveyard of the far right.

    How do you know that, or have you watched it for hours?

    I haven’t , so genuinely interested

    Full Member

    He’s clearly really unwell, and has been since long before he made the questionable (but not illegal) decisions that have led him to where he is today.

    It seems there may be something much more than questionable and definitely illegal (if proven).

    charged with making indecent images of children

    I say ‘may’ of course, innocent until proven guilty etc.

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