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  • Huw! Edwards!
  • tomhoward
    Full Member

    I’d be amazed if only fans weren’t all over verifying the ages of people who produce/appear in content

    they are. Basically if they get busted for underage folk being on there, the US govt can prosecute the payment facilitators, so they’ve said ‘make sure you’re compliant or we won’t process your payments. OF said they were gonna ban porn, before realising what an enormous % of their business it is…

    Full Member

    No one knows the accuracy of the allegations but a lot of people would consider it wrong for a wealthy man to exploit a vulnerable person several decades younger than themselves, who is desperate for cash to feed a drug addiction, into providing revealing photographs of themselves.

    There’s still a lot of “what ifs” in there though.

    What consenting adults choose to do is no one elses business if no laws are broken. The public outcry over this may also be wrecking a happily private arrangement Huw Edwards had with his wife.

    Full Member

    But instead the BBC becomes the story. Must just have been a coincidence.

    TBF we have a government that has been balls deep in constant rolling scandals for about the last 7 years

    So the timing of this really doesnt have to be deliberate

    I think Murdoch & GBNews  happy to bash the BBC at every opportunity

    Free Member

    TBF we have a government that has been balls deep in constant rolling scandals for about the last 7 years

    I think Murdoch & GBNews  happy to bash the BBC at every opportunity

    The BBC were very happy ripping into ITV regarding Schofield.  They are hardly an innocent party in this …

    Full Member

    Are there any facts we can actually verify?

    I’m sure I saw some of the early reports refer to the young person as ‘she’, however there’s a few on here that think they are male.  Has there been any comformation of gender?

    I’ve not seen any mention of Only Fans in the media, is that speculation on the forum or is it reported somewhere?

    Full Member

    it seems that the law wasn’t broken anyway. I’m still waiting for an explanation of what was so wrong.
    It is not only illegal behaviour which is deemed “wrong”. No one knows the accuracy of the allegations but a lot of people would consider it wrong for a wealthy man to exploit a vulnerable person several decades younger than themselves, who is desperate for cash to feed a drug addiction, into providing revealing photographs of themselves. In whether or not this did actually happen.

    The youth was already on Only Fans and HE handed them £35k – who, exactly, was exploiting who?

    Free Member

    The lack of mental health knowledge on here is depressing.

    Saying “I had mental health issues and I never did anything like this” is just ignorant I’m afraid.

    Mental health is like physical health.  Issues manifest themselves in many, many ways.

    Some people just get sad and withdrawn.

    Some people rant and rave.

    Some people get violent.

    Some people just eat and drink a lot.

    Others eat and drink very little.

    Some shout at the sky.

    Some gamble away their life savings and everything their families own.

    Some shout at their loved ones.

    Some hurt themselves.

    Some kill themselves.

    And some make really odd, out of character decisions and do odd out of character things.

    As far as I’m aware Hew has written about his mental health struggles for a number of years.  If during these struggles he’s done out of character things, then this is a symptom of his illness and if he’s done nothing illegal then he should be treated with kindness, compassion and understanding, both by the public and his employers.

    Sadly it seems our understanding of mental health in this country still has a long way to go.

    Free Member

    there is still the question of vulnerable people and/or abuse of power

    Well I sort of started off with the question, where’s the power in this and who is vulnerable?

    So far I’ve just seen “oooh, looks a bit weird”.

    Which I agree with, but I suspect there are plenty of people with weird sex lives posting to this thread and it’s not really my business.

    Full Member

    The youth was already on Only Fans and HE handed them £35k – who, exactly, was exploiting who?

    I know nothing about Only Fans. Does being on Only Fans mean that you are not being exploited?

    I certainly wasn’t aware of that.

    Full Member

    where’s the power in this and who is vulnerable?

    The power question relates to later allegations made by other BBC employees after the initial complaint by the 17yo’s parents.

    Who is vulnerable? Whether they were asked for / provided photos before their 18th birthday or not (and it seems not or at least the police have indicated there isn’t evidence to take further), the fact the dynamic started at that sort of age is a cause for concern. It doesn’t mean an adult can never have a friend who is under 18 but when that develops into what it seems to have become then there are (as i said in the post) questions. Was it a purely platonic friendship that then some time later became sexual – I’m sure these things do happen but does it pass the sniff test to you?

    So who is vulnerable – to me yes by virtue of age / the disparity in age. And then later because of the addiction, whether that’s anything to do with HE or not. Maybe HE is also vulnerable because of his own MH issues, but that doesn’t get you a free pass

    Bottom line – to me this is markedly different to a simple extra marital affair between two adults, and if you can’t see it no amount of explaining is going to change that.

    Full Member

    Are there any facts we can actually verify?

    Yes, have a read of the sky news link posted earlier. Threatening messages sent by HE and a meeting during covid lockdown with a following purchase of a semi naked photo. Both BBC verified.

    I find it strange than when a tory politician shags around a bit or is caught kissing somepone other than his wife, they get roasted on here, continually, but apparently Huw Edwards is ok to meet and buy sexually explicit photos from young people, potentially teenagers and threaten them when they think about telling people his name on twitter.

    Edit: @theotherjonv +1

    Full Member


    I know nothing about Only Fans. Does being on Only Fans mean that you are not being exploited?

    I certainly wasn’t aware of that.

    I’ve not been on it, from either end but my understanding is that one sets up an account and publishes on it whatever “content” one likes with the aim of monetising it, somehow. If that happens to be biking vids, naked pics, or jiggly videos they’re perfectly fine with that.  I’d say it was unlikely that this youth was forced by HE to set up an account or innocently set up an account and was coerced.  OF has a certain reputation (that they’re trying to paper over – See the Lewis Buchanen debate for details) so it’s likely they knew exactly what they were doing and they got luckier than they ever could have imagined – to the tune of £35k.  One could just as easily say that they exploited an person in quite poor mental health for their own gain. Two sides and all that.

    Free Member

    The lack of mental health knowledge on here is depressing.

    very much this..^

    also, playing devils advocate, did the rich celebrity exploit the young drug addict, or did a young good looking person with an only fans account exploit some old, unhappily married bloke with mental health issues? *

    Without all the facts you can speculate either way.

    * for avoidance of doubt I personally doubt anyone was exploited here..

    edit..pretty much as the previous post stated

    Full Member

    also, playing devils advocate, did the rich celebrity exploit the young drug addict, or did a young good looking person with an only fans account exploit some old, unhappily married bloke with mental health issues? *

    All of them? Do you think there is a gang of 17 to 23 year olds going around trying to exploit old news readers? Who’s next? Please tell me its not John Craven!!

    Full Member

    All of them? Do you think there is a gang of 17 to 23 year olds going around trying to exploit old news readers? Who’s next? Please tell me its not John Craven!!

    Well they’re almost certainly trying to exploit someone for monetary gain. That’s kind of the point.

    Full Member

    So who is vulnerable – to me yes by virtue of age / the disparity in age

    I appreciate your point, but again, we are speculating about something that is none of our business.

    I used to cycle with someone who was quite open that they worked in the adult industry, and had done since 18. It provided them and their family with quite a nice comfortable lifestyle working 2-3 days a week. They were happy to talk about what they did, and how they often filled a void or acted as a kind of therapist for customers.

    It’s wrong to assume that all young people involved in such actions are victims. For some its a sensible choice – I just hope that none of my family choose it.

    Free Member

    All of them? Do you think there is a gang of 17 to 23 year olds going around trying to exploit old news readers? Who’s next? Please tell me its not John Craven!!

    eh? All of who? Have no idea what you are talking about tbh

    Full Member

    did the rich celebrity exploit the young drug addict, or did…..

    I would have thought that anyone with a substance dependacy in a vulnerable person, and not least if they are struggling to pay for their drug habit.

    I idea that the young person with an expensive drug addiction might be the person in control in this situation is imo bizarre.

    Full Member

    All of who?

    There maybe only one story in the Sun but it isn’t the only accusation, as has been mentioned many times on the thread. Some of these have been verified by the BBC as well, so not speculation.

    Any way, I’m bored so keep dipping into this thread, but am gonna bugger off now as I don’t really want a semantics argument and shoul dreally get some work done.

    Full Member

    I used to cycle with someone who was quite open that they worked in the adult industry, and had done since 18……. how they often filled a void

    I’m trying to give up double entendres but occasionally I slip one in.

    Free Member

    I idea that the young person with an expensive drug addiction might be the person in control in this situation is imo bizarre

    given many of the details in the sun were clearly nonsense you are placing a lot of faith in their assertion that they are indeed a crack addict, something the person themselves has denied

    As mentioned, you don’t know the full facts so can’t possibly know who, if anyone, was being exploited

    don’t know the details of the other claims against him, do they indicate exploitation, or mearly that he is a bit of a sleeze and bully. If the former it may explain how he found himself on only fans in first place!

    Full Member

    did the rich celebrity exploit the young drug addict, or did…..
    I would have thought that anyone with a substance dependacy in a vulnerable person, and not least if they are struggling to pay for their drug habit.

    I idea that the young person with an expensive drug addiction might be the person in control in this situation is imo bizarre.

    Is there any indication that HE had any idea about the youth’s drug habit? It’s unlikely to be on their OF bio. is it?

    Full Member


    And that’s the last time I’m coming back on this thread.

    Full Member

    you are placing a lot of faith in their assertion

    I am not placing any faith whatsoever on the claims made. I have repeatedly said that no one knows the facts behind this story.

    As far as I am concerned we are talking about a hypothetical situation.

    Full Member

    I idea that the young person with an expensive drug addiction might be the person in control in this situation is imo bizarre.

    As a drug and alcohol support worker Mrs Daz used to work with dependent drug users and many of them did sex work to fund their habits. There was a lot of abuse (especially if they were women) but some of them were perfectly content with the situation and saw it as easy money. One of her clients turned up to an appointment with a middle aged businessman tied up in the boot of his car as that was his client’s fetish. He couldn’t believe he got paid for it. Obviously we don’t know the facts in this case but we shouldn’t make assumptions until more facts come out (if they ever do).

    Full Member

    I don’t really get the uproar over this. Nobody seems to have all of the facts yet.

    So far the police have no evidence of anything criminal.

    The man has apparently suffered with mental health issues for a while – and to me it looks like he must have been to act as he ALLEDGEDLY has. If he’s broken the terms of his BBC contract, that’s for the BBC to deal with and discipline him accordingly, but should he (like Philip Schofield) be publicly shamed and potentially lose his career over it?

    It’s obviously ill-judged and possibly in bad taste (depending on your opinion), immoral even. But should he have his entire life torn apart because of an allegation? I think not. Do those working in broadcasting waive their right to a private life or the usual rules of society?

    Full Member

    Do you remember the golden era of BBC scandals, before Saville and all that nonsense, when it was just good old coke and hookers and maybe a bit of S&M?

    Them were’t days, eh?

    Full Member

    Do those working in broadcasting waive their right to a private life or the usual rules of society?

    Legally they do, which is why the Sun were dancing on the line and didn’t risk naming him.

    I would love to see the editors/owners of these rags get the same treatment for their extramarital habits. See how they like it.

    Full Member

    Even in the golden era it was always the ones you least expect. Not that I keep a list of celebs likely to be dodgy.

    Full Member

    One of her clients turned up to an appointment with a middle aged businessman tied up in the boot of his car as that was his client’s fetish.

    I am not sure if someone with a submissive fetish can be necessarily be described as not being in control (or vulnerable). Although I admit it isn’t something which I have given much thought.

    Is the high court judge wearing a nappy and a lacey bonnet and being scolded by a dominatrix really not in control of the situation?

    To me it just sounds like weird role play, ultimately the high court judge is the person with the money and therefore has the power to dictate, and control, the situation.

    Free Member

    One of her clients turned up to an appointment with a middle aged businessman tied up in the boot of his car as that was his client’s fetish. He couldn’t believe he got paid for it.

    I am puzzling over this.

    Did a female sexworker turn up to see a male client, with another male locked up in the boot of her car (who got paid – like a subcontractor presumably)?

    Full Member


    I think this sounds way more illegal

    Free Member

    playing devils advocate, did the rich celebrity exploit the young drug addict, or did a young good looking person with an only fans account exploit some old, unhappily married bloke with mental health issues? *

    Siri, what’s the power dynamic between a teenage sex worker and a famous, rich, white man?

    What is it about newsreaders…?

    8 News Anchors and Hosts Who Have Been Accused of Sexual Misconduct (Photos)


    Full Member

    Did a female sexworker turn up to see a male client, with another male locked up in the boot of her car (who got paid – like a subcontractor presumably)?

    A male heroin addict turned up for an appointment with Mrs Daz (a drug support worker) for his regular check-in, and they talked about how he funded his drug use and he told my Mrs that he was a sex-worker and let slip that he had a client in the boot of his car in the car park. For some (not many admittedly) it’s an easy way to make money so we need to be careful about making assumptions in cases like Huw Edwards’.

    Full Member

    What is it about newsreaders…?

    What is it about newsreaders that you have to go to the other side of the world to find examples of sexual misconduct?

    Dunno, maybe the BBC and ITN have very good vetting processes?

    Free Member

    Whilst the Jonathan Pie vid above is spot on, I think they should probably have considered re-filming it because the bit where he says a high percentage of the people walking past will have had a male member in various orifices (and vice versa) is followed by three or four kids walking past. 😬

    Now, viewed objectively, it is still correct, but given the tone of much of the coverage*, perhaps negligent?

    *Much of which is turning out to be lies.

    Full Member

    The lawyers are putting talc on the wigs and getting the robes from the dry cleaners as I type.

    (Well I really hope they are)

    Can you still buy the sun is scum stickers if so I’m off to get a roll

    Full Member

    Finbar: there are two ‘clients’.

    Client 1 is visiting his drug and alcohol support worker.

    Client 2 is tied up in the boot of client 1s car.

    Edit- ignore, already answered. I must have been on an old version of the thread.

    Full Member

    The lack of mental health knowledge on here is depressing.

    If during these struggles he’s done out of character things, then this is a symptom of his illness and if he’s done nothing illegal then he should be treated with kindness, compassion and understanding, both by the public and his employers.

    Not the case if his behaviour was having a negative impact on the well being and welfare of others which it would appear it has or brought his employer into disrepute as it appears it has done. Mental health might explain erratic or poor behaviour, it doesn’t excuse it.

    Mental health problems gets trotted out far too often at the moment to excuse shitty behaviour, it denigrates the struggles people with severe mentally issues contend with and excuses otherwise unacceptable behaviour. And if we cant reference our own direct experience of mental health issues then you’re verging on thought police territory.

    Full Member

    brought his employer into disrepute

    That’s just a circular argument. Why should this bring his employer into disrepute? Why do we even know about it?

    a negative impact on the well being and welfare of others

    The others being whom in this case? The bloke he was allegedly sharing stuff with and giving money? Has he complained?

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