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  • Huw! Edwards!
  • EhWhoMe
    Full Member

    Yes over the years a greater percentage,  via good causes as many others do…

    Not random tho i must add, although i did pay the remainder of a young persons shopping a month back as they where 4 quid short and started returning items to the shelves…probably not unusual there was a thread on here about things like that a while back…acts of kindness are proven to help all involved in many ways…bit off topic now so that will do

    Full Member

    From what I have read this is not news, in any meaningful use of the word, just tawdry clickbait put out by vermin with the aim of harming a competitor organisation while ruining someone’s life.

    I’m having fun pointing this out to FB “friends” who have decided this is a good thing to have a laugh about

    Full Member

    Tom , if true do you think its a good use of money.

    I hope its not true for balance

    Full Member

    Harvey Procter gave a very good interview on newsnight. He basically said if the person has done nothing illegal, then they should own it, call a press conference and state the facts. Seems Mr Edwards may have been watching. Procter was previously convicted of sex with an under age man when the homosexual age of consent was 21. Something that would not now be a crime.

    Full Member

    and Lee Anderson using it as a pretext to call the Beeb “a safe haven for perverts”

    they’ve given Chris Pincher a job?

    Full Member

    What people do with their own money is no one’s business but their own. I certainly wouldn’t be telling others what to spend theirs on.

    Full Member

    Meh, it all seems like a circus, no crimes committed, but lots of people crawling out the woodwork to get their claims in, as others say, it’s all very much the norm for the sun.

    As for Huw, don’t know anything about him, but have read some of the issues with depression he’s had, and currently in hospital i believe for it, i remember my uncle was manic depressive, he managed to cash in his pension and spend it all on new ‘friends’ during his manic phase, so seeing someone transfer 35k for ‘photos’ isn’t much of a surprise, i dare say there’s a lot more to it than that, but the headline wouldn’t read as good.

    Anyway, his career is over now, there may be more to come out of the woodwork still, but it’s getting the full press treatment so won’t die down anytime soon, the relentless march to destroy the BBC is going well for them.

    Full Member

    True indeed Tom, and as said not illegal so fair enough, do as one pleases, but again i stand by my post if true if thats ok.

    I simply gave an opinion on what i feel is a better situation to use the alleged 35k

    Others clearly disagree…. no wonder our world is the way it is sadly, for clarity in my opinion

    Full Member

    I’m sure, that if the management at the beeb had had the slightest sniff of this sort of thing being rumoured about their top news reader, that he wouldn’t have been nailed on to present news of the queen’s death etc.

    That alone makes me think they haven’t covered anything up which makes it a story about a tragic ‘relationship’ and a rag of a paper run by utter ****.

    Can’t see what the bbc have done wrong here 🤷‍♀️

    Full Member

    I simply gave an opinion on what i feel is a better situation to use the alleged 35k

    No you didn’t.

    I tell ya what hows about you find a random struggling person doing there best but getting hammered day in day out from every angle, its not hard theres millions of them…

    Give them 35k, no return no questions just an act of kindness from a person to a person…that will do his own well being and mental health no end of good and possibly change a human life to boot….

    You were telling him what to do with his money, telling him it would make him feel better with no knowledge of his, or the other party’s situation. You were having a dig, which is hardly what an inpatient with mental health issues needs from you or any other rubbernecker.

    Full Member

    As for Huw, don’t know anything about him

    He gives his work colleagues the Evil Eye.

    Full Member

    I do love it when people who’ve clearly been lucky enough never to suffer from mental illness start dishing out advice from their elevated equines to people suffering from mental illness

    Full Member

    Fingers crossed the scum gets sued into oblivion over this, hateful waste of paper and ink.

    I’ve not read the reports in that paper but I bet they are just on the legal side  of getting away with it by being vague accusations and bulls#it.

    No laws broken according to the met so until that changes its of no interest to anyone but the people involved.

    Full Member

    The spin on it that it’s a BBC cover up, and Lee Anderson using it as a pretext to call the Beeb “a safe haven for perverts”

    Given the number of tory mps who are either under investigation or have been found guilty of various sexual offences its pretty rich for him to try that.
    Typical though.

    Full Member

    Oh dear me..

    “Hows about” is not telling it is “suggesting”

    But if it helps, ok your right..my opinion is not valid,

    do you feel better now you have won….

    I will of course seek your approval before i post again.

    Full Member

    Binners, i love it when people  assume its clear others have not suffered mental health issues…well done sir very very well done

    Hows your elevated equine…

    The death of a mate at 39 from cancer, the death of both parents in a year from cancer both terminal for 18 months at the same time followed by redundancy the month after dad died then redundacy again a year later nearly broke me…thanks again very very classy.

    Full Member

    While I’m of course sympathetic to anyone with mental health issues, the beeb are also reporting that while these original allegations are apparently not illegal and between consenting adults, there are also allegations surfacing of inappropriate behaviour / abuse of power

    “BBC Newsnight has also spoken to one current and one former BBC worker who said they’d received inappropriate messages from Edwards……….One said they felt it was an abuse of power by someone very senior in the organisation. Both workers who spoke to Newsnight, and the other employee, spoke of a reluctance among junior staff to complain to managers about the conduct of high-profile colleagues in case it adversely affected their careers”

    That is no longer ‘only of interest to the people involved’ – I think there may be more to come.

    Free Member

    Given the number of tory mps who are either under investigation or have been found guilty of various sexual offences its pretty rich for him to try that.
    Typical though.

    Similar to the ‘balance’ that the Beeb had to go through on the economics of Brexit debate – that was correctly vilified by Maitlis. They had to ring around about a hundred economists until they found one who could present a vaguely positive speculation about Brexit, then gave them equal airtime with one of the other 99 and present it as ‘balance’.

    The Home Counties Himmlers will be saying “they’re all as bad as each other – the BBC, parliament, all of them”.

    Full Member

    Fingers crossed the scum gets sued into oblivion over this, hateful waste of paper and ink

    Indeed, maybe they’re banking on not actually printing a name as their way to wriggle out of any culpability? No doubt a few solicitors are polishing up their invoicing pens…

    Given the number of tory mps who are either under investigation or have been found guilty of various sexual offences its pretty rich for him to

    Precisely my point, whether deliberately coordinated or simply served up ready for Lee to apply his unique brand of ‘commentary’ I suppose we’ll never know. But he’s an odious **** supposedly in a position of authority over a party full of similarly odious ****, aiming for culture war soundbites instead of delivering a credible version of government…

    – whatever, we get it. Your a contrarian, RW snowflake as entitled to your opinions as the rest of us are to disagree with them… Time to move along and stop trolling.

    Full Member

    Dear god! After repeatedly giving airtime to odious gobshite Kelvin McKenzie, Newsnight have now scraped the bottom of the barrel and got Rod Liddle on to unsurprisingly defend the Sun

    He works for the Sun and has just stated , with a straight face ‘the Sun has behaved impeccably’ and is now shouting down anyone who disagrees

    What a pair of ****s him and McKenzie are!

    Full Member

    Brexit, then gave them equal airtime with one of the other 99 and present it as ‘balance’.

    The Home Counties Himmlers ….

    Personal attacks, brexit, southern voters, Tory scum, and Godwin’s, the Huw Edwards thread descends into just another political thread!

    Free Member

    I do love it when people who’ve clearly been lucky enough never to suffer from mental illness start dishing out advice from their elevated equines to people suffering from mental illness


    Free Member

    Tom , if true do you think its a good use of money.

    And how do you know that he doesn’t give twice that to charity every year? Unless of course you are his bank manager as well as his psychiatrist?

    how he spends his own money is irrelevant. If he has spunked his cash on getting his jollys from only fans is neither my concern nor yours

    if however he’s proven to be abusing his position then that’s another matter, but I’ll refrain from judgement until there are some actual facts

    Full Member

    In all of this, I can’t trust any of the parties involved

    – completely believe some Tory scum MPs would use it as a diversion from their current corruption, illegality and the basket case economy.
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>- got to remember a lot of fhookwhits and scum buy The Scum, and the HateMail, and other Murdoch bilge. Every day. Year after year.  Large swathes of the population are  so dumb (or racist or bigotted or all 3) not to see those publications for what they are (or actually want to see all the hateful shiiite they print).  There’s a big part of the problem.  If nobody gave Murdoch their ££  and ignored them, this garbage sectiom of the press would be irrelevant.  (Everyone needs to think of that, every time they buy these arse wipe papers , or have paid Sky for Internet or sports coverage etc.  All those fuel it.</p>
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>- can’t trust the Met to do even a half arsed investigation- the same organisation that brought you the institutional racism and anti-women attitude for the past fheckknows how many decades. Couzens.  Port. Carrick. Even Stephen Lawrence’s murderers not being prosecuted properly even 20 year after. The same outfit that can’t be arsed investigating the law breaking of the then PM (fheck me, of course there’s no evidence if you don’t get off your arses and go investigate)</p>
    – the young person may well deny it, because their drugs income stream has just been taken away ! Hardly a reliable objective witness !

    i wonder whether anyone bothered to take a good hard look at the phones and laptops of those ‘involved’ ?.inc the elements previously deleted ?   No mention of the Met getting off their arse and doing any actual investigation!

    Free Member

    If nobody gave Murdoch their ££  and ignored them, this garbage sectiom of the press would be irrelevant.  (Everyone needs to think of that, every time they buy these arse wipe papers , or have paid Sky for Internet or sports coverage etc.  

    FWIW Murdoch hasn’t owned Sky for almost 5 years now.


    Full Member

    It really does feel like a massive manhunt and a chance to destroy the BBC is being taken by the media this morning. Every paper is leading with a variation of “It’s Huw!” front page despite the police and the alleged victim both saying nothing wrong or criminal has been done. Meanwhile the govt has had the stories of Sunak missing another PMQ, Johnson still not managing to remember his passcode for his old phone, the cost of living crisis predicted to get worse very soon and whatever other story they can sneak out not appearing anywhere unless you go looking for them deep in the political sections.

    This smacks of another Caroline Flack situation in the making, if it hasn’t got that far already. All lead by The Sun, absolute scum.

    Free Member

    An issue for Huw and his family only.  Not sure what it has got to do with anyone else, including the BBC.  If he has done nothing illegal then his only ‘crime’ may be reputational damage to BBC which I guess they would have a case for  but otherwise nothing to do with them what Huw gets up to or spends his money on.

    Free Member

    Scans thread,  sees pointless bickering.  Again.  Leaves thread.

    Full Member

    can’t trust the Met to do even a half arsed investigation

    The offences occurred outside the Mets area and were investigated by the local force.

    So many facts lost in the pountless noise.

    Full Member

    An issue for Huw and his family only.  Not sure what it has got to do with anyone else, including the BBC.  If he has done nothing illegal then his only ‘crime’ may be reputational damage to BBC which I guess they would have a case for  but otherwise nothing to do with them what Huw gets up to or spends his money on.

    Broadly I’d agree – but reputational damage for a public institution that everyone has heard about (the organisation and the presenter), particularly on the back of having not covered themselves in glory over ‘cursory glance similar’ issues like Saville probably has a pretty low bar for them to get worried and involved in.

    However, as reported last night when it turns into accusations of abuse of power to gain or elicit favours from junior staff in the newsroom, etc., then that most definitely is a situation that the employer has to get involved in. “You’re all adults what he does to you when you’re at work is for you to sort out” doesn’t wash at all, even if it doesn’t cross any criminal threshold.

    The issue is the public reporting, creating the witchhunt, accusing innocent parties, etc. So much is/was bad here. IDK if I believe the parents having to go public to protect their child….. as someone else said IDK if you can consider a drug addicted young adult who’s just had their substantial funding stream stopped a reliable witness when they say nothing untoward happened. In the end I guess it cycles back to the issues around Saville and co again, if they keep it private, leave it to the police and internal HR to sort out, and if the story doesn’t leak anyway – IF (big IF in this case still) something untoward has happened then the accusation is of cover up and lack of transparency. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

    And how MP’s can with one breath be shouting disgrace and then in the next not taking action on the gropers and bullies in their own ranks – I would say beggars belief but then I remember who we’re talking about.

    Full Member

    Its a matter for the Police if its a criminal allegation.

    It’s internal HR if it’s workplace harassment.

    None of it is anybody else’s business.

    Free Member

    Tone on here is quite rightly its no one’s business if nothing illegal has happened yet here we are over 100 comments and counting.

    Free Member

    Newsnight have now scraped the bottom of the barrel and got Rod Liddle on to unsurprisingly defend the Sun

    Rod Liddle was cautioned for assaulting his pregnant girlfriend.

    Free Member

    Rod Liddle was cautioned for assaulting his pregnant girlfriend.

    Your average Tory voter thinks it was probably her fault in some way.

    Traditional Values and all that.

    Free Member

    Seem to remember Rod Liddle writing a piece many years ago where he said he wouldn’t trust himself to be a high school teacher due to temptation…

    Full Member

    I’m a bit surprised at the level of support on here for Huw. He was in a prominent position and appears to have behaved below the standard expected of someone in the position, he was a well known news anchor, real world rules are different for some who makes their living from their persona. I agree it’s down to the police to sort illegality and for internal HR to sort out allegations of inappropriate behaviour but has everyone forgotten the Me Too movement that blew the lid off behaviour exactly like this in Hollywood? If it had all been dealt with behind closed does by the relavent people how many additional people wouldn’t have come forward.

    Mental health is a major issue but either suffering with it at the time of the alleged incidents or as a result of the outcry does not nullify the alleged incidents. Caroline Flack was charged with a fairly serious offence and it was intended to prosecute, I think that got forgotten as a result of her tragic death. As Binners pointed out many, many people suffer from mental health issues, been there myself due to bullying at work but that didn’t result in me doing anything illegal or bullying the people who worked for me.

    And yes the Sun can rot in hell, the hypocrisy and toxic affect that rag has on society needs to stop immediately.

    Full Member

    It’s all very weird. I’m struggling a bit with having sympathy for HE. He’s clearly done some questionable but not illegal stuff, but they could be very morally wrong.

    We don’t know all the facts yet, but if he has paid thousands for sexually explicit photos of a 17 year old* kid then that’s plain wrong. The other stories being reported don’t make him out to be any kind of angel either.

    All this while married….

    He obviously has his issues, but I’m not sure I can attribute all of this with that yet. He sounds a bit of a wrongun.

    Loads of other celebs have been called out for sexting, or sending dick pics or having affairs and are called wronguns. Can’t see the difference with HE really.

    * This maybe have been bullshit but how old was that person and what was he paying them for….obvs the police say nothing illegal atm so must not have been 17. I assume that would be illegal?

    Full Member

    I’m a bit surprised at the level of support on here for Huw.

    What surprises me more is how the allegations against Huw Edwards has turned into a vilification of voters, even comparing them with Nazis.

    Although it probably shouldn’t surprise me.

    Full Member

    Got to say, even as a very proud remain voter and Tory hater, I do get a bit sick of every thread becoming about Brexit or politics.

    Surely this should be about the moral/legal actions of a highly paid news reader potentially abusing his position with young impressionable people.

    Free Member

    Can someone explain what sort of power he’s alleged to have abused? He’s just a person. I haven’t really followed the story, but what’s the presumed source of his authority here to make any relationship inappropriate? Was the “victim” an intern or employee?

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