Racial tensions in the area mean the BNP decide to field a candidate and he wins with just 21% of the vote – despite 79% who definitely don’t want BNP and voted for their usual party.
Firstly that isn’t going to happen – UK constituencies are simply too big for the concentrated votes of the BNP to secure a parliamentary seat.
Secondly, placing electoral obstacles is not the way to deal with the threat of fascism. Fascism and racism can very effectively be defeated through political means.
Fascism and racism relies on fear and ignorance to win support. It is remarkably easy to challenge ignorance with the truth, and fear with facts.
The overwhelming majority of the electorate actually consists of very nice people who, despite possible personal prejudices towards what they don’t understand/fear, are very far from being “racist”.
A surprising number of BNP voters are actually unaware of the true racist character of the BNP, and it only requires for the BNP’s thin veneer of respectability to be shattered, for them to reject the BNP.
A case in point : New Addington is the most deprived council estate in Croydon with very high levels of unemployment, it is sometimes referred to as “the white ghetto”. It should be fertile ground for fascism/the BNP, especially during a period of economic hardship and with easy available scapegoats, and indeed it has long been target by them.
Unfortunately for the BNP anti-racists have always been very active in Croydon. And at election time the work put in by the anti-fascists from a range of political parties all united under the auspices of the local trades union council, far exceeds the input the BNP is able to muster.
As a consequence the BNP never manages to make a breakthrough and does remarkably badly. That is the surest way to beat fascism and racism…….a political campaign which exposes the false premises of fascism and racism. No ethic group is responsible for the mess that Britain, in common with other capitalist countries, today finds itself in.
The most important weapon to fight the BNP however, and the one most ignored, is to take the genuine grievances of ordinary people, which the BNP exploits so effectively, seriously. And on that score, New Labour has a lot to answer for – the BNP does well in Labour strongholds, never in Tory/LibDen strongholds.