About october time i started getting pain in my right hand while riding, Since then it's gradually gotten worse until now where i can't ride singletrack for more than a minute or 2 before having to stop.
It's a sudden sharp pain in the fleshy bit of the palm under the thumb that starts when i start riding. It's worse when riding rocky terrain or while braking hard. The odd thing is that as soon as I take my hands off the bars it disappears almost instantly, though the hand aches slightly for a few hours after the ride. I also only get it while riding, mostly on the mountain bike and also slightly on the road bike but on that it's barely noticeable.
I saw the GP about it last month, who's referred me to a sports injury unit (appointment at the end of the month). I also put esi chunky grips and carbon bars on the bike in an attempt to reduce feedback but it's done nothing. I've already spent ages playing around with the cockpit setup but it's done nothing.
I'm phoning up a few physio's tomorrow, but before that i'm wondering if anyone on here's had anything similar?