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  • Glentress 7 2024
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    Anyone else in?

    Whilst its a shame it appears to be one of Tweedloves last events  , it will be my first time at Glentress, having only ever been to the valley once for the student DH champs at Innerliethen in 2007ish.

    Entered Solo, first time ever doing something like this alone. With a held for ransom supporting pit crew/family who’s only insturction is to keep feeding me, the plan is just to keep going at a steady pace and get through to a strong finish. 7 laps in 7 hours has a nice ring to it, but without knowing the terrain I have no idea how feasible that is for me.

    Course is all new this year apparently, some people on the socials saying its missing some good stuff from the past but it looks OK to me and basically up fireroads, down the marked singletrack reds and blues with a finish straight at the bottom where the WC was.

    9.8km Distance | 336m Elevation they say, so thats going to add up to some big height over the course of a day!

    I have a nice superlight XC hardtail but for a 7 hour event I think I’m going to ride my trail bike with the light wheels on – at the 6.5 hours mark the ability to sit down and hang on over the rough stuff will be appreciated.

    Say hello if you spot me on my all-stealth-black Bold Linkin!


    Free Member

    Sadly bowed out and swapped entry to Enjoyro Evo the next day as a summer of illness and complete lack of riding makes me less than enthused than I’d like about a hard day in the saddle, pootle round Enjoyro will be much more fun.
    Always a good day so sure it will be fun, though would agree with the slightly underwhelming course comments. If you’ve never/rarely ride GT you’ll enjoy much more though.

    Full Member

    I did ask them if I might be eligible for a special prize if I completed the 7 and the Enjoyro, on the same bike, concurrent days, but thought the better of it!

    Free Member

    Agreed, it would be nice to have some roots in. My partner is racing it again – we think she might have the most amount of female podiums of anyone (we think, we haven’t checked, but no one else will either).

    She’s looking forward to it although she has chosen her Vanquish over my new ti thing which is a bit upsetting. It has been settled for a few weeks so guaranteed a wash out as well ?

    Free Member

    I am.

    I think it will be my 4th, Although the first two were 2011 and 12. The last one 2022. Solo Veteran.

    I will need to compare the course distance and height to previous events. Obviously terrain and weather will make a difference too. Looks similar to previous years in terms of the numbers and I managed 9 laps. No dedicated pit crew but I’m there with a couple of pair riders so will get hand ups from whoever is around as I pass.

    Trails look good, they are easy enough but fun. Some of the rooty ones will be interesting if it’s wet. And, everything is hard after a few hours racing, even a fire road.

    Looking forward to it. Particularly the cakes. Over 9 laps I got to sample most of the selection.

    There will be a few of us in team kit on the course. But this is me!


    Free Member

    Does anyone want my solo entry?

    I’m in but I’ve got covid so won’t be racing unfortunately

    Free Member

    On the course front, are there not still trees down in the falla brae area? May have hinder course selection. Course looks faster than the old one at a glance. Probably a more friendly course for less technical riders. Shame it’s going to be the last one!

    Full Member

    I did ask them if I might be eligible for a special prize if I completed the 7 and the Enjoyro, on the same bike, concurrent days, but thought the better of it!

    My mate is doing just that on a 130mm hard tail. Day 2 he’ll be chasing his wife who’s on a 150mm full sus e-bike, round the enduro course.

    Free Member

    I’ll be there, racing in pairs on an all black Scott Spark and racing in a yellow Roots Cycles jersey like in the photo below. Course looks like it might play to some of my strengths, but I’d prefer the older rougher course.

    No fist fights this year anyone!

    It’s going to piss it down, right?

    Full Member

    Off to the fracture clinic on monday so I guess I’ll know then if i’m allowed to ride! But something tells me we’re not going to get a podium this year :)

    Course was always going to be a big challenge this year with the cabins closure, it looks less interesting/charming to me but I think it’s good overall and very different, will be fast if it’s dry. And no heart attack hill! I will miss the carnage of the tunnel of love though and that whole endless final descent from the road.

    Full Member

    Question will be…would a gravel bike be the weapon of choice….

    Free Member

    Thought about it as a solo but swithered but now full. On the solo waiting list in case.

    Full Member

    I’ll be soloing. Think the course looks OK. Hit squad is getting a bit of love this weekend with the trail faeries so should hopefully ride well. It’s one of my favs actually, fast in places and a couple of sections that will allow overtaking.

    Climbs look predominantly fire road, for better or worse. Matrix and Lombard St are running well just now, not too wet. Descending the taster trails could be a bit mixed. Not going to be many obvious places to let riders past or over take, without pulling over.

    Think I can do 7 laps, but will be pushing for 8.

    Free Member

    I rode the majority of the loop yesterday evening. I ride Turn&Burn though to finish the loop.

    It was a glorious evening to be at GT. Lots of fireoad climbing, so there will be time to regroup between the descents. Though the fireroad climb from the walkers path to Hit Squad Hill is quite the slog.

    The walkers path section is short but it a bit tricky. I can see bottlenecks occuring in that section.

    I timed my second loop, 50mins for me at a comfortable pace. So target of 7 laps for me.

    Full Member

    Has anyone made a gpx of the route yet? Looking to ride it tomorrow or so!

    Free Member

    Heads up for the people who’ve not done it before – it’s not really a 7 hour race, not like most endurance races where it’s “most laps in X hours, then you have to be back within the hour”. Last time I did it, you have to be done within 7 hours. So if you came back at 6hr45mins, you’d not be allowed out again. Bear that in mind with your pacing.

    Full Member

    Going to be marshaling at the event. Going to be near the end, – the start of the new taster blue trail. Say hello on the way past, hope you all enjoy it

    Full Member

    A few places made available on the 7 and Enjoyro if anyone fancies it!


    Full Member

    Lots of rain last night, and more due tomorrow night. I don’t think it’ll affect too much of the course. The Walker’s Path section probably the most at risk of turning into a mud bath, but it’s short at least. Toying with sticking a mudguard on though, in the interest of staying as comfortable as possible for 7 hours.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the heads up ill dig one out.

    Free Member

    Is anyone that is doing solos planning to leave thier box containing food, drinks etc in the pit area overnight on the Friday?

    I was thinking of doing it after registration on the Friday and then just riding to GT on the Saturday morning.

    Full Member

    I’m marshalling too- just up the hill from you Aide- at the top of the black taster climb, and racing Sunday.

    Weather looks good for Saturday at least!

    Full Member

    Almost race time. And can confirm that the blue taster trail descent has been swept of gravel! A far wider line in the berms now and way less sketchy surface. Obs, don’t just go pinning in 110% on lap 1, there is still some gravel, but a far more predictable surface.

    Weather’s looking, alright. Prob going to get a shower or two, but if today is anything to go by, they won’t last long and it’s still fairly warm.

    Full Member

    Doctor said no :( And they’ve got enough marshalls, so I’ll be spectating/throwing poo. Good luck all!

    Full Member

    Made it! Went for a little explore but decided against a full practice lap based on a preference for eating. Had a little run down the blue taster and it’s super fun, can’t wait to ride the rest.

    Weather will just do what weather does, but it’s mild, and we got a brill rainbow a short while ago. Time for a big sleep!


    Full Member

    Looking like it’ll be a good dayIMG_20240824_091905

    Full Member

    How did it go for everyone? Enjoy the course?

    Free Member

    Had a massive crash on my first lap and cut myself to ribbons from shoulder to ankle and down my back but still managed to haul ourselves to 3rd in Male Pairs Under 80 which I am absolutely over the moon about. It only took five visits to the medics tent – they said they’d never seen anyone so much.

    Had a distressing shower experience with a toothbrush and some cling film when I got home and gonna have a rough few days of sleep but totally worth it.

    Free Member

    Had a massive crash on my first lap and cut myself to ribbons from shoulder to ankle and down my back

    Ouch. Where did you bin it?

    Free Member

    You know how VWW said they’d swept the gravel of the berms? Someone asked me to pass them on one and I rode straight through where the sweepings ended up!

    Full Member

    Looked like a grand day, lots of smiling faces right to the end

    Full Member

    Pretty good day out for me. 8 laps. Could have pushed for 9 but I’d been cramping and wasn’t convinced I could get a clean last lap before the cut off. Am wondering now if I should have teied anyway, but I was pretty done in.

    Really enjoyed it, though I doubt I’ll ever ride that middle fireroad again by choice!

    Rest up munrobiker! 3rd pair is a bloody good result, especially riding wounded.

    Full Member

    Well done @munrobiker tough gig when injured.

    Manged 9 laps, has time for 10 but cramp was just starting to set in. Got in the top 20 in my category but looking at the speed of the top 10 I was way off the pace! 40-49 age group.

    Good day out. Looking at the number of people who attend it’s hard to think there isn’t the demand to run this again #endofTweedlove ?

    Free Member

    Am wondering now if I should have teied anyway, but I was pretty done in.

    Same here. Managed 9, my 9th was 46 mins and I had about 47 mins before the cut off. At the time I was totally spent but now wondering if I should have given it a go… At the time I was convinced I couldn’t but from the comfort of the breakfast table I think I should have gone again. Easy to say now though.

    Full Member

    At the time I was totally spent but now wondering if I should have given it a go

    Easy to think that with hindsight! I finished my last lap well, but the previous two I’d had to stop for cramp part way round. I really didn’t want to miss the cut because I’d had to stop and stretch somewhere!

    Some photos up on Roots and Rain for those interested. I even have some muscle definition in one of them!!!

    Free Member

    I’ve had “last lap remorse” in the past – you never let it go!

    Here’s my teammate on his first lap (with his head cut off unfortunately) – shows just how good the weather was compared to the forecast!

    And some of my injuries – there are quite a few more!

    Sore in so many ways today, and covered in steristrips and bandages.

    Full Member

    Well impressed you rode to third place with all those cuts and grazes. Good effort!

    Full Member

    I was the same as VWW, managed 8 laps, might have had enough time for one more but was going to be on the limit of what my legs could do and I was only getting slower. Have rolled the dice in the past and came into the finish as they were counting down and missed the cut off by seconds. Didn’t fancy that again! Had a great day, great atmosphere, chatted to quite a few folk who were doing it for the first time and were loving it. Really hope it can continue. Went to the family day with my boys today and was great to see the all kids enjoying the themselves.

    Full Member

    Still here for the day, home tomorrow. Didn’t do nearly as well as @munrobiker (whom it was lovely to meet and chat with) and some of you lot above though! I called it at 6, with the lap of my life reckon I could have done 7, an old niggle in the knee was just beginning to say hello though!
    I did spend about a laps worth of time in the pits eating and stretching out!

    My GCSE in French was not required for translating rou de souffrance… What a drag…

    Last minute change to 28t on the front was inspired!

    Still, it was fantastic. My first ever solo endurance ride, I’m always massively in awe of the older fast guys particularly, and it’s spurring me on to put some actual effort into training and getting faster. The big trail bike was absolutely fabulous on the downs though, lots of fun!

    Full Member

    Bikes are good : fact.


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