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  • Gatwick, drones
  • martinhutch
    Free Member

    Just trying to work out what the maximum sentence is for screwing around with airport security and the safety of airline traffic. Whatever it is, they’ll be getting it!

    Free Member

    I think the drone flyers are heros, but they will be treated like Emmeline Pankhurst or Nelson Mandela, imprisoned until we realise we are all wrong then awarded and celebrated.

    I would like to see drones fylers around the kingdom doing this randomly at all airports.

    Free Member

    Seems a bit dim of the perps to continue playing once The Man had installed proper tracking hardware and no longer relied on plod with binoculars?

    Yup, although that assumes the two perps arrested were responsible for all the drone flights, last night’s might have been a copycat by dumber crims. It’s possible they might not even have been the people flying the drones. They might have just (say) supplied modified drones and been arrested for that.

    Full Member

    Just trying to work out what the maximum sentence is for screwing around with airport security and the safety of airline traffic. Whatever it is, they’ll be getting it!

    IIRC from news earlier this week, drone offences are up to 5 years; however something like ‘endangering the safety of an airport’ or ‘airliner’ or whatever the phrasing was is up to life.

    Free Member

    I think the drone flyers are heros, but they will be treated like Emmeline Pankhurst or Nelson Mandela, imprisoned until we realise we are all wrong then awarded and celebrated.

    I would like to see drones fylers around the kingdom doing this randomly at all airports.

    Classy response, especially considering last night was the 30th anniversary of Lockerbie.

    Free Member

    I think the drone flyers are heros

    I hope for your sake they’re not campaigning for placing babies in blenders or somesuch!

    EDIT: Plus the above. Lots of twin engine passenger jets around. Drone in one engine is bad news, but it should still be able to climb. Drone in one engine, followed by a bird strike and that’s a plane load of innocent people crashing onto a densely populated area. You can argue that the people on the plane aren’t innocent because
    they’re using energy to get around, but the people on the ground? Or should they die for using energy to heat their homes?

    Free Member

    I think the drone flyers are heros, but they will be treated like Emmeline Pankhurst or Nelson Mandela, imprisoned until we realise we are all wrong then awarded and celebrated.

    I would like to see drones fylers around the kingdom doing this randomly at all airports.

    Ooh, someone’s been listening to Jeremy Vine then 🙄

    Full Member

    I think the drone flyers are heros

    At this point you don’t know anything about them or their motives, so your adulation seems to be a bit premature.

    Free Member

    That level of satire doesn’t work well here any more!

    Free Member

    Classy response, especially considering last night was the 30th anniversary of Lockerbie.

    You should check out his contribution to the suicide thread. A thoroughly unpleasant shit.

    Free Member

    I assumed the bad spelling was to mimic the style of Daily Mail comments contributor. Never post drunk, kids.

    Full Member

    I’m not about to say that they are heroes or anything.

    However, listening to the news reports trying to convey the human costs of this incident really makes you wonder if we’re not at the stage where some non-lethal terrorism is what’s needed to curb the number of unnecessary flights taken.

    I’m really torn on this. My girlfriend and I are from different countries and we live in a third country with two young kids. We want them to have a relationship with our families but living 1500 miles away means flying is the only practical option for now.

    Do we or our parents have more right to fly three times a year than someone who wants to visit the Christmas Market in Munich for the day?

    Full Member

    Do we or our parents have more right to fly three times a year than someone who wants to visit the Christmas Market in Munich for the day?

    No. of course you don’t.

    You may have a more valid reason but that’s diffrent to having the right.

    And as for the idiot that thinks these cretins are heroes and this should happen at other airports, you probably need to seek help as you either have some deep seated issues or you really need adult supervision at all times.

    Free Member

    He’s a **** troll, not a very good one at that.

    Free Member

    Troll is one word for him, but I think ‘massive c**t’ is better!

    Full Member

    Arrested doesn’t mean guilty.

    Free Member

    How do we actually know the drones were flown in protest at the amount of air traffic?

    Free Member

    Yeah at this point we still know very little, not even sure if the 2 arrested were flying the drones, though I’m sure the prospect of some serious charges might make them think about cooperating.

    For a bunch of people who seem to have such aims they are really shy about putting that point across.

    Free Member

    Jeez, it’s only fotorat. Are collective memories so short these days? Ignore and move on.

    Free Member

    One thing’s for sure; it’s demonstrated that our airports (and presumably all airports around the world) have well and truely been caught with thier trousers down.

    Is this a proof of concept for something bigger?

    Free Member

    Ok what stw ecowarrior snowflake did it between there quinoa lunch break? Mike i’m looking at you.

    Free Member

    It is amazing how the snowflake/liberal/left (blah blah blah) have managed to neuter the government and it’s agencies in such a way that it leaves them an open door to wreck such havoc virtually unhindered – and then forget to have the press release or video ready to send, they might just have run out of credit or be stuck on dial up though….

    It’s just about the best long game plan in a very long time, it’s almost as good as “The Process” https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2729018-the-definitive-history-of-trust-the-process

    However activism is changing and evolving to keep the fight going in plenty of areas.

    How to be an effective environmental activist in the 21st century

    Full Member

    Classy response, especially considering last night was the 30th anniversary of Lockerbie.

    What on earth is the relevance of this?
    One is a state sponsored act deliberately aiming to kill people whereas the other has uncertain reasons behind it but I think it is safe to say wasnt intended to kill. What with the lack of drones bounced off airplanes and all.

    you probably need to seek help as you either have some deep seated issues or you really need adult supervision at all times.

    Seem a tad defensive there. I dont live as close to a flight path as the poor sods near the ever expanding ones do but can understand why people might be getting pissed off about the number of flights just so some muppet can go on a day trip to Lapland.

    Free Member

    What on earth is the relevance of this?

    Although unlikely to occur, it is distinctly possible that a drone could bring down a passenger jet.

    No relevance. Are you serious? Sorry you are right dissonance. What do the people of Lockerbie know about the consequences of a downed passenger jet in a built up area????

    Full Member

    I think the drone flyers are heros, but they will be treated like Emmeline Pankhurst or Nelson Mandela, imprisoned until we realise we are all wrong then awarded and celebrated

    Yes. We should erect a statue to them…..Not in my backyard obvs.

    Full Member

    Although unlikely to occur, it is distinctly possible that a drone could bring down a passenger jet.

    yes if accidently or deliberately flown at it. Which there is no evidence of here.

    No relevance. Are you serious?

    Yes I am. The two simply cant be compared at all without either exaggerating the Gatwick scenario beyond all recognition or making light of Lockerbie.

    Free Member

    If you read back you will see my comparison was in response to a posters comment regarding their wish that this was repeated UK wide and hence the repercussions are not restricted to the Gatwick incident.

    Free Member

    Regarding the discussion on methodology. This is how I would do it.

    With my drone, a DJI 3 Advanced I can preprogram a flight path using Litchi and that includes take off and landing points, height, direction, direction changes etc etc. I would program it to take off, climb well above the legal limit of 120m to 500m (the hard limit set by DGI in the app) at this height it would be pretty much invisible and silent to anyone on the ground, fly away from me, change direction and then head to Gatwick. Once near Gatwick drop in height and fly over the runway, then fly away in another direction while climbing back up to 500m, make another direction change and land where my partner in crime would be waiting to collect it.

    I can stand 3.1 miles away from the drone take off point to initiate the flight.

    The drone has a 23 minute flight time (could be increased by removing the gimbal and camera which isn’t required, I’d also remove the direction indicator lights as well) and with a top speed of 38.5mph, if my calculations are correct, it has a range of 14.7 miles.

    So I could be standing at just under 11 miles away from the airport. Initiate the flight, watch it fly at just under 40mph with a climb rate of 11.2mph towards Gatwick and then land just over 7 miles away from the airport to be collected.

    Rinse and repeat.

    NOTE: Calculations may be wrong as I’m not good at maths finking.

    Full Member

    I dont live as close to a flight path as the poor sods near the ever expanding ones do but can understand why people might be getting pissed off about the number of flights just so some muppet can go on a day trip to Lapland.

    One does sometimes wonder how many of those complaining about living under an airport flight path have lived there since the airport was built, or have moved there in recent years. It puts me in mind of the people who moved close to Castle Combe within the last twenty years then tried to get the racing circuit closed because of the noise. The circuit has been operating since 1950…
    Then there are those living near military airfields, especially those with fast jets. I live near (former) RAF Lyneham, and there would be aircraft of all sorts flying in and out at all hours, including fighter jets. Only one person ever complained, and he’d moved close to the base around ten years ago, knowing full well it was an operational air transport base. I have zero sympathy for anyone moving close to anywhere like an airport or airbase, then bitching about the noise.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    I’ve seen that pic somewhere before… oh yeah, the previous page.

    Full Member

    I moved near the Heathrow flight path.

    It was somewhere we could afford & was equidistant between both our works.

    We viewed a house much closer to the flightpath & the estate agent had to pause every 90 seconds so we could hear him .

    Noise pollution has been shown to have negative impact on mental & physical health & a big impact on educational attainment


    Never really bothered us until we has our first child, & he’d wake up at 530 on the dot as the planes started queing to land, (only on the alternate weeks the path was nearest to us)

    We don’t live there anymore.
    But we’re lucky enough to be able to afford to move elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Where were you kimbers? In laws live in Egham. Sister in law used to live in a rented property in Stanwell, pretty much against the boundary fence.

    Full Member

    No we were in Brentford, so the between the overground, M4 & A4, Heathrow was just one of many sources of noise !

    All that said the couple arrested just seem to be RC geeks


    Full Member

    Although a recent changes to flight paths have really upset Crawley locals


    Full Member

    No we were in Brentford

    I looked at a flat in Brentford and it was quite tempting in terms of price, but the noise from planes was crazy. I can’t imagine how people who move there can tolerate it.

    Free Member

    they will be treated like Emmeline Pankhurst or Nelson Mandela

    No. If you don’t have a vote, disruptive tactics are reasonable. Otherwise stay within the law.

    Sorry, I reacted to the troll.

    Free Member

    Elaine Kirk is 54 apparently!?

    Full Member

    This has got “we were back packing on the bikes with a view to getting a few plane pics from our drone” written all over it.

    They’ll never prove the big wedge of cash that arrived anonymously as Brexit distraction option no. 127.

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