I’ve got a single large gate at the moment. Its basically a fence panel on a big hinge. Works ok but is a bit rickety now. I’m thinking I’ll replace it with a pair of half size gates. Now the catch. I want to rigidly hold these two halves together to effectively make a stiff single panel when closed. Easily done with a a couple of threaded bolts through L brackets but while I don’t use the gate very often that would still be a pain. I know traditionally one gate is bolted bottom (and sometimes top) then the other gate latches to that but I don’t want a top bar and I think bottom only will be too flexy without substantially improving the gate posts. Its a stealth gate that looks exactly like the rest of the fence from the outside and I want to maintain that look. Does that actually make sense to anyone? So I’m looking for a catch of some kind to effectively hold the two hales to each other. Closest I can come up with is a sash fastener but that is a bit weedy and still quite fiddly.
This is not it but the gate will look a bit like this without the top cross bar
This sort of arrangement would do it if was less weedy and more outdoors proof