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  • Game of Thrones Season 6
  • mrmonkfinger
    Free Member

    Sort of my point. It’s more of a big house. All the Starks needed was planning permission and a few hundred tonnes of rock and they could have moved in next door.

    I also suspect some sort of ill luck will fall on Blond Queenie

    Her brother?
    The big dead chap infects her with deadness?

    Full Member

    her army is too big and powerful and we wont have an sense of worry.

    Don’t forget the sheer scale of the Night’s King’s army though. We glimpsed it near the end of Hardhome:

    And that that was back in Season 5.

    Dany’s main advantage is air support from the dragons. If she loses control of them (Dragonbinder horn) or they have to fight air-to-air (ice dragons) then the odds will be evened very quickly.

    Free Member

    Apart from the fact it is apparently only protected by a feeble wooden door that a giant can easily break through.

    Giants were (and are again) thought extinct so no point building a giant proof door.

    I also suspect some sort of ill luck will fall on Blond Queenie soon as otherwise her army is too big and powerful and we wont have an sense of worry.

    Not sure it needs anything too far fetched. An army built for and used to fighting in the climate of the far south won’t fare very well in the North now that winter has arrived. Stretched supply lines, difficulty in making any progress, clothing tens of thousands of soldiers etc. I reckon she could take Kings landing without breaking too much of a sweat but taking the whole of the 7 kingdoms is a different kettle of fish.

    Full Member

    Giants were (and are again) thought extinct so no point building a giant proof door.

    Other siege weapons are available:

    An army built for and used to fighting in the climate of the far south won’t fare very well in the North now that winter has arrived.

    true dat.

    Full Member

    I reckon she could take Kings landing without breaking too much of a sweat

    Thats my point!

    Free Member

    I’m viewing kings landing as a sub plot at this point

    Free Member

    Finished season 5,a giant fighting zombies, pretty blonde girl riding a dragon…best one yet!

    Free Member

    I’m viewing kings landing as a sub plot at this poin

    Robert B, dead.
    Stannis, dead.
    Renly, dead.
    Robb, dead.
    Joffrey, dead.
    Tommen, dead.

    The only interested parties left are
    Cersei Firestarter
    Daniella Fireproof
    one of whom can call in airstrikes.

    Who’s left oop north?
    A battered collection of Northerners, lead by a dead bloke.
    A lot of zombies, with some wizardy overlords.

    Free Member

    You have forgotten the Hotties of Dorne who will lap dance you to death
    Arya who will kill you to death
    A red witch on the prowl
    And the bloke who must be up to 2/1000 ships by now

    Free Member

    Who’s left oop north?
    A battered collection of Northerners, lead by a dead bloke.
    A lot of zombies, with some wizardy overlords.

    A lot of zombies, with some wizardy overlords.

    That’ll do for me.

    Free Member

    You have forgotten the Hotties of Dorne who will lap dance you to death

    Bron will sort them out on his own and still be back in time to take the piss.

    Free Member

    Bron will sort them out on his own and still be back in time to take the piss.

    Bron doesn’t have the skills. This would be a job for Podrick, the only man other than Varys to leave the brothel with all his money.

    Free Member

    You have forgotten

    also not present on the list (which was mainly meant to be kings and queens, but what the hell)…

    Brienne of where-was-that-again?
    Sir Jorah

    And the bloke who must be up to 2/1000 ships by now

    He can’t seriously be a credible plot can he? I thought he was simply parachuted in to the show as an excuse for sending the Lovejoys to join up with Dragon lady?

    Either way, the T1000 Arya could sort him out in mere minutes.

    Free Member

    Brienne of where-was-that-again?

    Full Member

    He can’t seriously be a credible plot can he?

    I gather he is a major player in the books, and considerably nastier too.

    Full Member

    Also forgetting:
    The Hound, who’s likely joined up with some dodgy religious dudes.
    My reckoning for the rest:
    Cersei will get killed sometime towards the end of the next season (7th) and then jamie will get a full storyline arc where he meets Brienne again and completly redeems himself and gets to write more pages about himself in his big book but then gets killed in the 2nd to last episode of the 8th (last) season.
    I think it’s possible that we will see at least one character come back to life as a Zombie, (those who have read the books will know who I mean) not essential to the plot but just as filler fluff. Ayra will finish her list but will die before seeing any of her siblings again.
    The greyjoy uncle will be the next seasons baddie.

    Free Member

    I gather he is a major player in the books, and considerably nastier too.

    But so far he’s had about ten minutes total screen time, which is even less than Dorne.

    Full Member

    just binged the whole season, having avoided spoilers

    sorry if this has been done but:

    how come they can now teleport all over the place, and since when did people start getting saved at the last second?

    I want zombie hodor!

    Full Member

    Right who can tell me why the zombies couldnt attack Bran in his tree internet training place and what happend to mean they could. I’m thinking the bit under winterfell will have the same, too much has been made of it for them not to be important somehow.
    Also can Bran head of south of the wall and still log onto the interwebs? Why was the old bloke from Force Awakens stuck in his tree?

    Free Member

    why the zombies couldnt attack Bran in his tree internet training place and what happend to mean they could.

    He allowed the Nights’ King to touch him in his vision. He now has the supernatural equivalent of the “cheese touch” which allows the Others to track him.

    Also can Bran head of south of the wall and still log onto the interwebs?

    He needs the weirwood trees. There’s one at almost every castle in Westeros.

    Full Member

    how come they can now teleport all over the place,

    when this happens or rather appears to have happened there’s no time frame reference. So even though it’s the next scene for us watching the tv series weeks could have elapsed in real terms for the characters.

    Full Member

    So even though it’s the next scene for us watching the tv series weeks could have elapsed in real terms for the characters.

    Which is fine, until they cut to another scene where no time has passed.

    Free Member

    Which is fine, until they cut to another scene where no time has passed

    ….which assumes that the various plot threads are occurring contemporaneously.
    Which they clearly aren’t since Bran took an entire season to get from one end of a cave to the other.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    ….which assumes that the various plot threads are occurring contemporaneously.
    Which they clearly aren’t..

    Which is also fine except sometimes those separate plot threads interact.

    Sansa sends Brienne and Podrick to Riverrun in Episode 5.

    Jaime gets sent to Riverrun at the end of Episode 6, just before Cersei faces her trial. He arrives there in Episode 7.

    Brienne and Podrick eventually arrive in Episode 8. Fair enough it’s a long journey from The Wall but they are there to persuade Blackfish to fight in the Episode 9 battle (maybe there is a shortcut on the way back? Or maybe not, since Brienne doesn’t make it back for that battle either)
    When they get there the Lannister forces have had time to set up a proper siege and pitched all their tents. There’s more time for Brienne to chat with Jaime and then Blackfish, while Jaime tortures Edmure.

    Then in Episode 10 we see Jaime and Bronn celebrating with the Freys up at The Twins, then they teleport back to King’s Landing in the same episode, despite it being a fair distance, and find The Sept still burning from Cersei’s trial.

    So how long was Jaime gone for exactly?

    Free Member

    So even though it’s the next scene for us watching the tv series weeks could have elapsed in real terms for the characters.
    Which is fine, until they cut to another scene where no time has passed.

    Jeez, when they do it in Pulp Fiction or Usual Suspects it’s considered a masterstroke of writing.

    Go with it people; when a large part of the plot is dragons / zombies / flame retardant boobies I’m prepared to accept a minor time inaccuracy.

    Did I mention the boobies?

    Full Member

    Jeez, when they do it in Pulp Fiction or Usual Suspects it’s considered a masterstroke of writing.

    The difference is that in those films the timelines still made sense even though they were jumbled.

    In GoT they are trying to cram huge sections of books into a few scenes whilst juggling multiple different plots. So they just teleport characters about as required.

    Full Member

    I did think Ayra got back to the twins from Bravos in double quick time and Jamie appeared to arrive in Kings London, sorry Landing while the sept was still burning.
    but who cares, it’s still the greatest TV series ever made!

    I wonder if Jamie will get a chance to give Brienne the golden hand?

    Free Member

    So they just teleport characters about as required.

    Yes, accepted. Characters with boobies though.

    Full Member

    Excellent point.

    Free Member

    Excellent point(s)


    Free Member

    it’s still the greatest TV series ever made!

    It’s a solid 3rd behind sopranos and the wire, not counting generation kill and band of brothers…oh and the 1st true detective 🙂

    Free Member

    agreed.. Omar wouldn’t stand for dem white walkers..

    Free Member

    I wonder if Jamie will get a chance to give Brienne the golden hand?

    Over Tormund Giantsbane’s dead body!

    Free Member

    Season seven postponed until “later in the year”.

    Full Member

    I get the feeling that now they are away from the books, they are free to make it more TV friendly and zip along.

    which is not why it became successful; it was because it was dense, drawn out, complex, and full of boobies.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Go back to the start, there has been teleporting and compressed timeliness from the start. Your over thinking it. Books are not TV, there was a quick interview with the TV guys who said they tried to keep it liner large for the first couple of seasons a day it was near on impossible, the story for each character is evolving and the feel of this series was to bring them all to one point.

    Free Member

    when they do it in Pulp Fiction or Usual Suspects it’s considered a masterstroke of writing.

    The Usual Suspects was boring pretentious nonsense. Pulp Fiction was amusing, but only because of the jumbled timeline. If it had a conventional storyline, it would have been pretty average. Besides, it was made by a noob straight out of film school, guy probably didn’t understand how proper films are made.

    Free Member

    Started season 6…JS back from the dead, arya feeling the force, hodor’s back, forgot all about rick and the wildling girl took me a minute to figure out who they were..that ramsey’s a bit of a lad…looking forward to cersei’s revenge.

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