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  • Fork Rattle – What Am I Looking For?
  • colournoise
    Full Member

    New Yari. I’ve replaced the Charger with a Splug according to Novyparts’ instructions and switched the oil to 10wt but fork is otherwise untouched.

    First ride was fine. Second ride there’s a rattle over rough ground from the right hand fork leg. Initially thought the Splug might have snapped or failed but pulled it this morning and it’s fine.

    Fork appears to be functioning fine.

    Before I pull it apart further, what might have come loose/broken that side and what might I need to do to remedy it? Is it only the rebound stuff that’s in there and how easy is that to replace/fix?

    Free Member

    Start by ticking off the other easy stuff first.


    Loose brake caliper?

    Loose rotor?

    Rattling pads?

    Fork bushes?

    Full Member

    All checked on the ride yesterday and/or this morning. Definitely in the fork – wheel out, pick the front end up and shake front end up and down it’s coming from the right leg of the fork.

    Full Member

    Also, meant replaced the MoCo damper not a Charger IIRC.

    Free Member

    It’s not the bottom out bumper worked loose by any chance?

    Or is it just a noisy damper? Recently got an EXT storia. Great piece of kit but it makes so much noise.

    Full Member

    From the noise, it’s more something loose rattling around than a noisy damper – just picking the fork up and shaking wouldn’t trigger the damper to anything but it does cause the rattling noise?

    Think I might need to consult a manual and strip the whole thing down…

    Full Member

    Have you got any tokens in there? I had one work loose and rattle once, took a bit of head scratching to work out what it was

    Full Member

    Cables / Hoses?

    Full Member

    Have you got any tokens in there? I had one work loose and rattle once, took a bit of head scratching to work out what it was

    Air side is stock, so if there are tokens in a Yari from the factory then yes. Rattle sounds like it’s from the non air side though. Will check if (when) I need to strip it down.

    Cables / Hoses?

    Deffo not. All locked down and stable.

    Free Member

    Any internal storage on the bike?

    Full Member

    Recently got an EXT storia. Great piece of kit but it makes so much noise.

    Just imagine that your bike is blowing kisses at you while you’re riding.

    Full Member

    Any internal storage on the bike?

    Nope. Skinny steel tubes all the way.

    The rattle is definitely coming from the right hand (non air side) leg of the new Yaris.

    Full Member

    Thread resurrection for closure (if anyone cares)!

    Finally stripped the forks down today (having been away) and @mildbore got it. The tokens had somehow unscrewed themselves and were rattling up and down in the air side.

    So much for me being certain the noise was coming from the non-air side! Typical MTBer ‘there’s a noise but I can’t know for certain where it’s actually coming from!’ syndrome.

    Anyway, at least it was an easy, cheap fix and everything is all quiet again.

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