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  • Every gadget with a battery is a bomb?
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    Full Member

    Nice to know my colleagues are considered fair game.

    FWIW our company emergency schemes are pager driven because they work.

    well I stand corrected

    What benefits do you find they have over the more modern alternatives?

    or is it a “we’re in too deep to change our processes now” kind of arrangement?

    Full Member

    Just look at what happens when key UN / EU figures pipe up with any form of criticism. The AS card gets delt and they back down.

    Mossad use a bit more than the antisemitism card to shut up the International Criminal Court. More like blatant mafia style threats and blackmail :

    According to accounts shared with ICC officials, he is alleged to have told her: “You should help us and let us take care of you. You don’t want to be getting into things that could compromise your security or that of your family.”

    The Mossad also took a keen interest in Bensouda’s family members and obtained transcripts of secret recordings of her husband, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the situation. Israeli officials then attempted to use the material to discredit the prosecutor.

    Revealed: Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor over war crimes inquiry


    Unsurprisingly people who commit war crimes and crimes against humanity tend to behave as would expect violent criminals to behave.

    Free Member

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of guys.

    Free Member

    But to say it was completely indiscriminate or a terrorist attack is ridiculous.

    I’m saying it was a poorly targeted attack, as demonstrated by the collateral damage that has been reported.

    Full Member


    Looks like day two is walkie talkies

    (which would seem like the least secure means of communication, but if you’ve binned your pager yesterday, needs must)

    Full Member


    Full Member

    The agent that Mossad had got placed inside Hezbollah who ordered these particular pagers presumably.

    I am not sure why you think Mossad had to recruit anyone in Hezbollah. Presumably it was the Mossad agent/employee in the Hungarian factory where the pagers where manufactured, and the circuits and explosive material were installed, who were the critical person/s?

    I can’t see this causing long-term issues for Hezbollah. If Iran, and indeed Hezbollah itself, can mass produce drones then I fall to see why they wouldn’t be able to mass produce pagers.

    Pagers will simply have to be reclassified and be put in the same category as weapons, and manufactured in secure premises as presumably their missiles, drones, etc are.

    There is undoubtedly a lesson to be learnt here by governments and military across the globe, not just Hezbollah

    Full Member

    Looks like day two is walkie talkies

    I have just heard that an electric scooter has blown up.

    I wasn’t even aware that Hezbollah were using electric scooters.

    Full Member

    Could be an e-bike next with 650b wheels. So last year.

    Free Member

    I can’t see this causing long-term issues for Hezbollah.

    The amount of copium is off the charts. They’ve all had their bollocks blown off.

    Full Member

    Israel has finally managed to defeat Hezbollah? Blimey

    Full Member

    I’m leaving my mobile phone in the middle of a field tomorrow, just in case there’s a day 3!

    Full Member

    I’m saying it was a poorly targeted attack, as demonstrated by the collateral damage that has been reported.

    And you’re telling me that no other attacks of any form, from any quarter, cause any collateral damage? Seriously? Get a grip.

    Free Member

    removing him would almost certainly solve the problem, not destroying the Palestinian people.

    does he play golf ?

    Free Member

    Unless you received a pager from Hezbollah, you’re not affected. Israeli agents seem to have infiltrated the supply chain and intercepted a batch of pagers being sent to Hezbollah and then put explosives in them. If your pagers weren’t in that Hezbollah shipment, they are just regular pagers.

    WTAF has that got to do with the post I was replying to?

    The post was saying that nobody in 2024 has a use for a pager outside of terrorism or other shady purposes.

    Free Member

    well I stand corrected

    What benefits do you find they have over the more modern alternatives?

    or is it a “we’re in too deep to change our processes now” kind of arrangement?

    They don’t transmit so can be carried around sensitive electronic equipment.

    They’re intrinsically safe so long as you use an approved battery so can be used in DSEAR zones.

    You’re not reliant on a phone having signal or charge.

    You don’t have the same signal issues you do with mobile.

    Full Member

    I’d not be using the fax either.

    Free Member

    And you’re telling me that no other attacks of any form, from any quarter, cause any collateral damage? Seriously? Get a grip.

    No, I’m not telling you that. I think there are many other types of action that can cause collateral damage, surely?

    Free Member

    Any one fancy a wireless dropper   … I can only imagine the carnage that would cause if that goes off without warning.

    Full Member

    This is going to get very messy.

    Full Member

    This is going to get very messy.

    Just yet more criminal acts to lay at the doors of the Israeli government led by Netanyahu, lets hope the ICC reports on Friday with an International arrest warrant for the prick

    Full Member

    That maybe correct but it seems hardly likely that pagers used by racist, fascist, terrorists, are going to carried by innocent civilians.

    Why would they want them? For what purpose?

    I still stand by my statement that is a very precisely targeted strike against their enemies.

    How do you feel about agents spreading nerve poisons on doorknobs? That’s a pretty precisely targeted strike, right?

    Full Member

    We all know Russia won’t accept any criminal acts but the West needs to stop Netanyahu as these are crimes. It has to stop.

    Full Member

    We all know Russia won’t accept any criminal acts but the West needs to stop Netanyahu as these are crimes. It has to stop.

    These attacks are war crimes, they will no doubt inflame tensions, but Hezbollahs rockets are even more indescriminate and 30,000+ Israelis have been evacuated from homes in northern Israel since Hezbollah started their latest wave of attacks.

    I still stand by my statement that is a very precisely targeted strike against their enemies.

    Innocent civilians including kids have been wounded and killed by the pagers, you can’t send 1000s of explosive stuffed gadgets into a country and not expect collateral damage.
    What’s bonkers is that by nenetnayhus standards it was restrained

    Free Member

    Pagers traditionally dont use rechargeable cells, but use AA cells.

    There is an N cell available, same diameter as AA but half the length…….giving space for an explosive material.

    Also, access to the POCSAG operating system has been gained and then the access to send the radio transmission as an ‘all call’.

    (Spent 5 years with a UK based pager manufacturer……well before all of this happened)

    Full Member

    but Hezbollahs rockets are even more indescriminate

    Certainly Israel has easy access to the most advanced precision weapons in the world (who would have thought it) but Hezbollah is currently building up an arsenal of Iranian manufactured precision missiles. Their ability to hit precise targets is likely to increase significantly in the near future.

    Full Member

    This is going to get very messy.

    Just yet more criminal acts to lay at the doors of the Israeli government led by Netanyahu, lets hope the ICC reports on Friday with an International arrest warrant for the prick

    I think he was referring to this thread ;-)

    Full Member

    **** Religion again eh… FFS

    Free Member

    There are international agreements banning the use of booby trapped items, the use of which constitute war crimes.

    Israel are a signatory…

    Netanyahu is a war criminal.

    Full Member

    I am fairly sure that Netanyahu is a nonbeliever fossy, so I have no doubt that he would agree with your sentiments. Although the religious nutters in his far-right government I dare say wouldn’t.

    Full Member

    Netanyahu is a war criminal.

    I don’t think we needed any exploding pagers to come to that conclusion. That threshold was passed quite some time ago

    The Israelis are genocidal and just think they can do whatever the **** they like with complete impunity

    I used to work with an Israeli, who was and is an utter **** and an avowed Zionist. I have him added on social media and his posts over the last 12 months has been a fascinating insight into what people like him think about all this

    This is what he reposted yesterday. Hilarious, I’m sure you’ll agree. There were lots of laughing emoji’s as commments

    They – the Zionists – are all genocidal monsters and I think we’re only just scratching the surface of what they’re prepared to do to wipe out their ‘enemies’, real or imagined, with little or no regard for the collateral damage they inflict

    God only knows what they have to do before they get seriously taken to task about their murderous ambition

    Starting another war seems to be a given


    Full Member

    He’s just posted this. Yet more hilarity. Those zionists eh? They do like a laugh


    Full Member

    A short piece taken from The Atlantic, the rest of the story is paywalled, but it gives a bit more background info:

    Yesterday, pagers used by Hezbollah operatives exploded simultaneously in Lebanon and Syria, killing at least a dozen people and injuring thousands. Today brought another mass detonation in Lebanon, this time involving walkie-talkies. The attacks are gruesome and shocking. An expert told the Associated Press that the pagers received a message that caused them to vibrate in a way that required someone to press buttons to stop it. That action appears to have triggered the explosion. At a funeral in Beirut, a loudspeaker reportedly called for people to turn off their phones, illustrating a fear that anydevice could actually be a bomb, including the one in your pocket.

    Full Member

    Don’t fear the beeper……

    And no one will be going to a Plant and Paige reunion……

    Full Member

    Apparently a lot of the wounded will be particularly to face and eyes as the pagers bleeped first, so they were held up to be looked at. I’m guessing the numbers of those blinded etc will come to be known in the next few days. Horrendous.

    Full Member

    I can’t see this causing long-term issues for Hezbollah

    It’s likely a prelude to an Israeli ground invasion of Lebanon, they’ve effectively cut off communication between Hezbollah fighters and with their c&c in the short-term so now would be the time to exploit that.

    Free Member

    What benefits do you find they have over the more modern alternatives?

    or is it a “we’re in too deep to change our processes now” kind of arrangement?

    They use them in many factories as well. They’re robust, simple and small, it buzzes, you read a short text message on screen, you put them away. Minimal distraction in a noisy/dangerous environment.

    Full Member

    I think the term ‘targeted‘ has been overused here ‘profiled‘ is perhaps more apt.

    The other thing that it raises is the question of when is an attack over a border, not an attack? If the IDF had simultaneously popped 1700 odd guided missiles into Lebanon all heading towards the best estimate location of a number of Hezbollah members it would have been called a military attack, and the high probability of collateral deaths would have drawn criticism.

    This is only really different in that it uses a non-ballistic device and the explosive power of each device is much smaller. But it seems to have wrong footed the international community a fair bit, many of them seem unsure how to respond/comment on pager attacks despite it still being a clear escalatory action.

    Free Member

    Seems like Israel’s final solution to the Palestinian ‘problem’ was already very well planned.

    And I use that phrase, with all its connotations, deliberately.

    I’m bereft of hope. Netanyahu knows he can get away with genocide and he’s doing it. Right now in 2024.

    Full Member

    I’m bereft of hope. Netanyahu knows he can get away with genocide and he’s doing it. Right now in 2024.

    My view as well. Of all the people to understand the horrors that entails, defies belief.

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