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  • Every gadget with a battery is a bomb?
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    Free Member

    So it’s all apparently acceptable (if true) for a foreign nation to explode devices across various countries?

    I have no time for Hezbollah or the IDF but to be frank this is going to cost lives and escalate a war.

    Full Member

    I wonder if they intercepted them on a truck and swapped them out for the ones they had put the explosives in. Only need to get to one driver potentially and you’d want to use the option that involved the least possible amount people.

    Full Member

    Mr Attenborough is in serious danger if fax machines are targeted…and he is a national treasure!!!

    Full Member

    holding thousands of Palestinian prisoners undoubtedly plays a part in that.

    It’s best they’re called what they are – Hostages.

    In the use of language, the Israelis will never call them that, and only ever refer to those being held by Hamas as hostages. It is because criminals dont have prisoners, they have hostages.

    Full Member

    oldmanmtb2Free Member
    So it’s all apparently acceptable (if true) for a foreign nation to explode devices across various countries?

    I have no time for Hezbollah or the IDF but to be frank this is going to cost lives and escalate a war.

    Thats netanyahu’s “master” plan, he’ll remove Gallant and replace him with a arse licker warmonger from the far right as gallant has been trying to hold him back from all out escalation.

    Shame Netanyahu didn’t have a pager planted on him, good riddance to bad rubbish.

    Full Member

    This is some nobbling of a specific supply chain – I suppose large orders for pagers aren’t a thing these days, and whoever knew this was happening got in there early and knew there would be a big order for these devices – just hope none went elsewhere. Quite astonishing really, but evidently possible these days.

    Free Member

    Another wild theory for you:

    All the Hezbollah pagers are made locally and have the self destruction charge built into them. So that they can be remotely detonated if they fall into enemy hands – simultaneously destroying the device and hopefully maiming an enemy. Somone (probably Israel) hacked them and triggered the self destruct.

    Free Member

    this is what’s far-fetched! Sounds like a plot from that terrible BBC 1 spy-show Bugs. It’s just random buzz-words strung together in a sentence  :)

    No it’s not.

    See that thing where people get all proud about their ignorance, that’s what you’re doing.

    Full Member

    Mr Attenborough is in serious danger if fax machines are targeted…and he is a national treasure!!!

    He’s OK. He answered my email today.

    Free Member

    What if STW were a conduit for anti UK propaganda and there were spies amongst us, especially in all those political threads?

    And, who’s recommended a Chinese EV recently, or a smartphone?

    I’m staying away from anything with “self driving” abilities ;)

    Free Member

    Doesn’t sound any more wild than any of the other theories, Sobriety. I’ll adopt it as most probable till I hear something more plausible.

    Free Member

    I read an article a while back about the risk of car and appliance tech being compromised. It seemed quite alarming. Even the ability to just brick something remotely!

    Full Member

    This is why I’ve ditched my pager and I’m now using two cups and string!

    Full Member

    So what happens next?

    Hezbollah must be in disarray, seems like golden opportunity for Israel to move in?

    Full Member

    this is going to cost lives and escalate a war.

    I suspect that is thinking behind the decision to detonate them now. It has been clear for a long time that Netanyahu desperately wants to expand the war to involve Hezbollah so to draw less critical support from Western allies with the primary purpose of saving his own political skin.

    The last thing he wants is peace as it would signal the end of his position of Israeli leadership. Never ending wars of the intensity Israel is currently experiencing are not sustainable but he isn’t going to worry about Israel going down with him, he’s frankly a psychopath.

    And to be fair the Israeli state is in a death spiral anyway.

    Full Member

    Just imagine the chaos if Mossad start targeting fax machines?

    If Hezbollah used the old Nokia bricks no one would have felt a thing!

    Full Member

    Just imagine the chaos if Mossad start targeting fax machines?

    No one would be able to buy a house in the UK for a start.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    Definitely more than the battery exploding from what I seen on Telegram

    Vans here to post that. I know next to nothing about explosives but I have seen a few batteries go pop (some made to deliberately) and the videos of these pagers going bang looks way more abrupt than a battery somehow being triggered.

    Netanyahu seems hell bent on creating a wider regional war in order to stay in power. Pretty bloody extraordinary and probably helps seal the fate of many of the remaining Israeli hostages. :-(

    Full Member

    They’ve simultaneously hospitalised significant numbers of commanders, (suspect the foot soldiers wouldn’t have been equipped) and knackered the communications network. It’s a bloody devious ploy and technically/organisationally clever too

    The Israelis government and security forces are still horrible bastards though.

    Full Member

     I’m now using two cups and string!

    I’ve seen that video I think.

    Full Member

    They’ve simultaneously hospitalised significant numbers of commanders, (suspect the foot soldiers wouldn’t have been equipped) and knackered the communications network.

    Yup, and can you imagine how devastating that would have been for Hezbollah had that happen during a major full-scale conflict with Israel?

    So why has Israel decided to do it now, are they about to launch a full-scale attack? If not why waste your trump card on a less effective outcome?

    Hezbollah will definitely learn lessons from this and it is something which will never be repeated again, certainly not on that scale.

    What will Israel have actually achieved if they don’t follow it up with an invasion of Southern Lebanon? Nothing really I would have thought.

    Edit: Is it linked to this? A decision taken yesterday evening.

    Israel sets new war goal of returning residents to the north


    That would require a full-scale war with Hezbollah and the invasion of Southern Lebanon

    Free Member

    It is scary how many innovative ways humans   Isrealis can come up with to maim and kill each other


    Free Member

    Dear god! Just imagine the chaos if Mossad start targeting fax machines?

    Or ebikes in the uplift queue!

    Full Member

    It’s just random buzz-words strung together in a sentence  :)

    It made perfect sense to me. *shrug emoji*

    It is scary how many innovative ways humans can come up with to maim and kill each other


    Israelis have no monopoly on innovation when it comes to using interesting ways to kill and maim each other, after all humans have had thousands of years of practice.

    Oh, and I’ve spelt Israeli correctly for you – it’s Netanyahu who is the problem, not the Israeli people, he’s been indulging himself in finding ways of ethnic cleansing, or should I say ‘solving the Palestine problem’ ever since he came to power; removing him would almost certainly solve the problem, not destroying the Palestinian people.

    Full Member

    I doubt removing Netanyahu would make the slightest bit of difference at this stage, almost the entire Israeli government needs to be routed

    In other news the pagers have been identified and the company has its own Wikipedia page

    Free Member

    Agents become less reliable if they are motivated purely by money.

    Something you’d like to share with the group?

    Full Member

     I’m now using two cups and string!

    I’ve seen that video I think.

    Deserved more recognition

    Full Member

    it’s Netanyahu who is the problem

    It really isn’t, Netanyahu is the symptom. Israel has spent the last 75 years moving evermore to the right, Netanyahu is the logical consequence of that. The problem is zionism.

    Similarly Hamas are not the problem, 75 years of injustices are. Hamas are the symptom.

    Full Member

    So why has Israel decided to do it now, are they about to launch a full-scale attack?

    Because you need to do it quickly, enough time for them to be distributed but not so long that someone curious has one that isn’t working and decides to take it apart to see if they can fix it

    Full Member

    According to this article the modifications to the pagers were made at production level, not in the supply chain, and were apparently totally impossible to detect. And the pagers had been in operation for months.

    They were also manufactured in Europe.


    Full Member

    it’s Netanyahu who is the problem, not the Israeli people

    I know! Since he took power by way of a military coup and ruled the country as a despotic dictatorship, the peace-loving majority of Israelis have been powerless to do anything about his tyranny

    I really feel for them. It must break their hearts daily having to witness all this

    Free Member

    This is massively irresponsible of Israel. Even if the target is hezbollah fighters, there is absolutely zero way they could avoid collateral damage.

    If they had been packed with explosives, im surprised not one of them has been through an airport scanner at some point, ie the Iranian ambassador who apparently had one. God forbid it had gone off in a plane

    The Israeli government are an evil bunch of shits for sure and this latest act has just condemned ordinary Israelis and everyone else in the near vicinity to even more misery and suffering

    Latest reports say they suspected that hezbollah may have got wind of the scheme so decided to set then off early. So no real provocation to do it, just wanted to kill as many people as they could ‘just because they can’

    Full Member

    From a Mossad POV, it clearly highlights who is and isn’t a member of Hezbollah. It neuters Hezbollah’s communication network and may provide the northern enclaves some respite from rocket attack.

    It’s cunning, desperate, dangerous and impressive. There will be a significant amount of Hezbollah resource now spent in identifying the mole.

    Whether it will bring peace, who knows, but the Lebanese Govt have an opportunity to show they are on the side of peace, rather than harbouring a proscribed organisation.

    Free Member

    This is massively irresponsible of Israel. Even if the target is hezbollah fighters, there is absolutely zero way they could avoid collateral damage.

    Whatever you think of the rights and wrongs of this, it has to be the most precision strike in history.

    They have targeted the senior commanders of an enemy, who have declared they will not stop until Israel is no more, with relatively tiny amounts of ordnance that is actually either in their hands or about their person.

    The amount of collateral damage must be tiny in comparison to the number of legitimate targets.

    The only people who were carrying these pagers were sworn enemies of Israel. Not just the current right wing version that they have now but any form of a Jewish State.

    Personally I think they were fair game.

    Free Member

    It is definitely a massive escalation.  Short term it will have a massive impact on Hezbollah’s ability to attack Israel.  But, I can’t see them throwing the towel in and going, well that is ok

    I bet every Iranian official is getting their phones / pagers / etc… checked over asap.

    Israel was also making threats against the Houthis for recent rocket attacks as well.

    Free Member

    The amount of collateral damage must be tiny in comparison to the number of legitimate targets

    9 People reported killed..

    One of them a 9 year old girl..

    Free Member

    One of them a 9 year old girl..


    Free Member

    The news..

    Free Member

    A source close to Hezbollah?

    Full Member

    That would require a full-scale war with Hezbollah and the invasion of Southern Lebanon

    Speaking with folk over here I think that’s the goal. They’ve activated tons of immediate call-up reservists and everyone seems to be heading up north. Reading between the lines the plan is to clear Lebanon of Hezbollah as far as the Litani River, I guess to self-enforce UN resolutions 1701 and 1556, seeing as they’ve been effectively ignored for the last 18 years.

    What that means for the general population in southern Lebanon is probably very grim.

    The other thing coming from all of this is the Taiwanese pager company whose kit was apparently intercepted/exploded, Gold Apollo, have likely had their reputation shat on beyond repair.

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