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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • DrJ
    Full Member

    Clutching at straws there DrJ, thats pure invention.

    Not really, but I do confess to a little trollery. If BoJo wants to confound the processes of the EU with Blitzkrieg then he will have to suffer some reductio ad absurdum.

    Free Member

    ^^^ agreed, as I said I think he was foolish to use the H-word so quickly after the Livingstone fiasco, perhaps The Kaiser would have been better or just stick to Napoleon. An own goal from him I think

    remember supporting fact check to check the EU figures – surely by now you know what the correct amount is it costs is due to the rebate and the money we get back. Why say something you know is not true?

    I have been waiting to see some more output from them (I htikn they raised substantially more than the £30k they where looking for). Leave possibly should have used the net figure of £225m a week rather than £350m to reduce being challenged but as you know the rebate is not written in stone and the EU are constantly threatening to remove/reduce it when we ask for stuff including on Dave’s last jaunt. As we continue to outperform the rest of the EU our contribution is going to go up

    Full Member

    Only if you believe ‘Jewish’ is a race rather than a faith.

    I think ninfan or mefty posted a legal definition of “race” recently. Nutshell: it includes lots of groups.

    Free Member

    think we got you here TFO
    Singletrack Forum: EU Referendum – are you in or out? – Post by mikewsmith (via @[singletrackmag])
    Singletrack Forum: EU Referendum – are you in or out? – Post by Junkyard (via @[singletrackmag])

    Full Member

    So there’s no control on immigration in the EU.

    I guess this is wrong and you’re right then?

    Free Member

    @Drac we are talking about cross purposes. You are speaking about coming into the EU from outside which of course a protectionist organisation like the EU is keen to control. I and Vote Leave are speaking about the inability to control immigration into the UK from the other member states which given the relative vibrancy of our economy, our language and the wealth of the UK is a major issue

    Free Member

    @binners, too cleaver for me – you’ll have to explain

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator

    So there’s no control on immigration in the EU.

    I guess this is wrong and you’re right then?

    Does that piece of information constitute as bias coming from European Commission?

    Funded by EC and to publish information about EU?

    There is ethical concerns there me think.

    A bit like asking Tobacco company to publish information regarding the prevention of smoking innit?

    Full Member

    A bit like asking Tobacco company to publish information regarding the prevention of smoking innit?

    More like the DVLA specifying driving regulations.

    Free Member

    Example. Undermining of service jobs. I have a close family member who works in IT recruitment for internet firms, they are against leaving the EU not least as their job mainly involves hiring Java programmers from Eastern Europe who undercut the resident Brits by some margin. So lower cost for business but lower wages and lower taxes for the UK.

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator

    A bit like asking Tobacco company to publish information regarding the prevention of smoking innit?

    More like the DVLA specifying driving regulations. [/quote]
    Do they drive on the right in EU? (I mean right hand drive car)
    If not then we should impose on them to have right hand drive car? Yes?

    Nope, not the same is what I am trying to say.

    If you need to justify your views using published information at least use some independent information rather than those from EC or EU.

    Free Member

    hiring Java programmers from Eastern Europe who undercut the resident Brits by some margin. So lower cost for business but lower wages and lower taxes for the UK.

    I can hire 30 in india/Malaysia/indo for the price of 1 UK dev/coder legally and easily how does leaving the eu stop this?

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member

    hiring Java programmers from Eastern Europe who undercut the resident Brits by some margin. So lower cost for business but lower wages and lower taxes for the UK.

    I can hire 30 in india/Malaysia/indo for the price of 1 UK dev/coder legally and easily how does leaving the eu stop this? [/quote]
    No you cannot!

    They might be cheap but they are not stoopid.

    Hire 3 perhaps but more than that you might as well start a head hunting company(recruitment company) coz there will be plenty of companies wanting your service.

    You can outsource part of your work but you are not hiring them at that price.

    Free Member

    @mike no you can’t – not ones any good and you can’t have them on-site in the UK

    My ex company moved its finance (accounting) department to India and it now costs more to do the work as wages have gone up, you need more than 1 person as a replacement, limited continuity of people. Also as they are not on-site supervising the work is nigh on impossible. EU is very different as the people can relocate with no visa.

    Free Member

    £1bn a month of our money to the EU for starters

    Of which we get about £5billion back – just for context. It helps to put things into context rather than just portraying that which suits..


    Free Member

    No you cannot! They might be cheap but they are not stoopid.

    Maths? I can that is the scale of what I’ve been looking at.

    Full Member

    Example. We are employing Paramedics from elsewhere in the EU as it fills our shortages quicker than the 3 years it takes to train a Paramedic.

    Full Member

    To the world. Not just EU.

    Ahhh Chewkw I forgot you cannot extrapolate.
    Being able to ensure the media is not controlled in the largest common market in the world enables the people of that area to receive different views than the ones a particular Global Corporate wants you to hear.
    These people can then influence the whole world by providing an alternate viewpoint.

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member

    No you cannot! They might be cheap but they are not stoopid

    Maths? I can that is the scale of what I’ve been looking at. [/quote]

    Nope, even with good exchange rate you cannot even hire more than 4 people (being optimistic) as employees in that part of the world.

    DaRC_L – Member

    To the world. Not just EU.

    Ahhh Chewkw I forgot you cannot extrapolate.[/quote]

    You are referring to Murdoch controlling the world media. I think you have given him too much credit. I really doubt he can control the internet. To control news on telly to some extend yes but internet?

    Free Member

    Who said employees, hourly rate grunts. Cheap and desperate ready to drive down the prices and wages of UK people eu or no eu

    Free Member

    My ex company moved its finance (accounting) department to India and it now costs more to do the work as wages have gone up, you need more than 1 person as a replacement, limited continuity of people. Also as they are not on-site supervising the work is nigh on impossible. EU is very different as the people can relocate with no visa.

    Ok, so we know now that your ex-company aren’t able to add up and/or correctly budget – but tbh that is pretty much like most of the oursources’ I’ve seen and they always ‘forget’ costs.

    And presumably your second point is telling us why the EU is a GOOD thing? 😉

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member
    Who said employees, hourly rate grunts. Cheap and desperate ready to drive down the prices and wages of UK people eu or no eu

    Outsourcing is different a different story.

    We are not talking about outsourcing.

    P/s: Hourly rate? Yes, we love hourly rate in the far east coz the hours will never end. There’s a reason why there is no such thing as hourly rate in IT in the far east. In fact, hourly rate is not even common. Yes, please pay hourly rate …

    Full Member

    And let’s have a little think about where the UK economy was before the 1975 EU Referendum?

    I think the terms “on it’s knees” would be accurate, rated 6th in the world just above Italy. Currently we’ve moved up 1 place, despite the rise of many other economies such as India & China, and have a vibrant & healthy economy.
    So in true British style “Vote Leave” want to shoot any continued success in the foot, grasping defeat from victory.

    Britain was, is and will be built on immigration, in the modern age the Germans (George 1 and Handel plus his 12 music manufacturing apostles), Huguenots and the migrants from the Imperial age.
    Currently they are paying old people’s pensions, propping up the NHS and all other benefits native British people have come to expect as some sort of entitlement.

    The illusion of control with regards to local nationalistic politics and is the basis of delusional “Vote Leave” arguments around sovereignty.

    Should keep you busy for the afternoon…

    Free Member

    @Drac yes indeed and I would expect them to be able to get a visa quickly and easily under a system of controlled immigration with verified qualifications – simples ! Also they would pay for that visa instead of us paying into the EU and having no control over who comes.

    @MrLeb – I included the rebate, also the economic benefit from trading with the EU we would still get even if we left and even if we had had no free trade deal (possibly reduced but as we import more than we export if there where tariffs we’d likely be a winner). It’s quite impossible for us to get back 5 times what we put in, it’s a zero sum game if we where getting so much out other countries would be losing massively, which they are not. We pay in massively on a net basis, its how the EU works – the intention is to grow / develop the whole and therefore come out better off. Except that isn’t working. The €350bn gift to Greece alone has undone any good work IMO

    @br I’d be happy to see a visa based system where we could hire the best whether they be from India or Hungary rather than the current system which is massively skewed in the Hungarians favour and we PAY for it to be that way.

    Free Member

    @Drac that long Brexit film covered that very eloquently. It was a fact that excessive government control had held the UK back post the war, it is a fact that Labour under Foot (?) fought an election on the manifesto we would withdraw from the EU as membership prevented the Labour government having the controls it wanted. This is one of the reasons Corbyn has been a lifelong eurosceptic/Leaver

    Posters here again are assuming Leavers are anti-immigration. We are not, we a pro CONTROLLED immigration. We are against the EU, we are pro Europe

    Full Member

    from nazis to nessie, now

    Free Member

    DaRC_L – Member
    The illusion of control with regards to local nationalistic politics and is the basis of delusional “Vote Leave” arguments around sovereignty.

    Should keep you busy for the afternoon…

    Vote Leave coz there is nothing to fear.

    That does not even take 30 seconds of my time.

    Full Member

    Drac yes indeed and I would expect them to be able to get a visa quickly and easily under a system of controlled immigration with verified qualifications – simples ! Also they would pay for that visa instead of us paying into the EU and having no control over who comes.

    I’m sure you’re on crack.

    Free Member

    I’m sure you’re on crack.

    🙂 If so can I rely on you to resuscitate me ?

    Vote Leave coz there is nothing to fear.

    This 1000 times. As others have said, the UK outside the EU will look like the UK in the same was there US, Canada, Australia etc look like. Maybe we will look like Switzerland and be wishing the EEA, maybe not.

    As for we have to Remain or Murdoch will take over, come on 😯 The fellow isn’t going to be around too much longer and we are talking about our future for many many decades to come why give Murdoch power he doesn’t have ?

    I see Goldmine Stacks Chairman has come out vote Leave singing a letter to The Times saying the UK would prosper outside. A personal opinion vs the (US?) corporate position of remain and a donor.

    Free Member

    @kimbers Shergar too (even if Osbourne can’t pronounce it correctly and he should leave the wise cracks to Boris, he reminded me of that fellow in Good Morning Vietnam trying to do the jokes)

    Free Member

    Paul Mason in the Guardian (only quoted the first bit 😉 )

    The leftwing case for Brexit is strategic and clear. The EU is not – and cannot become – a democracy. Instead, it provides the most hospitable ecosystem in the developed world for rentier monopoly corporations, tax-dodging elites and organised crime. It has an executive so powerful it could crush the leftwing government of Greece; a legislature so weak that it cannot effectively determine laws or control its own civil service. A judiciary that, in the Laval and Viking judgments, subordinated workers’ right to strike to an employer’s right do business freely.

    Its central bank is committed, by treaty, to favour deflation and stagnation over growth. State aid to stricken industries is prohibited. The austerity we deride in Britain as a political choice is, in fact, written into the EU treaty as a non-negotiable obligation. So are the economic principles of the Thatcher era.

    A Corbyn-led Labour government would have to implement its manifesto in defiance of EU law.


    Full Member

    From the same article…..

    Now here’s the practical reason to ignore it. In two words: Boris Johnson. The conservative right could have conducted the leave campaign on the issues of democracy, rule of law and UK sovereignty, leaving the economics to the outcome of a subsequent election. Instead Johnson, Michael Gove and the Tory right are seeking a mandate via the referendum for a return to full-blown Thatcherism: less employment regulation, lower wages, fewer constraints on business. If Britain votes Brexit, then Johnson and Gove stand ready to seize control of the Tory party and turn Britain into a neoliberal fantasy island.

    Sounds great!

    Free Member

    I would expect them to be able to get a visa quickly and easily under a system of controlled immigration with verified qualifications – simples

    There is almost no end to the wonderful things you think will happen post exit though

    I see Goldmine Stacks Chairman has come out vote Leave

    I see you have not ranted about the establishment – actually yesterday or the day before you were using them as a means to attack the Remain…remember that bit about having principles…you are Boris and I claim my right to a game of wiff waff

    Free Member

    I was honest enough to say I wasn’t quoting the whole article. He does however finish with the fact he’s for Brexit.

    If so – even though the political conditions for a left Brexit are absent today – I will want out soon.

    If he wants out now is the time, we won’t be asked again


    I see you have not ranted about the establishment

    But you claim it’s boring if I repeat the same stuff too many times, no ? 8)

    Free Member

    yes consistency is indeed boring 😛

    Very funny

    Free Member

    @MrLeb – I included the rebate

    Yes, you did.

    BUT, you left out how much EU money comes BACK into the UK AFTER the rebate & AFTER we’ve paid in which is roughly £5b….reducing payments to £8bish – QUITE different to your figure of £12bish…

    Come on, stop treating folks like fools! Stop leaving out facts which don’t support your argument – you just make yourself look really rather silly when you’re so easily found out.

    CAVEAT: I’m no economist & I may well be wrong with those numbers & misunderstood….if so 😳

    (Though, I think I’m on pretty solid ground!)

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member 
    I was honest enough to say I wasn’t quoting the whole article. He does however finish with the fact he’s for Brexit.

    So what? It’s Paul Mason – who cares?

    Full Member

    reducing payments to £8bish – QUITE different to your figure of £12bish.

    This is a big frustration with both sides of the campaign, every statement is built on lies and half truths

    the battlebus is a classic example of a lie being written high n mighty as truth (standard practice for bojo)

    its just remarkable that all of a sudden certain Tories have mysteriously forgotten about Thatcher’s rebate! 🙄

    Free Member

    Is it remarkable? They have lied consistently about all the key issues – the fact that the are “bold” enough to put lies on the battle bus just shows the contempt with which they hold the UK public. Its utterly shameful and they should be judged very harshly.

    Free Member

    If everyone is telling lies then who are the fools? Just asking like.

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