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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • Tom_W1987
    Free Member

    Hahah Aracer, this will be the reaction of Londoners to white Geordie immigrants.

    Free Member

    Less our rebate etc, (but if it’s good enough to write on a bus……)

    Kimbers I always use the figure less our rebate

    Nissan may put investment on hold, I would be curious if they where actually plannig to make any. Putting investment on hold isn’t closing the factory is it ? Toyota said before the Referendum whatever the result they would stay pit.

    UK govt can sign a trade deal making car’s tariff free into UK from Japan on the basis Nissan etc keep factories in the UK ? I strongly suspect EU will agree tariff free cars anyway beyween UK and EU to go with financial services and food. We will of course not be bound by EU rukes somare free to import from wherever we want tariff free subject to agreements or at WTO rates as agreed.

    Free Member

    @mike I bet also despite havng no long term right of residence in Australia you own a house ? You are making an educated risk assesment.

    Guess what like every other thing you try and claim in this thread you are wrong.

    And as you seem to be trying really hard to miss the point eu nationals and UK nationals made a decision based on facts and rules that are now all up for change. Playing fast and loose with negotiations is playing with people’s lives.

    Free Member


    Britain does not have its own schedules. We have EU schedules. Fox can say we have our own if he likes, but officials and lawyers at the WTO will disagree. We need to extract our schedules from the EU schedule, which is actually a horrifically difficult problem.

    It’s not hard with tariffs, we can just replicate what the EU does there. But the tariff rate quotas are a nightmare, because they’re quantitative.

    The WTO is minefield for British trade interests which will need a very experienced, very intelligent, very sensitive negotiating team to navigate. Fox’s speech does not suggest these things will be forthcoming.

    But note what that means: Nothing changes. All that talk of taking back control during the referendum was illusionary. We will keep things exactly as they are, because that’s the only way to make the journey from the single market to WTO rules even vaguely doable. We’re not taking back control. We are desperately trying to make a massive and perilous change in our economic arrangements without triggering huge job losses. And that means that we will copy whatever our EU arrangements were and paste them onto the WTO schedules.

    Foxy Bingo

    It’s not just about picking an arbitrary tariff and adding that to an invoice.

    Free Member

    Nissan may put investment on hold, I would be curious if they where actually plannig to make any. Putting investment on hold isn’t closing the factory is it ? Toyota said before the Referendum whatever the result they would stay pit.

    It’s the first step in shutting the place if you’ve any experience of manufacturing. Investment doesn’t mean buying new shining stuff or building new units, facilities need large annual investment to do all the renewals and general upkeep. Essentially it can signal a ‘run it into the ground” philosophy as the owner tries to extract as much value for a few years before shutting.

    Full Member

    And Toyota are saying the same.

    Free Member

    All that talk of taking back control during the referendum was illusionary.

    It was a quite amazing phrase, who came up with it because I reckon in future years it’ll be taught. As in, a 1st class marketing exercise in how to persuade a load of folk who haven’t a Scooby what the implications are to vote for something that will (on the whole) screw most of them who voted for it*.

    * – based on the only folk I know that voted Leave are lower-working class in both background and thought, are they’re the ones who’ll be certainly screwed over. In fact, Jamba, are you David Davies? 😉

    Do we know who it was?

    Full Member

    You can understand why Nissan are nervous, conflicting signals from Davies, Fox, Johnson* and May about whether we will stay in the free market have undoubtedly got a lot of manufacturers very concerned.
    On the plus side I’m sure Dyson will be moving their factories back here 🙂

    Borris was hilarious as usual on his recent trip to Turkey
    Apparently we’ll be part of a “jumbo free trade area” which is funny, coz we all ready are, of course Turkey are bound by EU customs regs so can’t negotiate with us sperately.
    Then he promised to help with Turkeys accesion as a full member….. which we’ll have no say over as we’ll be out 🙄

    Free Member

    Kimbers I always use the figure less our rebate

    Well that’s an outright lie right there!

    You know Jambas I’d have more respect for you if you did stop lying so…..you seem quite a bright & erudite chap but, bloody hell you’re far too economical with the truth for my liking!

    Free Member

    Come on Jamba, it’s Friday. Give us some more Jambafacts, I need a laugh!

    Free Member

    No one could be this hypocritical or untruthful without effort and I have concluded he does all this for shits and giggles

    he claims to have a degree and post grad from Oxford so he just cannot be this dense unless its deliberate

    Jambalies are deliberate basically -essentially if he is typing he is trolling/lying

    Free Member


    Having a laugh at the rest of us for 10,000 posts?

    He should get an STW readers award if so!

    Full Member

    Is he even a person or some sort of brexitbot programmed to counter any pro eu content on the internet whatever time of day?
    Could be.

    Free Member

    What he’s doing is spinning, to justify his pre-established point of view.

    Most of us do it to some extent, just not that blatantly.

    Free Member

    Mtth 7:3

    He may be talking a lot of baloney on the EU/Brexit including the post above but at least he is not simply playing the man. Well done guys, Jambas shins will be multi-coloured this morning. You must be very pleased.

    Full Member

    What a mess. And what a time to have lightweights like Fox and Bojo (May?) running the place.

    Full Member

    THM is right.
    Don’t call jamby a liar

    Just cut and paste his posts in a kind of contradictory bingo


    Kimbers I always use the figure less our rebate

    From page 252 of this thread

    As for the £350m p/week we’ll have to wait till we are out before we are able to decide how we’ll spend that. Most of that benefit will be decided by our government in 2020

    Free Member

    In addition, when many of his points are ‘from what I remember’ or ‘I read somewhere’ but very, very rarely sourced, there is nothing to play but the man. Because it’s mostly opinion, put across rather vociferously, hence the ‘jambafact’.

    Free Member

    Well done guys, Jambas shins will be multi-coloured this morning. You must be very pleased

    I’m crying crocodile tears for poor old Jambas..

    Free Member

    Fox is excellent – what is he a DR of wishfull thinking?- I like how he wants even freer access when we leave 😆

    What he’s doing is spinning, to justify his pre-established point of view.

    Most of us do it to some extent, just not that blatantly.
    Yesterday he explained how the weakening pound was great but the weakening euro meant the EU was “shitting” itself. No one is this fluid with their arguments. Kimbers has provided another example of this “fluid” approach. What he said was untrue you can call it a lier him being forgetful but it is not spin it just untrue

    Look this is the strongest defence one can make of him and it includes agreeing he talks nonsense

    He may be talking a lot of baloney on the EU/Brexit including the post above but at least he is not simply playing the man. Well done guys, Jambas shins will be multi-coloured this morning. You must be very pleased.

    No one is pleased with it but it is not actually untrue as even you conclude.We are not playing the man we are simply stating what the man does which is to spout baloney. No other poster gets accused of lying on here with the regularity he does and by so many posters. You can blame those who do it, which now includes you, albeit slightly politer, or him for doing “spouting baloney” as you see fit.

    Most folk just think he does what has been proved on this page by Kimbers We could do examples every single day of this eventually, as evidenced on this and other threads, folk just end up tagging things as #jambyfact or jambliar.
    WHilst I can see why some see it as playing the man the real problem is that its true that he does this and therefore folk will keep saying it

    Free Member

    Am guessing that the £350m will be spent compensating companies for the additional tariff payments that will be imposed on them.

    Free Member

    As I mentioned earlier in the week, whoa is me 🙂

    The UK’s new information commissioner has called for the country to adopt forthcoming EU data protection laws, despite its plan to leave the Union.

    “I don’t think Brexit should mean Brexit when it comes to standards of data protection,” Elizabeth Denham told BBC Radio 4’s PM programme.


    Full Member

    Jamba – Nissan invest in new model production on about a 5 year basis as I recall. What they are essentially saying is we’ll continue making the current models in Sunderland (somebody called them Geordies!!!), but the replacement Quashqai (which will require significant investment) will be made at a European plant (somewhere else in the Renault Nissan Alliance) unless the European sales are cost effective after tariffs and subsidies. Apparently the current Quashqai is 80% exported to Europe. Alternatively I believe they already planned to make some in Sunderland and some in France(?) – they might just shift the proportions.

    So the plant won’t close immediately – it’ll wither on the vine. But the economy may move and something else may happen.

    7000 direct jobs and 50,000 indirect apparently.

    Free Member

    Am guessing that the £350m will be spent compensating companies for the additional tariff payments that will be imposed on them

    The WTO has rules on state aid (as does the EU) So it will probably be spent on lawyers arguing over international trade disputes.

    Free Member

    igm – Member
    So the plant won’t close immediately – it’ll wither on the vine. But the economy may move and something else may happen.

    Nissan is threatening because it’s overlord is Renault so I suspect it’s probably a political reason rather than market sense. Yes, the Korean brands may enter market …

    Free Member

    UK Growth revised up. Deutsche bank approaching freefall

    Not looking good for Europe is it?

    Full Member

    ninfan – Member
    UK Growth revised up. Deutsche bank approaching freefall

    Not looking good for Europe is it?

    phew im glad we arent in Europe and that Deutschebank dont employ 12000 people in London 😯

    Free Member

    I am also pleased that the growth figure form before we had the brexit vote has been revised upwards. If that does not indicate the effects of the brexit vote on the U economy then i dont know what stat will

    Free Member

    phew im glad we arent in Europe and that Deutschebank dont employ 12000 people in London

    Don’t worry, we have healthy banks like RBS who aren’t at all propped up with BoE money.

    Free Member

    Kimbers the two statements are consistent, it’s up to the government of the day to decide. Our government. As I have said numerous times I would support retaining the current EU grants, ie 55 pence in the pound we send to the EU. As such the bugest savibg is £10bn (or £8.5bn using @mike’s figures – same same if you ask me) Certainly for the time being. Is every £ well targetted, I am certain it’s not ? Why shouldn’t these payments be subject to review by OUR government

    Free Member

    Kimbers the two statements are consistent,

    and this is why he gets insulted ;that is self evidently untrue. What does that make him then? Essentially he is either a liar or a moron as that is just not factually correct.

    When you deal with a person happy to do this its inevitable folk will eventually just give up and call him names.

    Full Member

    Its pretty good really, having someone exemplify so well why the pro brexit arguments were based falsehoods

    Its a common tactic in politics
    say something with conviction, in an authoritative manner and people will believe you and not bother to check your facts

    Its something that Borris Johnson does very well

    Free Member

    Deutsche bank approaching freefall

    Not looking good for Europe is it?

    yeah cos the effect of Lehmans Brothers going to the wall was only felt in the US.

    Full Member

    When you deal with a person happy to do this its inevitable folk will eventually just give up and call him names.

    I\m sure Jamba won\t be losing sleep over this, but for me it also impacts his comments on other threads, so for example when he gives advice about Mac stuff, or Paris itineraries, I assume that that is a load of blx as well. Sad, really.

    Free Member

    I\m sure Jamba won\t be losing sleep over this, but for me it also impacts his comments on other threads, so for example when he gives advice about Mac stuff, or Paris itineraries, I assume that that is a load of blx as well. Sad, really.

    killfile for the win.

    Full Member

    CEO of Jaguar, Land Rover also wants UK to stay in single market.

    57% of car built in the UK go inside the EU.
    Next market is US but with only 12%. ( source Independent, can’t do link) .

    Full Member
    Free Member

    UK Growth revised up. Deutsche bank approaching freefall
    Not looking good for Europe is it?

    1 a revision of an estimate – so what?
    2 pre-dates crisis, recession, Brexit

    Not sure what either add to the debate re our relationship with Europe? Can you advise?

    Free Member

    Can someone on the brexit side explain why all the crowing over the economic problems in Europe? Our greatest customers and probably greatest source of external investment (I havent looked this up), and we are supposed to be jumping for joy that they might not be doing so well – in fact, jumping for joy at the thought that the brexit vote is actually adding to their problems? I just don’t get it. Economics is not a zero-sum game and we haven’t been at war with Germany for 70 years.

    Free Member

    Indeed, cap’n it’s infantile. We should be looking at ways where we both benefit not both lose. It’s narrow-minded and ignorant to relish weaker growth/problems in Europe. But this has been a characteristic of BSers approach all along.

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